The method to navigate the forward and backward path of a towing tractor for transporting aircraft


  • Ki-Su Kim School of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, University of Ulsan, Ulsan, Republic of Korea
  • Kwang-Phil Park Department of Autonomous Vehicle System Engineering, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
  • Sang-Hun Kang School of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, University of Ulsan, Ulsan, Republic of Korea



Linguistics, Early-Stage Concept Design


Aircraft carriers are the backbone of the Navy. They are equipped with aircraft, and their ability to take off and land aircraft quickly and efficiently determines their performance. Therefore, the number of aircraft is a key consideration in the design of an aircraft carrier and ensuring that they can be operated in the space of the aircraft carrier is an important factor in the arrangement design as well. On the other hands, towing tractors are used to move aircraft around. Towing tractors must safely move aircraft in open spaces while
avoiding multiple obstacles, which requires skilled operators. In this study, we propose a method to automate the path of a towing tractor and then follow it. First, we studied the kinematics of the towing tractor and aircraft carrier, considering the wheel movement and steering angle. Then, we calculated the optimal path of the tractor and aircraft considering both forward and backward motion. Finally, we applied dynamics to verify that the towing tractor and aircraft carrier could follow the calculated path. We tested the proposed method in a field with various obstacles and in a narrow area such as a parking lot and confirmed that it was effective.




How to Cite

Kim, K.-S., Park, K.-P., & Kang, S.-H. (2024). The method to navigate the forward and backward path of a towing tractor for transporting aircraft. International Marine Design Conference.

Conference Proceedings Volume


Conference papers
