A comparative analysis of side and stern installation of a monopile lifting operation using a heavy lift crane vessel


  • A.M. Elzinga Department of Maritime and Transport Technology, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
  • J.D. Stroo Ulstein Design & Solutions B.V., Rotterdam, The Netherlands
  • A.A. Kana Department of Maritime and Transport Technology, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Nederlands https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9600-8669




Heavy lift vessel, monopile, installation method, allowable sea states, time-domain simulation


This paper compares two 2XL monopile installation methods: at the leeward side of the heavy lift crane vessel and in the recess at the stern of the vessel. The multi-body system of the vessel, monopile, crane, and mission equipment induces interaction and resonance behaviour. Operational limits are assessed at the crane tip and pile gripper during upending and lowering of the monopile. Stern installation provides a larger operability window during upending compared to side installation. During the lowering stage, the operability depends on the monopile submergence: side and stern installation provide a comparable operability. Considering both stages, stern installation shows promising results.




How to Cite

Elzinga, A., Stroo, J., & Kana, A. (2024). A comparative analysis of side and stern installation of a monopile lifting operation using a heavy lift crane vessel. International Marine Design Conference. https://doi.org/10.59490/imdc.2024.822

Conference Proceedings Volume


Conference papers
