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Lange, Julia , Hermann-Rietschel-Institut | Chair of Energie | Comfort and Health in Buildings | Technische Universität | Germany
Langou, Renaud, Sustainable Energy Center | Switzerland
Laouadi, Abdelaziz, Construction Research Centre | National Research Council Canada | Canada
Laouadi, Abdelaziz, National Research Council Canada
Lassue, Stephane, Laboratoire de Genie Civil et geo-Environnement
Lastovets , Natalia , Faculty of Built Environment | Tampere University | Finland
Laubert, John , Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM | Germany
Lauffer, Annemarie , CENERGIE| Center for Energy-Efficient Buildings and Districts | HM Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences | Germany
Laverg, Jelle, Building physics group | Department of Architecture and Urban Planning | Faculty of Engineering and Architecture | Ghent University | Belgium
Laverge, Jelle , Research Group Building Physics | Construction, and Climate Control, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning | Ghent University | Belgium
Laverge, Jelle, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning | Ghent University
LAVERGE, Jelle, Department of Architecture | Gent University
Laverge, Jelle, Ghent University
Laverge, Jelle, Research Group Building Physics | Department of Architecture and Urban Planning | Ghent University | Belgium
Lazarov, Borislav, Unit HEALTH | Flemish Institute for Technological Research | Belgium
Lee, Gyu-Bae , Hanyang University
Lee, Gyu-Bae, Department of Architectural Engineering | Hanyang University
Lee, Jae-Hee, Department of Architectural Engineering | Hanyang University
Lee, Kangwook, H&A R&D Center | LG Electronics Inc.
Lee, Se-Jin, Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering | Seoul National University | Korea
Lee, Sihwan , Associate Professor | Graduate School of Environmental Studies | Nagoya University | Japan
Lee, Sihwan, Department of Architecture | Shinshu University | Japan
Lee, Sihwan, Graduate School of Environmental Studies | Nagoya University | Japan
Lee, Soo-Jin, Department of Architectural Engineering | Hanyang University
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