Digital Twin-Enabled Response Function Analysis: A Synthetic Approach to Ship's Propulsion System Assessment


  • Oleksiy Bondarenko Marine Environment and Engine System, National Maritime Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan
  • Yasushi Kitagawa Fluid Engineering and Ship Performance Evaluation, National Maritime Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan



Propulsion system, state-space model, propulsion system dynamics, describing function analysis


Analyzing the behavior of vessels in actual sea conditions is crucial for conceptual system design, safety and energy efficiency considerations. However, the essential seakeeping problem is reduced to the analysis of wave-hull interactions often neglecting consideration of the propulsion. But in the meantime, the synthetic consideration of wave–propulsion interactions is a key for safety and energy efficiency. Furthermore, safety evaluation of a ship's design with reduced propulsion power in adverse seas is vital for
risk management. Response functions are commonly used to estimate propulsion system responses in incoming seaways. This paper proposes a synthetic approach using digital twin technology for rapid response function estimation. It introduces a companion linearized state-space model linked with the digital twin, enabling immediate retrieval of coefficients for response function analysis at the desired operating point. This integrated methodology provides a comprehensive representation of ship propulsion behavior in wave environments, offering a comprehensive framework for system performance assessment.




How to Cite

Bondarenko, O., & Kitagawa, Y. (2024). Digital Twin-Enabled Response Function Analysis: A Synthetic Approach to Ship’s Propulsion System Assessment. International Marine Design Conference.

Conference Proceedings Volume


Conference papers
