Exploring the Opportunities of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Concept Ship Design


  • Andrea Grech La Rosa University College London, United Kingdom https://orcid.org/0009-0008-5829-8635
  • Peter Simpson University College London, United Kingdom
  • Ryan Zammit No affiliation at the moment




Generative Artificial Intelligence, concept ship design, text to text, text to image, Chat GPT, Gemini, Dal E


Designing vessels is a complex process requiring the consideration of numerous aspects to develop a successful design. Ship and submarine design often requires the designer to approximate, make assumptions, consider scenarios and imagine how the vessel may be used in operation. Having the ability to consult for feedback or request additional information may be a welcome aid. The onset of Generative AI (GENAI) presents a new opportunity to integrate this resource into the workflows of the concept ship design process. Augmenting the design process could have a positive impact on the outcome of the design, further improving various qualities such as performance, sustainability, equality, diversity and inclusion. Aspects associated with weight groups, payload catalogues, technical analysis and layout set out will be explored to investigate whether GENAI could add value to the design process. A case study will be used to facilitate this investigation, taking note of GENAI’s content throughout the process.




How to Cite

Grech La Rosa, A., Simpson, P., & Zammit, R. (2024). Exploring the Opportunities of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Concept Ship Design. International Marine Design Conference. https://doi.org/10.59490/imdc.2024.752

Conference Proceedings Volume


Conference papers
