Using a design exploration model to assess the global techno-economic feasibility of far offshore green hydrogen production towards 2050


  • T. Melles Maritime and Transport Technology, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands; Maritime Research Institute Netherlands, Wageningen, The Netherlands
  • J.F.J. Pruyn Maritime and Transport Technology, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
  • J.L. Gelling Maritime and Transport Technology, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
  • J.J. de Wilde Maritime Research Institute Netherlands, Wageningen, The Netherlands



Far offshore, Green hydrogen, Green FPSO, LCoH, Optimization


With space constraints onshore, strong renewable resources available far offshore and growing green hydrogen demand, far offshore green hydrogen production may be an attractive option. To assess this potential, a mixed integer quadratically constraint programming (MIQCP) optimization model was developed to find the cost per kilogram of far offshore green hydrogen in specific scenarios. The design of the far offshore green hydrogen supply chain was optimized with this model for six high potential scenarios in varying locations and the results were analyzed. It was found that far offshore green hydrogen costs are in the same order of magnitude as the costs of its alternatives. Far offshore green hydrogen may be considered marginally competitive with these alternatives from 2035 onwards in the analyzed scenarios when taking into account the considerable advantages of far offshore production, such as avoidance of scarce land usage in crowded areas and certain geopolitical considerations.




How to Cite

Melles, T., Pruyn, J., Gelling, J., & Wilde, J. de. (2024). Using a design exploration model to assess the global techno-economic feasibility of far offshore green hydrogen production towards 2050. International Marine Design Conference.

Conference Proceedings Volume


Conference papers
