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Mamulova, Eugene , Eindhoven University of Technology | the Netherlands
Mamulova, Eugene, Eindhoven University of Technology | the Netherlands
Mandin, Corinne, Health and Comfort Department | Scientific and Technical Center for Building (CSTB) | France
Månsson, Sara, Utilifeed | Stora Badhusgatan
Mantovan, Mauro, Hiref S.p.A. | Italy
Manzini, Alessandra, Cleopa Gmbh
Manzueta, Robiel, Universidad de Navarra | Department of Construction, Building Services and Structures | Campus Universitario | Spain
Marcher, Carmen, Fraunhofer Italia
Maréchal, François, Ecole Polytechnique Fdérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Marek, Reto, Center for integrated building technology | Lucerne school of engineering and architecture | Switzerland
Maria Tarlea, Gratiela, The Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest
Marigo, Marco, Department of Industrial Engineering | University of Padova
Marincu, Cristina, Department of Civil Engineering and Building Services | Politehnica University Timisoara
Marszal-Pomianowska, Anna , Department of the Built Environment | Aalborg University | Denmark
Martens, Marco, DYSECO B.V | the Netherlands
Martín-Crespo , Alejandro, CARTIF Technology Centre
Martín-Gómez, César, Universidad de Navarra | Department of Construction, Building Services and Structures | Campus Universitario | Spain
Martina, Ivo, KTH Royal Institute of Technology ABE Division of Sustainable Buildings | Sweden
Martínek, Vladislav, Czech Technical University in Prague | University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings | Czech Republic
Martínez de Juan, Jesús Mª, Francisco de Vitoria University | Spain
Maruyama, Fumito, Office of Research and Academia-Government-Community Collaboration | Center for Holobiome and Built environment (CHOBE) | Hiroshima University
Mastouri, Hicham, School of architecture planning & design | Mohammed VI Polytechnic University | Morocco
Matson, Margarita, Department of Software Science | Tallinn University of Technology | Smart City Centre of Excellence (Finest Twins) | Estonia
Matt, Dominik, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
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