Empowering Adolescents through Hands-on Wooden boatbuilding Training: Adapting Javanese Wooden Boat Design and Construction for a Teenage-Friendly Training Experience


  • Daniel M. Rosyid Department of Ocean Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Samodra Rosyid Department of Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding, Muhammadiyah University, Gresik, Indonesia




Empowerment, Adolescents, Training, Adaptation, Boatbuilding


In the realm of educational and cultural enrichment, empowering adolescents through hands-on wooden boatbuilding training connects them with Javanese maritime heritage. This scholarly exposition outlines a modern path for youth to engage in traditional wooden shipbuilding, emphasizing tangible skill acquisition and intangible heritage appreciation. The curriculum navigates the confluence of woodworking, mentorship, and cultural identity, fostering youth empowerment. This innovative pedagogical approach views wood sculpting as a vehicle for empowerment, creating a framework for youth-friendly learning inspired by Javanese shipwrights. The proposed model not only crafts seaworthy vessels but also shapes resilient, confident, and empowered young minds, navigating the waves of growth and identity.




How to Cite

Rosyid, D. M., & Rosyid, S. (2024). Empowering Adolescents through Hands-on Wooden boatbuilding Training: Adapting Javanese Wooden Boat Design and Construction for a Teenage-Friendly Training Experience. International Marine Design Conference. https://doi.org/10.59490/imdc.2024.855

Conference Proceedings Volume


Conference papers
