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Bellanco, Ivan, Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC) | Department of Mechanical Engineering | Unirversitat Rovira i Virgili
Bellanco, Iván, Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC) | Spain
Belmans , Bert , Faculty of Applied Engineering | Department of Civil Engineering Technology | University of Antwerp | Belgium
Belmans, Bert, University of Antwerp
Bendtsen , Jan Dimon , Aalborg University | Section of Automation and Control | Denmark
Benfer, Rebekka , Institute of Building Services Engineering | Faculty of Process Engineering, Energy and Mechanical Systems | TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences | Germany
Benfer, Rebekka, Institute of Building Services Engineering | Faculty of Process Engineering, Energy and Mechanical Systems | TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences
Benhamou, Brahim, School of architecture planning & design | Mohammed VI Polytechnic University | ProcEDE | Cadi Ayyad University | Morocco
Bennacer, Rachid, LMT | ENS-Paris-Saclay | CNRS | Université Paris Saclay | France
Berger, Christiane, Department of Architecture | Design and Media Technology | Aalborg University | Denmark
Berger, Christiane, Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology | Aalborg University | Denmark
Berger, Michael, Conserve It | Australia
Bergmann, Patrick, Madaster Germany GmbH | Germany
Berk Kazanci, Ongun, International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy, Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering | Technical University of Denmark | Denmark
Berkay Coskuntuna, Salih, Oslo Metropolitan University
Bernardello, Filippo, Conserve It | Australia
Berquand, Cécile, Integrated Comfort Engineering (ICE) | École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) | Switzerland
Betzold, Christina , Energy efficient building systems | Technische Hochschule Nuernberg Georg Simon Ohm | Germany
Betzold, Christina , Energy Efficient Building Systems| Institute of Energy and Building (ieg) | Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm| Germany
Beyer, Maximilian, Institute of Power Engineering | Technische Universität Dresden | Germany
Beyer, Maximilian, Technische Universität Dresden
Bi, Yang, Department of Energy and Process Engineering | Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU | Norway
Bichlmair, Stefan, Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP
Bienz, Moritz , Institute of Building Technology and Energy | University of Applied Sciences and Arts | Switzerland
Birturk, Asli, Solar Energy Institute | Ege University

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