Modelling and Optimisation of Ship Energy Systems 2023 <div class="CjVfdc"><span class="C9DxTc ">International Conference on Modelling and Optimisation of Ship Energy Systems (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">MOSES2023</a>) taking place on October 26-27 2023 at Delft University of Technology. It aims to address contemporary challenges within the maritime industry and stimulate the interest of scientists and professionals working in the field of the ship energy systems design and operation.</span></div> <div id="h.616xhrua1wjp" class="GV3q8e yMxPgf aP9Z7e"> </div> <div class="CjVfdc"> <div class="PPhIP rviiZ"> <div class="U26fgb mUbCce fKz7Od LRAOtb Znu9nd M9Bg4d" role="presentation" aria-describedby="h.616xhrua1wjp_l" aria-label="Link naar kop kopiëren" aria-disabled="false" data-tooltip="Link naar kop kopiëren" aria-hidden="true" data-tooltip-position="top" data-tooltip-vertical-offset="12" data-tooltip-horizontal-offset="0"> </div> </div> </div> <div id="h.isenxxp6t1c9" class="GV3q8e yMxPgf aP9Z7e"> </div> en-US (Dr Andrea Coraddu) (Scientific Secretariat) Tue, 03 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 A 0D Model for the Comparative Analysis of Hydrogen Carriers in Ship’s Integrated Energy Systems <p>Hydrogen carriers are attractive alternative fuels for the shipping sectors. They are zero-emission, have high energy densities, and are safe, available, and easy to handle. Sodium borohydride, potassium borohydride, dibenzyltoluene, n-ethylcarbazole, and ammoniaborane are interesting hydrogen carriers, with high theoretical energy densities. The exact energy density of these hydrogen carriers depends on the integration of heat and mass with the energy converters. This combination defines the energy efficiency and, thus, the energy density of the system. Using a 0D model, we combined the five carriers with two types of fuel cells (PEM and SOFC), an internal combustion engine and a gas turbine. This resulted in 20 combinations. Despite the limitations of the 0D model and the occasional difficulty of validating input values, this model still produces exciting findings, which are valuable for further research. For the dehydrogenation of both dibenzyltoluene and n-ethylcarbazole, an external hydrogen burner is required if no waste heat resources from the integrated system are available. For the borohydrides, on the other hand, energy integration is essential for reducing cooling power. Dehydrogenation produces substantial energy, but only a fraction of this energy can be used for internal preheating. Dehydrogenation of ammoniaborane produces less energy. Among all hydrogen carriers, both ammoniaborane and sodium borohydride provide energy densities comparable to that of marine diesel oil. In particular, ammoniaborane possesses a remarkably high energy density. Thus, we conclude, that hydrogen carriers are attractive alternative fuels that deserve more attention, including their potential performance for hydrogen imports.</p> E.S. van Rheenen, J.T. Padding, K. Visser Copyright (c) 2023 E.S. van Rheenen, J.T. Padding, K. Visser Wed, 03 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Shallow and Deep Learning Models for Vessel Motions Forecasting during Adverse Weather Conditions <p>Accurately forecasting vessel motions is a critical step towards achieving fast and accurate intelligent vessel control systems. Intelligent vessel control relies on accurate predictions of vessel motion to make informed decisions regarding control, maneuvering, and positioning, particularly during times of exogenous loading caused by adverse weather conditions. Hence, by accurately forecasting vessel motion accurately, the control system can anticipate potential issues (i.e., excessive trim or roll) and prescribe corrective actions before they become problematic. In this study, the authors propose two approaches to address the problem of vessel motion forecasting. The first approach relies on classical shallow learning models, whereas the second approach involves the use of state-of-the-art deep learning models for improved accuracy at further forecast horizons. Unlike shallow models, deep models can learn the required features directly from the data and therefore do not require a priori knowledge or additional features engineering. By leveraging deep learning models, the authors show that vessel motions can be forecasted further into the future without a significant loss in accuracy, thereby improving the overall effectiveness of the intelligent vessel control system. To support their statements, the authors use real operational data and compare the performance of the shallow and deep learning models. The results show that deep learning outperforms shallow learning models in terms of accuracy without a significant increase in the computational demand. Additionally, the authors demonstrate that their models remain accurate even under adverse weather conditions, indicating that they have practical applicability for vessel motions forecasting and can potentially improve the overall effectiveness of intelligent vessel control systems.</p> Jake M. Walker, Andrea Coraddu, Stefano Savio, Luca Oneto Copyright (c) 2023 Jake M. Walker, Andrea Coraddu, Stefano Savio, Luca Oneto Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Power Increase due to Marine Biofouling: a Grey-box Model Approach <p>This paper proposes a grey-box modelling approach to predict marine biofouling growth and its effects on ship performance. The approach combines empirical or experimental-based white-box models with data-driven black-box models. First, a white-box model is built to predict ship resistance considering a bare hull. This prediction is based on calm water resistance, wind, waves, and temperature differences. Subsequently, marine biofouling growth is predicted using an experimental model that estimates the level of roughness on the ship hull. Finally, a deep extreme learning machine is used as a black-box model, employing a feedforward neural network technique. To test the approach, a superyacht case study was selected as a category of vessel heavily exposed to fouling. The study used a 2-year dataset obtained through a collaboration with Feadship. Results showed that the black-box approach outperforms the white-box approach in predictive capabilities. However, when the knowledge encapsulated in the white-box model is included in the grey-box approach, the model shows the highest prediction accuracy achieved by leveraging less historical data. This study demonstrates the potential of the proposed grey-box approach to accurately predict marine biofouling growth and its effects on ship performance, which can benefit ship operators and designers in improving operational efficiency and reducing maintenance costs.</p> Matthew de Haas, Andrea Coraddu, Abdel-Ali El Mouhandiz, Nikoleta Dimitra Charisi, Austin A. Kana Copyright (c) 2023 Matthew de Haas, Andrea Coraddu, Abdel-Ali El Mouhandiz, Nikoleta Dimitra Charisi, Austin A. Kana Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Improved Control of Propeller Ventilation Based on POA-XGBoost and Ship Dynamics/Control Model <p>Under adverse sea conditions, propeller ventilation caused by in-and-out water can decrease the reliability of the ship power grid and the lifespan of the propulsion shaft system. Predicting the development of propeller ventilation severity while identifying it can contribute to improving propeller ventilation control. In this study, the eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) algorithm combined with a ship dynamics/control model is proposed as a propeller ventilation identification and prediction method. Meanwhile, the Pelican optimization algorithm (POA), particle swarm optimization (PSO), and genetic algorithm (GA) are applied to determine the optimal hyperparameters of the XGBoost algorithm. The results indicate that the method can effectively identify the current propeller ventilation state and predict whether a full ventilation state will occur after experiencing a partial propeller ventilation state. The comparison results indicate that the POA has a better optimization effect on the XGBoost algorithm for propeller ventilation identification and prediction. The method proposed in this study provides crucial technical support for the effective switching of propulsion control strategies for ship electric propulsion systems under adverse sea conditions.</p> Shengping Ma, Yu Ding, Congbiao Sui Copyright (c) 2023 Shengping Ma, Yu Ding, Congbiao Sui Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Topology Generation of Naval Propulsion Architecture <p>Reducing shipping emissions at an affordable cost is critical and can be achieved through propulsion architecture optimization. The multiple choices of components and constraints to be fulfilled (required speed, fuel consumption, maintenance, ...) make architecture design increasingly complex. Some optimization methods have already been used, for example, to optimize diesel generators (number, type and load) for fuel consumption reduction. More complex architectures have been studied by including the absence or presence of some components in a superconfiguration but in the end the number of configurations remains limited. In this study, the ship architecture is not predetermined but is generated by a list of components associated with constraints and rules, making architecture creation more flexible. The algorithm written for this purpose follows the principles found in hybrid vehicle design but with adapted rules and components for naval applications. The main objective of this paper is to explain in detail the topology generation architecture algorithm rather than to find an optimal architecture for a specific ship. From this perspective, the test cases presented are general to demonstrate that the algorithm can be applied to various system configurations. The components are linked together based on their input and output energy type and the architecture is generated to comply with propulsion and hotel load requirements. Next, physical constraints are added to build realistic designs such as avoiding spurious redundant connections or defining the maximal occurrence for each component. All the constraints and the generation algorithm are written in Prolog. Two numerical applications are presented where the list of components covers different types of propulsion (mechanical and/or electrical with gas turbines and/or diesel engines) along with hotel load or heating requirements.</p> Florian Dugast, St ́ephane B ́enac, Pierre Marty, Pascal Chess ́e Copyright (c) 2023 Florian Dugast, St ́ephane B ́enac, Pierre Marty, Pascal Chess ́e Wed, 03 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Improving the Energy Efficiency of Ships: Modelling, Simulation, and Optimization of Cost-effective Technologies <p class="PSAK-2"><a name="_Hlk144576976"></a><span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size: 10.0pt;">This paper includes a part of the findings of an international research project, called HEMOS, funded by the EU through the Horizon Europe program, with the aim of decarbonizing the maritime sector. This study focuses on the use of dynamic simulation and optimization to identify policies and technologies for reducing carbon emissions and enhancing the energy efficiency of cruise ships. The primary findings of the study, which sought to identify the ideal ship plant topology, are presented with a particular emphasis on the optimization of the thermal and energy behaviour of a case study cruise ship. By exploiting the developed simulation model and the optimization procedure applied to the Allure of the Seas of the Royal Caribbean Group, potential efficiency measures were identified to enhance the overall efficiency of energy utilization. Several scenarios, including diverse energy efficient user technologies, were analysed and optimized with the aim of providing guidelines for the design of future ships. According to the obtained numerical results, the application of thermal devices for the utilization of on-board waste heat and the implementation of a fuel cell powered by bio-LNG can result in significant primary energy savings of up to approximately 17%, demonstrating that workable solutions to improve the energy efficiency of ships are already available.</span></p> Giovanni Barone, Annamaria Buonomano, Gianluca Del Papa, Cesare Forzano, Giovanni Francesco Giuzio, Robert Maka, Adolfo Palombo, Giuseppe Russo, Raffaele Vanoli Copyright (c) 2023 Giovanni Barone, Annamaria Buonomano, Gianluca Del Papa, Cesare Forzano, Giovanni Francesco Giuzio, Robert Maka, Giuseppe Russo, Raffaele Vanoli Wed, 03 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Case Study on the Heat Pump Integration for Enhanced Efficiency in Battery-Electric Short-Sea Ferries <p>This case study investigates the potential of incorporating water heat pumps into onboard thermal systems to utilize low-temperature waste heat for onboard heating and enhance the efficiency and economics of all-electric battery-driven ferries. We analysed a hybrid-driven roll-on/roll-off passenger ferry operating in the Baltic Sea, gathering data on vessel operation, power, and heat provision in low-temperature cycles. We integrated real-time measurement data, energy flow analysis, and thermodynamic calculations to draw conclusions for a potential battery retrofit scenario featuring an all-electric operation and a battery system capacity of 10 MWh. Our results indicate that the integration of heat pumps in battery-electric mode can cover more than 50 % of the onboard nominal heat capacity of HVAC systems, with a seasonal coefficient of performance (SCOP) of 3.5 during the heating season. The overall electric energy demand of the vessel during the 6-month heating period is reduced by approximately 8 % compared with direct-electric heating.</p> Steffen Brötje, Markus Mühmer, Thorben Schwedt, Sören Ehlers, A. Phong Tran Copyright (c) 2023 Steffen Brötje, Markus Mühmer, Thorben Schwedt, Sören Ehlers, A. Phong Tran Wed, 03 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Heat Pump as an Emission Reduction Measure for Ships <p>Greenhouse gas regulations from the International Maritime Organization, such as the Carbon Intensity Indicator and the Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index are drawing attention to the implementation of energy efficiency technologies in ships to lower emissions. Presently, more attention is paid to energy efficiency measures related to propulsion (e.g. speed management) and auxiliary energy use (e.g. onshore power). This study compares the environmental impact and cost of replacing heat pumps as an energy efficiency measure instead of oil-fired boilers for two case study vessels by comparing the life cycle impact of different strategies to fulfill the thermal load of vessels while at the port. In terms of life cycle emissions, the heat pump operated using onshore power has the potential to reduce global warming potential by 88% compared to an oil-fired boiler. This accounts for saving 3% and 8% of annual greenhouse gas emissions from entire ship operations, including emissions from engines for the respective case study ships. In addition, shifting to a heat pump avoids NOx and SOx emissions, which adversely affect air quality in the populated areas near the port. Cost results show that the heat pump has an overall higher cost of ownership for case study vessel 1 and a lower cost of ownership for case study vessel 2 compared to oil-fired boiler. Depending on the energy use of specific ships, heat pumps can be cost-competitive at existing carbon emission allowance prices (approximately 90€/tCO<sub>2</sub>) in the European emission trading system. For the assessed cases, with the emission trading scheme, the return on investment is less than six years and three years for case study vessels 1 and 2 respectively. The study also shows that operating a heat pump is more cost-effective than directly using electro-fuel in a boiler for thermal loads.</p> Fayas Malik Kanchiralla, Selma Brynolf, Dinis Soares Reis de Oliveira Copyright (c) 2023 Fayas Malik Kanchiralla, Selma Brynolf, Dinis Soares Reis de Oliveira Wed, 03 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Co-Design and Energy Management for Future Vessels <p>The maritime industry is undergoing a significant shift towards more sustainable and efficient forms of transportation. As a result, designing Power, Propulsion and Energy (PPE) Systems for future vessels presents new challenges that require a systematic approach that reduces the risk in development and implementation. This paper focuses on three aspects of such a systematic approach: Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE), Co-design, and Verification and Validation. The MBSE approach can be used to mitigate the risks associated with the transition by maintaining a clear traceability of user needs, functional requirements and physical realizations. A rigorous needs analysis and functional design reduces the optimisation design space that results in a significant reduction in the complexity of a design optimisation problem. Further, co-design is discussed as a methodology for a combined optimisation of the hardware and software design where the Modular Energy Management approach supports automated controller generation for the optimisation, a key challenge when optimising PPE systems. An important aspect of the MBSE approach is the use of models for the verification and validation of the developed designs. However, the successful use of models is contingent on their applicability. This paper proposes a way to categorise model confidence for verification and validation studies.</p> Steven Wilkins, Udai Shipurkar, Avedis Dadikozyan, Christian Veldhuis Copyright (c) 2023 Steven Wilkins, Udai Shipurkar, Avedis Dadikozyan, Christian Veldhuis Wed, 03 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Modelling and Simulation of a Wet Scrubber System <p>Shipping is a relatively clean transport method with low emissions per ton-mile compared with road transport. However, harmful emissions emitted in coastal areas are a concern, as these affect local air quality and health. To reduce sulphur oxide (SOX ) emissions, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) implemented a global sulphur cap of 0.5 wt% and the 0.1 wt% limit in emission control areas (ECAs). Ship owners can opt for either low sulphur fuels or wet scrubber systems. Wet scrubber systems are a reliable method for reducing SOX emissions with capture rates of up to 98%. These systems may use seawater alkalinity or caustic soda (e.g. closed-loop systems) to neutralise the SOX emissions. However, the dynamic loading of engines can cause large fluctuations in the exhaust flow conditions, and it is unknown how these affect the effectiveness of the scrubber. This study explores the impact of dynamic loads on the SOX removal efficiency of closed-loop wet scrubbers. A dynamic model of a closed-loop wet scrubber utilising fresh water and caustic soda is developed and verified using publicly available data. The model applies the two-film theory to model the gas-liquid interface. Billet and Schultes liquid hold-up theory is used to model the liquid film thickness in the packed bed. Maintaining scrubber efficiency with large load fluctuations or high-frequency fluctuations requires an increased liquid flow. The scrubber control system used a set-point of 75% of the equivalent compliance limit to ensure compliance with the 0.1% ECA limit during load fluctuations. The model and results can be used to develop a more advanced control system for improved scrubber operation and integration with a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system to demonstrate compliance with the IMO NOX Tier III limit when using high-sulphur heavy fuel oil (HFO).</p> B.T.W. Mestemaker, E. Elmazi, L. van Biert, H.N. van den Heuvel, K. Visser Copyright (c) 2023 B.T.W. Mestemaker, E. Elmazi, L. van Biert, H.N. van den Heuvel, K. Visser Wed, 03 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Establishing the Influence of Methanol Fuelled Power Propulsion and Energy Systems on Ship Design <p>The adoption of alternative energy carriers is one of the key ways to meet the increasingly stricter emission regulations faced by shipping vessels from the international maritime organisation (IMO) and European Commission. To support this objective, this study examines the challenges and uncertainties associated with implementing a methanol power propulsion and energy (PPE) system on the design of a vessel. This paper argues that new fuels, such as methanol, should be treated<br />as disruptive innovations due, in part, to the uncertainties surrounding their implementation. Their integration causes challenges regarding systems selection, layout design, and maintaining strict safety measures. In the case of methanol, current research treats the fuel as a system conversion based on diesel fuel. This paper provides a review of the state-of-the-art on the design of methanol fuelled vessels, and identifies a research gap related to the need for a new suitable design method for the design of ships integrating future alternatively fuelled PPE systems. A design approach inspired by model-based systems engineering integrating uncertainty modelling is proposed to examine the influence of uncertainty on the design of the vessels. The impact of uncertainty on the design is investigated through a case study of a simplified engine room layout utilizing a genetic algorithm to produce layouts for variable PPE systems dimensions within a Monte<br />Carlo simulation.</p> A.S. Souflis - Rigas, J.F.J. Pruyn, A.A. Kana Copyright (c) 2023 A.S. Souflis - Rigas, J.F.J. Pruyn, A.A. Kana Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 A Comparative Study on the Performance of Marine Diesel Engines Running on Diesel/Methanol and Diesel/Natural Gas Mode <p>With the increasingly stringent requirements of international decarbonization regulations, the shipping industry has accelerated the pace of exploiting low-carbon fuels. Methanol is one of the most prospective substitute fuels featured with low-carbon content, clean combustion and easy storage. For marine diesel/methanol dual-fuel engine applications, a certain quantity of diesel is typically used to ensure a stable ignition and combustion. However, the combustion and emission characteristics as well as the stable operation window of marine diesel/methanol dual-fuel engines under different operating loads have not yet been well investigated. In this study, a marine diesel/natural gas dual-fuel engine was used as a prototype to develop a 3D simulation model using CONVERGE, which was then validated using experimental data under different operating loads. The validated model was then employed to investigate the effects of methanol substitution rate (MSR) on the combustion and emission characteristics under the diesel/methanol operation mode. By monitoring the abnormal combustion phenomena such as misfire and knocking, the maximum MSR under different operating conditions was identified. Finally, the engine performances of diesel/natural gas and diesel/methanol modes were compared in terms of combustion and emission characteristics. The results show that the maximum MSR tends to increase first (from 5% to 43% under operation load from 25% to 75%) and then decrease (from 43% to 20% under operation load from 75% to 100%) with increasing operating load owing to the misfire limitation at low load and knocking limitation at high load, respectively. Comparing to the prototype diesel/natural gas mode, the diesel/methanol mode exhibited a shorter combustion duration with increased NOx emissions. The results obtained from this study are expected to guide the operation management of marine diesel/methanol dual fuel engines, and thus help reduce ships’ CO2 emissions.</p> Weihe Yao, Yu Ding, Hongkai Ben, La Xiang Copyright (c) 2023 Weihe Yao, Yu Ding, Hongkai Ben, La Xiang Sun, 24 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Feasibility Analysis of a Methanol Fuelled Bulk Carrier <p>Emissions restrictions are growing worldwide due to climate change concern. In the maritime sector different fuels are under scrutiny to identify the best option toward a carbon free transport. Methanol, the simplest alcohol, is one of the most discussed alternative fuels. This work aims at investigating the use of this chemical as fuel on board from different perspectives in order to provide a complete picture. A 34000 DWT bulk carrier has been used as case study including both the hypothesis of a retrofit and a newbuilding. From the technical point of view the attention has been focussed on the ship general arrangement finding space for methanol tanks and fuel systems, in agreement with the existing ABS rules. A carbon footprint emission assessment has been performed, taking into account both IMO’s and EU’s regulations. To have a more complete overview, a preliminary economic evaluation is also performed with the estimation of OpEx and CapEx related to the methanol system on board. Results showed the technical feasibility with respect to the ship conversion and some criticality related to safety measures and the energy content of methanol. From the polluting impact point of view, the study highlights the importance of a Well to Wake (WtW) approach instead of considering only Tank to Wake (TtW) emissions. From this perspective, with a global decrease in GHG emissions of about 85% with respect to HFO, green methanol appears to be the only viable ecological solution. The use of bio methanol on board significantly affects OpEx, with an estimate increase of more than 250%, due to the high costs of methanol produced from renewable feedstocks and its small production worldwide.</p> Giorgia Adami, Massimo Figari Copyright (c) 2023 Giorgia Adami, Massimo Figari Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Thermodynamic Evaluation of a Combined SOFC-PEMFC Cycle System <p>Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) technology offers a promising way to reduce maritime greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.<br>Integration with a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) allows unreacted hydrogen, produced in the SOFC stack, to be reused and increase the electrical efficiency of the system. In this study, the Cycle Tempo software is used to model a SOFC-PEFMC combined cycle system operating on methane. The system is thermodynamically analysed to reveal the influence of SOFC fuel utilisation, cell voltage, operating temperature and PEMFC cell voltage on the system performance. A multivariable parametric analysis is applied to generate contour plots of net electrical efficiency and fraction of total power produced by the PEMFC. The analysis shows that increasing the cell voltage of both the SOFC and PEMFC has a positive influence on efficiency, whereas increasing the fuel utilisation reduces the system efficiency. Efficiencies in the range of 50-68% can be achieved. Model assumptions for PEMFC operating parameters are verified to exert little influence on the system efficiency, which confirms the assumption of constant values for these parameters. This study highlights the high-efficiency potential of the combined system and the difficulties that arise from thermally integrating an SOFC with a PEMFC.</p> N.G.H. Goselink, B.J. Boersma, L. van Biert Copyright (c) 2023 N.G.H. Goselink, B.J. Boersma, L. van Biert Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Diesel Substitution with Hydrogen for Marine Engines <p>Zero-carbon fuels are expected to catalyse the decarbonisation of the maritime industry, with hydrogen being considered a long-term solution. This study aimed to investigate the feasibility of using hydrogen as a secondary fuel in marine diesel engines. A marine four-stroke engine with a nominal power output of 10.5 MW at 500 rpm was investigated, whereas the hydrogen injection at the engine port was considered. A CFD model was set up in CONVERGE for both diesel and the diesel-hydrogen operating modes to investigate the effects of 20% hydrogen fuel fraction (by energy) on engine performance, emissions, and combustion characteristics. This model was validated against experimental data for the diesel operating mode. Based on a parametric study, the mesh characteristics were selected to compromise between the prediction error and the computational effort. The impact of 20% hydrogen energy fraction on the heat release rate (HRR) and NOx emissions is comparing with the diesel mode. The results demonstrate that despite the reduction in carbon emissions when using hydrogen, the NOx emissions increase by 2.5 times, whereas the lower compression ratio allows for engine free-knock operation. This study contributes to the identification of efficient and reliable combustion conditions for diesel-hydrogen dual-fuel marine engines.</p> Panagiotis Karvounis, Gerasimos Theotokatos Copyright (c) 2023 Panagiotis Karvounis, Gerasimos Theotokatos Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Evaluation of Methanol Sprays in Marine Internal Combustion Engines: a Case Study for Port Fuel Injection Systems <p>Methanol has emerged as a cost-effective and scalable alternative fuel for the maritime sector. However, the use of methanol in marine engines is limited by the unknown characteristics of methanol sprays when introduced through retrofitted port fuel injection (PFI) systems. The present study investigates the characteristics of methanol sprays under relevant conditions for marine engines, such as low injection pressure PFI. The primary objective of this research is to advance knowledge into key spray characteristics, including spray penetration, droplet size, atomization quality, and evaporation. The proposed methodology evaluates the efficacy of state-of-the-art computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models in simulating PFI marine engine spray conditions. Moreover, the study compares the performance of the Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH-RT) and Taylor Analogy Breakup (TAB) droplet breakup models under low injection pressure conditions. The results demonstrated that the KH-RT model does not predict any droplet breakup occurrence suggesting that the TAB model is more suitable for the given conditions. Furthermore, the liquid penetration of the spray was observed to align with the outcomes reported in previous experimental literature on methanol sprays. Nevertheless, the droplet sizes for low pressure injectors appear relatively large, indicating poor spray atomization, which impedes rapid evaporation and increases the risk of wall wetting in the inlet manifold and combustion chamber.</p> Konstantinos Zoumpourlos, Andrea Coraddu, Rinze Geertsma, Robert van de Ketterij Copyright (c) 2023 Konstantinos Zoumpourlos, Andrea Coraddu, Rinze Geertsma, Robert van de Ketterij Sun, 24 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Zero-emission Fueling Infrastructure for IWT: Optimizing the Connection between Upstream Energy Supply and Downstream Energy Demand <p>A key challenge in the energy transition for Inland Water Transport is the functional design of bunker networks and first-order dimensioning of individual bunker stations. A fundamental ingredient for this is an improved understanding of how upstream energy supply (‘well-to-bunker-station’) and downstream demand (‘bunker-station-to-tank’) may interconnect. In this paper we discuss an approach to the design of bunkering networks that takes logistic modelling to estimate network scale energy demand as a starting point. Depending on the vessels that use the network and the anticipated fuel mix for the overall fleet, logistical modelling may be used to estimate the magnitude of the energy demand along the network. Estimates of the operational range of vessels per energy carrier help to estimate maximum bunker station inter-distances. Insight into the potential supply chains that connect the source of each energy carrier to a physical bunker facility is needed to close the loop. Energy carriers may be needed on board in a gaseous or liquid form, or in the form of electrons. Transfer may take place in the form of loading (e.g., filling the fuel tank, charging the battery pack) or swapping (e.g., exchanging fuel containers, exchanging battery containers). Depending on the energy carrier, transfer method(s) and demand quantities, functional designs of bunker stations (in terms of required system elements and their order-of-magnitude dimensions) can be made. Depending on service level requirements both the dimensions of individual bunker stations and their spread over the network may be optimized. Key contribution of this work is a thorough overview of aspects that play a role in the design of bunker infrastructure for the decarbonisation of inland shipping. Based on this overview steps for further research are recommended.</p> M. Pourbeirami Hir, A. Kirichek, N. Pourmohammadzia, M. Jiang, M. van Koningsveld Copyright (c) 2023 M. Pourbeirami Hir, A. Kirichek, N. Pourmohammadzia, M. Jiang, M. van Koningsveld Sun, 07 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Paving the Way Towards Zero-Emission and Robust Inland Shipping <p>Several measures have been developed to prevent emissions from inland water transportation. However, it is challenging to weigh all the aspects to identify the pathway that will ultimately result in zero-emission inland shipping. A data-driven virtual representation of the inland shipping system can be used to evaluate zero-emission strategies, effectiveness of policies and technologies, and consequences of their implementation. This multi-level digital twin can realistically represent the system with all relevant components, which needs to be validated using real-world data. Subsequently, future scenarios can be imposed on the digital twin, and the proposed intervention measures can be applied, based on which their efficiency can be assessed together with the inland shipping sector. This study discusses the essential aspects of designing a digital twin for an IWT. Three aspects are considered essential: individual ships, logistics chains, and infrastructure. As these research topics span various scales, ranging from a single vessel to an entire infrastructure network, an agent-based approach is suitable for forming the basis of the digital twin. Consequently, potential interventions can be considered, ranging from the application of new technologies to individual vessels to policy measures implemented for an entire shipping corridor or various bunker infrastructure strategies in the network. Additionally, the impact of the implemented interventions can be evaluated at any desired scale, ranging from the individual ship level and its emissions to the network level and aggregated emissions in an entire area, or the impact on the logistics chain.</p> A. Kirichek, J. Pruyn, B. Atasoy, R. R. Negenborn, R. Zuidwijk, J.H.R. van Duin, K. Tachi, M van Koningsveld Copyright (c) 2023 A. Kirichek, J. Pruyn, B. Atasoy, R. R. Negenborn, R. Zuidwijk, J.H.R. van Duin, K. Tachi, M van Koningsveld Sun, 07 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Method to Enable Reduced Sensor Capacitor Voltage Estimation in Modular Multilevel Converters <p>Bulk power applications such as shipping increasingly consider multilevel converter topologies such as modular multilevel converters (MMC), which offers the advantages of scalability, good power quality, and reconfigurability. The internal functioning of MMC requires complete knowledge of the capacitor voltages that make up their submodules meaning a large number of sensors are needed and thus a high number of potential points of failure exist. To increase reliability and reduce investment costs, state estimation techniques such as KALMAN filters have been employed to replace the physical sensors. Analytical techniques based on the knowledge of arm current, arm voltage, and submodule states have also been developed. These techniques exploit the fact that at an insertion index of 1, the arm voltage equals the capacitor voltage on the submodule which permits the estimation algorithm to refresh periodically with measured data thereby increasing the accuracy. This method requires a long refresher time, especially when many submodules are used per arm. In this study, we propose an improved analytical estimation by not only using unity insertion indices, but also exploiting transitions between two successive insertion indices. The study was carried out on a 4 submodule per arm MMC system. The estimated capacitor voltages were then compared with sensor-based voltage measurements confirming the validity of the proposed method. It was then integrated into a complete MMC controller including the inner controls such as circulating current and capacitor voltage balancing.</p> Eugene Tinjinui Ndoh, Seongsu Byeon, Lotz Marc, Soeren Ehlers Copyright (c) 2023 Eugene Tinjinui Ndoh, Seongsu Byeon, Lotz Marc, Soeren Ehlers Sun, 07 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Decentralized Power Sharing with Frequency Decoupling for a Fuel Cell-Battery DC Shipboard Power System <p>The maritime industry is under increasing pressure to reduce its carbon footprint by adopting new energy generation and storage technologies in shipboard power systems (SPS). Fuel cells (FCs) show great potential as primary power sources when hybridized with energy storage systems (ESS). Integrating different technologies in future SPS requires the coordination of power generation and storage modules, which can be facilitated by DC technology with power electronics interfaces. However, studies on FC integration have primarily focused on small-scale applications with centralized control architectures. There has been little research on the modular control of multiple FC and battery modules in SPS. This study proposes a decentralized droop-based power sharing approach with load frequency decoupling to efficiently utilize power system modules based on their dynamic capabilities. The proposed strategy further incorporates decentralized voltage regulation and state-of-charge (SoC) management functions. The methodology was applied to a short-sea cargo vessel with an FC-battery DC power system. The results indicate that the mission load profile can be satisfied while limiting fluctuations in the FC output power. Moreover, the proposed strategy achieves the same voltage regulation performance as a centralized proportional-integral (PI) controller and can be easily tuned to achieve load frequency decoupling with the desired time constant. Finally, a comparative analysis shows how the trade-off between the dynamic operation of the FC and the discharge depth of the ESS is affected by the choice of time constant.</p> Timon Kopka, Foivos Mylonopoulos, Andrea Coraddu, Henk Polinde Copyright (c) 2023 Timon Kopka, Foivos Mylonopoulos, Andrea Coraddu, Henk Polinde Wed, 03 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy for Full-Electric Ship Energy Management with Multiple Objectives <p>Optimal energy management is still a challenge in full-electric vessels. New degrees of flexibility in the energy management resulting from the load sharing between multiple, heterogenous power sources lead to a suboptimal solution using rule-based control. Therefore, advanced control strategies present a solution to the challenge of finding the optimal control input for a nonlinear multi-objective power and energy problem in sufficient time. As additional benefit, advanced control allows to incorporate multiple objectives in the optimization such as minimization of several emissions, operational costs, and component degradation. Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy (ECMS) is a strategy for instantaneous optimization, which is promising for applications in vessels with a high degree of uncertainty in the load profile. It incorporates multiple objectives by assigning equivalent cost factors in the cost function, allowing a flexible expansion of the control problem. In this paper, we present a novel ECMS-based control strategy for a full-electric vessel with the ability to react flexibly to changing mission conditions. First, we define the objectives for the control problem, in this study \ce{CO2} production, hazardous emission production, fuel consumption, energy cost, and the degradation of the battery. <br>Second, we develop a pareto-front approach for a-posteriori definition of the equivalent cost factors. To showcase energy consumption reduction, we use a benchmark control based on state-of-the-art control strategies. A full-electric case study vessel with high uncertainty in the load profile is chosen to evaluate the proposed controller. Several different load profiles are generated and tested to evaluate the performance of the ECMS controller in dealing with different types of loads. The results will demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed novel control strategy in reducing energy consumption while minimizing other hazardous emission outputs and preserving the health of the battery.</p> Charlotte L ̈offler, Rinze Geertsma, Despoina Mitropoulou, Henk Polinder, Andrea Coraddu Copyright (c) 2023 Charlotte L ̈offler, Rinze Geertsma, Despoina Mitropoulou, Henk Polinder, Andrea Coraddu Sun, 07 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Model-based Parametric Study for Comparison of System Configurations and Control of a Hydrogen Hybrid Cargo Vessel <p>The current state of research in marine energy systems has concentrated on conventional diesel systems, while limited literature is available on the configuration and control of alternative energy sources such as hydrogen hybrid systems, which have attracted increasing interest recently owing to the energy transition. This paper presents a modelling and control study for conceptual retrofitting of a general cargo vessel to a hydrogen-hybrid version. Generic fuel cell, battery, and converter models are used, enabling easy adaptation to various powerplant sizes and ship types. A robustly coordinated Energy Management Strategy (EMS), which can be implemented for different vessel’s power profiles, was developed for power sharing, DC bus voltage control, and battery State of Charge (SoC) regulation. The total installed fuel cell power and battery capacity were heuristically selected from a range of power profiles of the ship. A database of fuel cells with stacks from different manufacturers was created to test different combinations in terms of fuel consumption, cost, and weight, based on the framework of the problem. Uncertainties in terms of fuel prices are presented using normal distribution graphs. The system configurations and control results are presented for one power profile of the vessel and the average fuel costs. It is demonstrated that with the proposed control method, the power losses are less than 1%, the DC bus voltage fluctuations are less than 0.5%, and the battery SoC remains between 35-65% for the entire duration of the analysed power profile. The configuration with eight stacks of 150 kW has the lowest total fuel cost (730 $) with an average difference of 7.1% from the other solutions, and the lowest total weight (10.54 tons) with an average difference of 15.4% from the other configurations. Overall, this study demonstrates the efficient configuration and control of hybrid energy systems using parameterized components.</p> Foivos Mylonopoulos, Timon Kopka, Andrea Coraddu, Henk Polinder Copyright (c) 2023 Foivos Mylonopoulos, Timon Kopka, Andrea Coraddu, Henk Polinder Wed, 03 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000