Concrete Armour Unit Breakwater Physical Model Monitoring With 3D Modeling Tools
breakwater, 3D model, point cloud, monitoringAbstract
SEABIM® is a patented scan to BIM process that can generate a reliable and complete 3D model of a rubble-mound breakwater precast protective layer (Xbloc®, Accropode™, Core-loc™ etc.). Using computer vision techniques, the known 3D shape of the Concrete Armour Units (CAU) is detected in a high-resolution point cloud, which allows to obtain the position and orientation of each unit relative to the cloud. By superimposing 3D models produced from different scans at different dates, the movement of each block can then be quantified and represented as a vector.
For natural riprap armours, a point cloud segmentation algorithm is applied. Each rock is identified, and then geometric characteristics of the armour can be computed (apparent rock diameters, placement density), and the movement between each scan can be monitored.
This tool has been applied to numerous real-scale projects since 2019, both in the monitoring of newly built infrastructures and in the asset management phase (Aberdeen South Harbour, Calais port 2015, Nouvelle Route du Littoral etc...). Breakwater physical models in laboratories, in wave flumes or basins, also require monitoring of the movement of reduced-scale blocks between each wave series. With SEABIM® this movement can be computed with accuracy for each CAU, allowing for a consistent evaluation of the armour layer response to wave loads.
The automatic block detection process can be launched on the point cloud from a survey of the initial physical model, obtained either by photogrammetry or LiDAR. Then a new survey is done after each wave series in order to create a sequence of 3D models. Those models can be compared by computing the displacement vectors of the centers of gravity of the units. The vectors can be visualized using color graded arrows within the 3D model. All the information can then be exported to a spreadsheet for further analysis. Using this technique, settlement, rocking and sliding effects can be identified.
In this paper we will discuss in detail the adaptation of the survey techniques from real scale to laboratory projects (difference in scanning technique, scale effect on point cloud density etc.). Then we will explain the 3D modeling process and the applications of the 3D models for engineering analysis purposes.
Conference Proceedings Volume

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