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Slagmolen , Olaf, Chair of Sustainable Building Technology | School of Business | Building & Technology | Saxion University of Applied Sciences | the Netherlands
Smets, Samuel, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment | Delft University of Technology | the Netherlands
Smeyers, Lieven, Litobox
Smit, Sander , R2M Solution | UK
Smith, Kevin Michael, Department of Civil Engineering | Technical University of Denmark | Denmark
Smolarz, Andrzej , Lublin University of Technology
Sokol, Martin, Department of Building Services | Faculty of Civil Engineering | Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Soleymani, Ali , PhD Researcher | Centre for Education and Learning (CEL) | Delft University of Technology | the Netherlands
Soleymani, Ali, Center of Education and Learning | Delft University of Technology | the Netherlands
Somers, Ward , Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment | Eindhoven University of Technology | The Netherlands
Song, Ge, Hunan University | China
Song, Han-Suck, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Song, Jongwoon, E-SOLTEC Co. Ltd | Korea
Song, Yong Woo, School of Architecture & Building Science | Chung-Ang University
Soo-Jin, Lee, Department of Architectural Engineering | Hanyang University | Republic of Korea
Sood, Divyanshu, School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering and Energy Institute | University College Dublin | Ireland
Sormunen, Piia , Faculty of Built Environment | Tampere University | Finland
Soto-Francés, Víctor-Manuel, Universitat Politècnica de València
Sourbron, Maarten, Thermiek cvba | Wijgmaal | Belgium
Specht, Marcus , Professor | Centre for Education and Learning (CEL) | Delft University of Technology | the Netherlands
Specht, Marcus, Center of Education and Learning | Delft University of Technology | the Netherlands


Špegel, Matija, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering | University of Ljubljana


Spigliantini, Giorgia, TEBE-IEEM Research Group, Energy, Politecnico di Torino
Spitler, Jeffrey D., Oklahoma State University
Spruyt, Maarten, Unit HEALTH | Flemish Institute for Technological Research | Belgium

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