About the Conference Proceedings Series

Coatlab24 - General Desciption
The CoastLab conference series concentrates on physical modelling and measurements in Coastal Engineering and Science. CoastLab24 is the ninth in a series of successful conferences held in different locations around the world. It was hosted by Delft University of Technology on 13-16 May 2024, and organized under the auspices of IAHR. This website hosts the various publications that show the contents of the (technical) knowledge that was exchanged during this conference. Besides advances on classical topics like flood safety, wave-structure interaction, coastal structures, and modelling techniques, specifics advances in specific topics like modelling nature, infragravity waves, field measurements and renewable energy were presented.

Paper types
The proceedings of Coastlab24 contain publications that deal with a topic within the theme of the conference: physical modelling and measurements in Coastal Engineering and Science. The publications reflect the contents that are presented at the conference. The papers present recent, novel work, which can be unfinished and ongoing. The proceedings consist of three types of publications:

Conference papers are a (up to 12 pages long) description of the work. A full paper includes a title, keywords, abstract, introduction, conclusions and references. In the body of the paper the work, results and analyses are described in a free format.

Extended abstracts are a (up to 2 pages long) description of the work. This broadly follows the contents of the Full Paper, without the abstract, in a condensed manner.

In the conference there were three keynote speeches and four short course presentations, which also are published either as Extended abstract or Conference paper.

Reviewing process
All abstracts initially submitted to the conference have been reviewed for scope, quality and novelty by two members of the scientific&review committee. The Journal papers in the JCHS Thematic Series have followed the complete double-anonymous peer-review process of JCHS. Conference papers and Extended abstracts have been reviewed by the Local Organizing Committee for correspondence to the original abstract, formatting, and readability.

Copyright notice
The corresponding author declares (also on behalf of any co-authors) that they have either created all material in the manuscript themself, or have traceable permission from the copyright holder to use it in the present manuscript. They acknowledge that the manuscript will be placed on the Coastlab24 proceedings website under the CC-BY 4.0 licence. The author(s) will retain shared copyright of the paper, and will remain fully liable for any breaches of copyright or other Intellectual Property violations arising from the manuscript.