Physical Modelling Of Propeller Jet Induced Scour Near Quay Walls


  • C. VAN NIEUWENHUIZEN Deltares, The Netherlands, Hydraulic Engineering unit
  • A.J. VAN DER HOUT Deltares, The Netherlands
  • H.I.S. NOGUEIRA Deltares, The Netherlands
  • W. BAKKER Deltares, The Netherlands
  • G. BROCCA DT Business Unit Corporate Technical Office, Officine Maccaferri S.p.A., Italy
  • P. DI PIETRO DT Business Unit Corporate Technical Office, Officine Maccaferri S.p.A., Italy



Propeller Jets, Bed Protection, Particle Image Velocimetry, Stereo Photography, PIV seeding


Ship propellers cause high flow velocities near quay walls, jetties, locks and other hydraulic structures which can lead to scour of the bed near these structures and potentially result in instabilities of the construction. Bed protection is commonly applied as a measure to prevent damage and increase the life span of such hydraulic structures. When designing bed protection, the existing guidelines e.g. (PIANC 2015, BAW 2010) may not always result in optimal designs due to simplifications made in jet-flow schematizations and uncertainty of propeller-induced loads. To improve these design guidelines and optimize bed protection, a working group led by CROW and the Dutch Government was formed, and a joint research programme was initiated aiming at developing knowledge on propeller jet-induced scour by combining field measurements (Tukker 2021), scale model tests (Deltares 2023), and numerical modelling. The objective of the presentation during the Coastlab24 conference is to provide an overview of the various measurement techniques applied in the present research.




Conference Proceedings Volume


Extended abstracts
