Experimental Observations And Prediction Of Wave Attenuation Using A Coral Reef Restoration Approach


  • JUSTIN GELDARD UWA Coastal and Offshore Research Lab, Perth, Australia
  • RYAN J. LOWE UWA Coastal and Offshore Research Lab, Perth, Australia
  • MARCO GHISALBERTI UWA Coastal and Offshore Research Lab, Perth, Australia
  • SCOTT DRAPER UWA Coastal and Offshore Research Lab, Perth, Australia
  • GEORGE ELLWOOD UWA Coastal and Offshore Research Lab, Perth, Australia
  • DAVID SMITH MARS Inc., Australia/England
  • ALICIA MCARDLE MARS Inc., Australia/England




Coral Reef, Hydrodynamic Forces, Wave Attenuation, Physical Modelling, Coastal Engineering


The large bottom roughness typical of coral reefs can be effective at reducing wave energy incident to coastlines through the dissipation induced by how wave-driven oscillatory flows interact with the roughness to determine hydrodynamic forces (i.e., drag and inertial). A physical understanding of these fluid-structure interaction processes is essential in designing coral reef restoration projects that can enhance coastal protection as well as deliver other beneficial ecosystem services, as a more sustainable alternative over conventional engineered structures (e.g. breakwaters and seawalls). In this study we quantify both wave attenuation and hydrodynamic forces across progressive stages of a coral reef restoration solution developed by Mars Sustainable Solutions. The Mars Assisted Reef Restoration System (MARRS) involves propagating coral fragments onto hexagonal steel structures called Reef Stars, which are connected in tessellating patterns over degraded reef flats (Figure 1). 




Conference Proceedings Volume


Extended abstracts
