Generation Of Scaled Long-Period Ship Waves In A Pump-Driven Flume


  • CHRISTINA CARSTENSEN Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute, Germany
  • FABIAN KARL Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute, Germany
  • GREGOR MELLING Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute, Germany
  • BERNHARD KONDZIELLA Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute
  • LARS TRETAU Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute, Germany



Primary Ship Wave, Closed-Circuit Flume, Wave Generation, Laboratory Scale, Finite Difference Method


Experimental investigations on the generation of long-period, primary ship waves using a pump-driven technique in a closed-circuit flume are presented. Long-period ship waves can have a major impact on river banks and engineering structures. As larger ship dimensions accompanied by a corresponding rise in loads are expected in the future, the characterisation of long-period ship waves and understanding their impact on bank protection and engineering structures is crucial, especially for appropriate design. Our study combines a closed-loop PID controlled wave generation with a numerical finite difference method (FDM) model. This setup offers the advantage of generating repeatable waves at arbitrary positions along the test section of the laboratory flume. The experiments conducted demonstrate a good reproduction of a scaled long-period ship wave signal (1:10) in a distance of approximately 9 m from the flume inlet. The combination of the PID controlled pump-driven technique with a numerical model provides a solid basis for further studies on ship-induced loads, with the aim to predict future wave loads, better understand the wave-structure-interaction and to mitigate potential damage.




Conference Proceedings Volume


Conference papers
