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Minseong, Kim, Department of Architectural Engineering | Hanyang University | Republic of Korea
Mioara, Vinceriuc, Romanian General Association of Refrigeration | 66 Pache Protopopescu Boulevard
Mishukov, Artem, Elpramo s.r.o | Czech Republic
Mlakar, Urška, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering | University of Ljubljana
Mlejnek, Pavel, University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings | Czech Technical University in Prague
Moazzen, Nazanin, Maltepe University, Istanbul
Moga, Ligia Mihaela, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Mohajerin Esfahani, Peyman, Delft Center for Systems and Control | Delft University of Technology | the Netherlands
Mohammadi, Masi, Eindhoven University of Technology
Mohammadi , Saleh, Chair of Sustainable Building Technology | School of Business | Building & Technology | Saxion University of Applied Sciences | the Netherlands
Molina Félix, José Luis , Higher School of Engineering | University of Seville | Spain
Monteleone, William, Unit of Energy Efficient Buildings | University of Innsbruck
Moriwaki, Michio, Technology and Innovation Centre | Daikin Industries, Ltd. | Japan
Moro, Andrea , iiSBE Turin | Italy
Morsink-Georgali, Phoebe-Zoe, Frederick University
Mortal, António, Instituto Superior de Engenharia | Universidade do Algarve
Moser, Marie-Teres, Department of Engineering and Architecture | Lucerne University of Applied Science and Arts | Switzerland
Moumen, Kamal , Halton Foodservice | Research and Development Lab | France
Moumen, Kamal, Halton Food Service
Mudrá, Martina, Faculty of Civil Engineering | Department of Building Services | Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Mühlenweg, Paul, Institute for Solar Energy Research Hamelin
Müller , Birgit , Building Energy and Information Technology | University of Applied Sciences | Germany
Müller, Birgit, HTW Berlin – University of Applied Sciences Building energy technology | Germany
Müller, Dirk, Institute for Energy Efficient Buildings and Indoor Climate | E.ON Energy Research Center | RWTH Aachen University | Heinz Trox Wissenschafts gGmbH | Germany
Müller, Dirk, RWTH Aachen University | E.ON Energy Research Center | Institute for Energy Efficient Buildings and Indoor Climate | Germany

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