Current Conference Proceedings Volume

The CoastLab conference series concentrates on physical modelling and measurements in Coastal Engineering and Science. CoastLab24 is the ninth in a series of successful conferences held in different locations around the world. It was hosted by Delft University of Technology on 13-16 May 2024, and organized under the auspices of IAHR. This website hosts the various publications that show the contents of the (technical) knowledge that was exchanged during this conference. Besides advances on classical topics like flood safety, wave-structure interaction, coastal structures, and modelling techniques, specifics advances in specific topics like modelling nature, infragravity waves, field measurements and renewable energy were presented. Program of CoastLab2024.
Several papers presented at the conference have been published in the diamond open access Journal of Coastal and Hydraulic Structures. These peer reviewed journal papers are part of the Coastlab24 Thematic Series (deadline 30 June 2024) and are presented next to the Extended Abstract that is formally part of the proceedings below.