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Ochs, Fabian, Unit Energy Effiicent Buildings | University of Innsbruck | Austria
Ochs, Fabian, Unit for Energy Efficient Buildings | University of Innsbruck | Austria
Ochs, Fabian, Unit of Energy Efficient Buildings | University of Innsbruck
Oh, Saikee, H&A R&D Center | LG Electronics Inc.
Oh, Wonseok, Institute of Industrial Science | The University of Tokyo | Japan
Ohlson Timoudas, Thomas, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Ojanen, Tuomo, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd
Okumiya , Masaya, Nagoya Industrial Science Research Institute
Olde Scholtenhuis, Léon, Department of Construction Management and Engineering | Faculty Engineering Technology | University of Twente | the Netherlands
Olesen, Bjarne W., International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy (ICIEE) | Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering | Technical University of Denmark | Denmark
Olesen, Bjarne W., International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy | Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering | Technical University of Denmark | Denmark
Olesen, Bjarne W., International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy, Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering | Technical University of Denmark | Denmark
Ooi, Atsushi, Tokyo City University
Ooka, Ryozo, Institute of Industrial Science | The University of Tokyo | Japan
Oppelt, Lukas, Chair of technical thermodynamics | Institute of Thermal Engineering | TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Oppelt , Thomas , Institut für Luft- und Kältetechnik gGmbH
Oppelt, Thomas , Institut für Luft- und Kältetechnik gGmbH
Ortiz, Joana , Thermal Energy and Building Performance Group | Energy Systems Analytics Group | Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC) | Spain
Ortiz, Marco, Chair Indoor Environment | Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment | Delft University of Technology
Ortiz, Marco A. , Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment | Delft University of Technology | the Netherlands
OSAWA, Takao, Department of Architecture |Faculty of Engineering |Tokyo University of Science | Japan
Ouyang, Tianrui , Ecole nationale des travaux publics de l’état (ENTPE) | France
Ozarisoy, Bertug, Graduate School | School of Architecture | Computing & Engineering | University of East London (UEL) | United Kingdom
O’Donnell, James, School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering and Energy Institute | University College Dublin | Ireland
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