The Surviwec Project: An Open-Source Experimental Database For Extreme Loads On A Moored Cylinder Under Regular And Focused Waves


  • BONAVENTURA TAGLIAFIERRO 1 Maritime Engineering Laboratory, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - Barcelona Tech, Spain
  • ANDREA MARZEDDU Maritime Engineering Laboratory, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - Barcelona Tech, Spain
  • CORRADO ALTOMARE Maritime Engineering Laboratory, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - Barcelona Tech, Spain
  • XAVI IRONELLA Maritime Engineering Laboratory, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - Barcelona Tech, Spain
  • JOAQUIM SOSPEDRA 1 Maritime Engineering Laboratory, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - Barcelona Tech, Spain
  • ALEJANDRO CRESPO Environmental Physics Laboratory, CIM-UVIGO, Universidade de Vigo, Spain
  • MAITE DE CASTRO Environmental Physics Laboratory, CIM-UVIGO, Universidade de Vigo, Spain
  • MONCHO GÓMEZ-GESTEIRA Environmental Physics Laboratory, CIM-UVIGO, Universidade de Vigo, Spain



Wave energy converters, Catenary lines, Tension legs, Extreme loads, Focused waves


In this work, we introduce a novel open-source experimental database focused on the dynamic response of a moored floater under both regular and focused waves. The database provides detailed information about the motion (6 DOF) of a cylindrical floating body anchored using two distinct mooring configurations. The former configuration employs four tension legs evenly distributed around the perimeter of the float. The latter, utilizes catenary connections made of steel chains. This database holds significance in three key aspects. Firstly, by leveraging one of the largest wave facilities in Europe for wave generation, the wave-structure interaction is studied on a large scale (approx. 1:10 ratio). Due to this, scale effects are minimized. Secondly, the database captures critical hydrodynamic loads, including slamming and overtopping induced by extreme waves, as well as snap loads in the mooring lines. These represent unique features of the dataset. Lastly, the tests are conducted with meticulous consideration for subsequent analytical or numerical validations: preliminary tests with regular waves are followed by investigations under extreme sea states represented by focused waves.




Conference Proceedings Volume


Extended abstracts
