CoastLab 2024: Physical Modelling in Coastal Engineering and Science <p>The international conference CoastLab24 takes place in Delft, 13-16 May 2024</p> en-US (Bas Hofland) (TU Delft OPEN Publishing) Tue, 23 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Combined Pullout Tests And Wave Overtopping Simulations On Three Species-Rich Grass Covered Dikes In The Netherlands <p>Grass cover erosion by wave overtopping is a major failure mechanism for earthen dikes. Grass cover erosion resistance (represented by the critical velocity, <em>U<sub>c</sub></em>) can be assessed using full-scale, destructive tests with the wave overtopping simulator (WOS) in combination with the erosion model ‘cumulative overload method’ (COM). Although these tests provide valuable information, they are relatively expensive and time consuming. Therefore, a small-scale grass pullout test (GPT), which translates the vertical pullout force of a grass sod to a <em>U<sub>c</sub></em>, may be an attractive alternative. In this paper, based on comparative testing with the WOS and GPT on three species-rich grass covers on dikes in the Netherlands, we assess the correspondence between the <em>U<sub>c</sub></em> obtained with the WOS and GPT for species-rich grass covers. Ultimately, by also including historical tests, we aim to get more insight into the suitability of the GPT for quantitative erodibility assessment of grass covers in general.</p> <p>During testing with the WOS, no failure was observed for the tested grass cover sections. Therefore only a lower bound of the <em>U<sub>c</sub></em> could be derived. Results indicate that the estimated <em>U<sub>c</sub></em> with the GPT is around the lower bound values obtained with the WOS. This is in line with previous tests on conventional grass covers, for which the GPT provides a more conservative estimate of the <em>U<sub>c </sub></em>than the WOS. Adaptations in the translation from pullout force to <em>U<sub>c</sub></em> may correct for the negative bias and hence improve the reliability of the GPT for quantitative erodibility assessment. Several suggestions to adapt the GPT in future work are provided in this paper. These adaptations should be tested and validated for conventional as well as species-rich grass covers to guarantee the general applicability of the method. &nbsp;</p> RENS VAN DER MEIJDEN, GOSSE JAN STEENDAM, ROY MOM, ANDRÉ VAN HOVEN, JORD WARMINK, DENIE AUGUSTIJN Copyright (c) 2024 RENS VAN DER MEIJDEN, GOSSE JAN STEENDAM, ROY MOM, ANDRÉ VAN HOVEN, JORD WARMINK, DENIE AUGUSTIJN Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Applicability Of Reflection Separation Algorithms To Nonlinear Irregular Waves Over Sloping Foreshores <p>In hydraulic model tests, it is common practice to relate the response of the tested structure to the incident wave parameters at the toe. Estimation of the incident wave parameters at the toe is thus an essential part of the analysis of hydraulic model testing. In many cases, the design conditions at the toe are given by waves that are highly nonlinear or even depth limited. Modelling such conditions requires reproducing the prototype foreshore slope in the model. The present paper provide guidelines on the accuracy of a nonlinear reflection separation algorithm when applied to nonlinear waves over sloping foreshores. A simple methodology has been established to estimate the expected errors on the incident wave parameters.</p> LYKKE ANDERSEN, M.R. ELDRUP Copyright (c) 2024 LYKKE ANDERSEN, M.R. ELDRUP Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Design Of Passive Energy Absorbers For The Imares-Ucr Wave Tank. <p class="Heading1-nonumbering" style="text-align: justify; text-indent: 19.85pt;"><span lang="EN-US" style="text-transform: none; font-weight: normal;">This paper presents the results of the analysis carried out to design a low-cost passive energy absorber for the multidirectional spectral wave basin of the IMARES-UCR group. The initial analysis was conducted using a small wave flume, which facilitated the execution of tests and the comparison of data with wave dissipaters previously designed by a commercial company what are commonly employe in various wave generation laboratories worldwide. In these initial tests, reflection coefficient values where very similar to those of the compared dissipaters. Once constructed, measurements of the reflection coefficient were performed under different regular wave conditions to determine its behavior. The obtained results are presented, considered acceptable, and enable the proper operation of the wave basin.</span></p> GEORGES GOVAERE, HENRY ALFARO, RONALD VIQUEZ Copyright (c) 2024 GEORGES GOVAERE, HENRY ALFARO, RONALD VIQUEZ Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Multiscale 1D-2D Coupled Model Of The Scheldt Estuary Rivers And The European Continental Shelf <p>This study presents a model for simulating the interaction of river influxes with tidal propagation in region of varying complexity for the Scheldt basin (river, tributaries and estuary) and the European continental shelf. While the domain for inland rivers is one-dimensional and extends until the limit of tidal influence, the estuary and shelf region are dealt by means of two-dimensional equations. Within this region, there exists a hydraulic structure in one of the Scheldt tributaries (Dyle River), that is implemented to simulate the bidirectional flow of the tide. In this model a tidal forcing at the shelf break, metrological forcing at the free water surface and hourly discharges for the rivers and tributaries at the upstream boundaries are applied. Using this, the coupled model was firstly calibrated for the Manning coefficient for a relatively quiet period. Then it is extensively validated using available measurements for simulations in the month of January (2021), which is generally marked by strong tides. Moreover, the shelf region of the model was evaluated with the existing literature for the harmonic analysis of the dominant M<sub>2</sub> tide. The simulated results show good agreement with a RMSE under 0.3 meters for the measured water levels.</p> AMIT RAVINDRA PATIL, FABRICIO FIENGO PEREZ, JONATHAN LAMBRECHTS, INSAF DRAOUI, ERIC DELEERSNIJDER Copyright (c) 2024 AMIT RAVINDRA PATIL, FABRICIO FIENGO PEREZ, JONATHAN LAMBRECHTS, INSAF DRAOUI, ERIC DELEERSNIJDER Fri, 26 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Concrete Armour Unit Breakwater Physical Model Monitoring With 3D Modeling Tools <p>SEABIM® is a patented scan to BIM process that can generate a reliable and complete 3D model of a rubble-mound breakwater precast protective layer (Xbloc®, Accropode™, Core-loc™ etc.). Using computer vision techniques, the known 3D shape of the Concrete Armour Units (CAU) is detected in a high-resolution point cloud, which allows to obtain the position and orientation of each unit relative to the cloud. By superimposing 3D models produced from different scans at different dates, the movement of each block can then be quantified and represented as a vector.</p> <p>For natural riprap armours, a point cloud segmentation algorithm is applied. Each rock is identified, and then geometric characteristics of the armour can be computed (apparent rock diameters, placement density), and the movement between each scan can be monitored.</p> <p>This tool has been applied to numerous real-scale projects since 2019, both in the monitoring of newly built infrastructures and in the asset management phase (Aberdeen South Harbour, Calais port 2015, Nouvelle Route du Littoral etc...). Breakwater physical models in laboratories, in wave flumes or basins, also require monitoring of the movement of reduced-scale blocks between each wave series. With SEABIM® this movement can be computed with accuracy for each CAU, allowing for a consistent evaluation of the armour layer response to wave loads.</p> <p>The automatic block detection process can be launched on the point cloud from a survey of the initial physical model, obtained either by photogrammetry or LiDAR. Then a new survey is done after each wave series in order to create a sequence of 3D models. Those models can be compared by computing the displacement vectors of the centers of gravity of the units. The vectors can be visualized using color graded arrows within the 3D model. All the information can then be exported to a spreadsheet for further analysis. Using this technique, settlement, rocking and sliding effects can be identified.</p> <p>In this paper we will discuss in detail the adaptation of the survey techniques from real scale to laboratory projects (difference in scanning technique, scale effect on point cloud density etc.). Then we will explain the 3D modeling process and the applications of the 3D models for engineering analysis purposes.</p> STEVEN LE BARS, TIMOTHEE LAUNAY Copyright (c) 2024 STEVEN LE BARS, TIMOTHEE LAUNAY Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Hydraulic Stability Of The New Cubilok™ Armour Unit On A 3:4 Slope <p>The Cubilok™ (or Cubilok) is a new trademarked armour unit that has been developed in South Africa by PRDW Consulting Ports and Coastal Engineers to accommodate a wide range of breakwater designs. The Cubilok is still in its early stages of development and therefore it has not yet been applied or tested in prototype conditions. 2D Physical model tests were conducted as part of a master’s research project to investigate the stability and behaviour of the Cubilok on a 3V:4H slope. From this study, it was observed that the wave steepness has a significant influence on the performance of the Cubilok, where superior stabilities were recorded during conditions with shorter wave periods. When placed on a 3V:4H slope and with a packing density of <em>ɸ</em> = 0.63, the stability of the Cubilok is comparable to that of other concrete armour units, however, it is susceptible to severe settlement. Some results also showed that the settlement of the armour layer can probably be significantly reduced when the armour layer is constructed on a milder 1V:2H slope or when the packing density is increased to <em>ɸ</em> = 0.65.</p> C.F.V.M. WEHLITZ, J.S. SCHOONEES Copyright (c) 2024 C.F.V.M. WEHLITZ, J.S. SCHOONEES Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Hybrid Forecast System Of Overtopping With Infragravity Wave Included <p>The overtopping over a structure is related to the run up, which in turn depends mainly on the wave and the physical characteristics of the structure. However, it is known that there are other oscillations of longer periods (infragravity waves) which, when the incident wave is of the swell type and the product of storms, become relevant because they have a direct influence on the calculation of the overtopping. The aim of this study was to evaluate the non-hydrostatic version of the XBeach model using a one-dimensional scheme to simulate overtopping events. The model was forced in three different ways: free surface data collected in field, wave parameters representing by Hs and Tp, and directional energy spectra generated by an operational wave and infragravitational wave system (SO3). The main results show that XBeach is able to transfer wave energy at low frequencies along the beach profile. In addition, the XBeach model can be coupled with the directional spectra of energy from the operational system to propagate them into the swash zone and generate overtopping in advance. This could potentially serve as an operational overtopping tool to assist the relevant authorities in managing this issue.</p> HENRY ALFARO-CHAVARRÍA, GABRIEL DÍAZ-HERNANDEZ, GEORGES GOVAERE-VICARIOLI Copyright (c) 2024 HENRY ALFARO-CHAVARRÍA, GABRIEL DÍAZ-HERNANDEZ, GEORGES GOVAERE-VICARIOLI Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Physical Modelling Of A Caisson Breakwater Under Impulsive Cyclonic Waves : Case Of Port East (Reunion Island) <p>The GPMDLR (Port Authority of La Réunion Island, France) has requested ARTELIA to carry out the preliminary studies for the enlargement of the containers terminal in Port East. In this context, the laboratory of ARTELIA has performed 2D physical model testing to evaluate the behavior of caissons exposed to cyclonic conditions. The solution based on a vertical breakwater has been proposed as an alternative to a rubble mound breakwater given the lack of quarries suitable to provide big quantities of large rocks. Main objectives of the study were: the evaluation of overtopping rates (mean and max), the verification of the stability of foot protection blocks and stones, and the recording of wave pressures (gauges) and loads (scale) on the caissons. Given the fact that most of the waves broke violently upon the caisson, the nature of efforts was impulsive and the scaling to prototype by classical Froude similarity principles was not appropriate. Results were therefore amended following Cuomo’s correction factors for the Froude scaling law (Cuomo et al. 2010). Times series of efforts (forces and pressures) were used to feed numerical models (static and dynamic) allowing for the verification of caissons’ geotechnical stability and the design of concrete parts. This article collects the concerns, feedback and further questioning related to the conducted experiment.</p> PAULINE BERTÉ, JOSE LUIS GALMÉS Copyright (c) 2024 PAULINE BERTÉ, JOSE LUIS GALMÉS Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Armor Damage On Groins Under Ship Wave Attack Using Field Data <p>The severity of damages to riverine structures, such as groynes or revetments, across German estuaries has increased in the past years due to the increase in the ship-induced loads. However, few studies can be found in the literature focused on the damage of rock slopes under ship wave attack. In this study, the field data of a rock-armored groyne (lateral slope 1/4 and rocks with nominal diameter <em>D<sub>n50</sub></em>»12.6cm and high density <em>ρ<sub>s</sub></em>=3.7t/m<sup>3</sup>) tracked for a year by Melling et al. (2020) is analyzed; the field campaign began after the structure was rebuilt and finished when the structure already presented severe damage. During this field campaign, the incident ship-induced primary waves and water levels were recorded, and laser scans of the groyne armor were taken. Using those field laser scans, damage curves along the life of the structure were derived. Also, ship data from the AIS was retrieved. Then, each increment of the damage (increment of the dimensionless eroded area, <em>ΔS<sub>e</sub></em>) was related to a ship-wave event and a passing ship. The most significant variable to describe <em>ΔS<sub>e</sub> was found to be the primary wave height</em> <em>H<sub>p</sub></em>, while the best explanatory variables for <em>H<sub>p</sub></em> were the partial blockage factor, the ship length and width and the relative velocity of the ship. The shape of the dependence between these variables is also analyzed by pairs using copula space. A clear tail dependence is observed between several pairs. For instance, the pair <em>ΔS<sub>e</sub></em> and <em>H<sub>p</sub></em> presents upper tail dependence, meaning that the high values of <em>ΔS<sub>e</sub> and </em><em>H<sub>p</sub></em> are more correlated than the smaller ones. This implies that models more complex than Gaussian copula, which is commonly used in Coastal Engineering applications, might be needed to model the probabilistic dependence between the variables.</p> PATRICIA MARES-NASARRE, OSWALDO MORALES-NÁPOLES, BAS HOFLAND, GREGOR MELLING Copyright (c) 2024 PATRICIA MARES-NASARRE, OSWALDO MORALES-NÁPOLES, BAS HOFLAND, GREGOR MELLING Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Neural Network Calibration Method For Varans Models To Analyse Wave-Porous Structures Interaction <p>This study develops a calibration method for the porous media to properly model the interaction between waves and coastal structures using VARANS models. The proposed method estimates the porosity, <em>n<sub>p</sub></em>, and the optimum values of the Forchheimer coefficients, &nbsp;and . Physical tests were conducted in a 2D wave flume for a homogeneous mound breakwater. Numerical tests were carried out using the IH-2VOF model to simulate the corresponding physical tests and incident wave conditions (<em>H<sub>I</sub></em>,<em> T</em>). The numerical tests covered a wide range of Forchheimer coefficients found in the literature, &nbsp;and , and the porosity, <em>n<sub>p</sub></em>, with a total of 555 numerical tests. The results of 375 numerical tests using IH-2VOF were used to train a Neural Network (NN) model with five input variables (<em>H<sub>I</sub></em>,<em> T</em>, <em>n<sub>p</sub>, </em>&nbsp;and ) and one output variable . The NN model explained more than 90% (R<sup>2</sup> &gt; 0.90) of the variance of the squared coefficient of reflection, . This NN model was used to estimate the &nbsp;in a wide range of <em>n<sub>p</sub>, </em>&nbsp;and , and the error () between the physical measurements and the NN estimations of was calculated. The results of &nbsp;as function of <em>n<sub>p</sub>, </em>&nbsp;and &nbsp;showed that for a given porosity, <em>n<sub>p</sub></em>, it was difficult to obtain a pair of &nbsp;and &nbsp;values that gave a common low error if few physical tests are used for calibration. The minimum root-mean-square error of &nbsp;(&nbsp;was calculated to find the optimum values of porosity and Forchheimer coefficients: <em>n<sub>p</sub></em> = 0.44<em>, </em>&nbsp;= 200 and &nbsp;= 2.825 for the tested structure. Blind tests were conducted with the remaining 180 numerical tests using IH-2VOF to validate the proposed method for VARANS models.</p> PILAR DÍAZ-CARRASCO, JORGE MOLINES, M. ESTHER GÓMEZ-MARTÍN, JOSEP R. MEDINA Copyright (c) 2024 PILAR DÍAZ-CARRASCO, JORGE MOLINES, M. ESTHER GÓMEZ-MARTÍN, JOSEP R. MEDINA Tue, 23 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Small-Scale Experiments’ Ability To Augment Large Lab Testing For Designing Nature-Based And Hybrid Solutions For Coastal Flood Hazard Mitigation <p>Mangroves and other natural coastal defenses have the potential to augment or replace traditional engineered coastal structures in preventing adverse events such as wave overtopping. Natural, or “green” systems may reduce maintenance costs, reduce sediment erosion, and increase biodiversity compared to traditional “gray” infrastructure built from stone and concrete. To effectively inform the design of hybrid green-gray infrastructure, experimental results must be reliable, but testing at 1:1 scale is time-consuming, expensive, and available at only a few facilities worldwide. This study addresses a knowledge gap in defining the nature of the interactions between green and gray coastal defenses with a focus on overtopping and scaling experimental results. This study will compare data from mangrove-related experiments conducted at scales including 1:2 and 1:8 as part of a collaborative effort between Oregon State University (OSU) and the United States Naval Academy (USNA). The study aims to analyze this data and contribute to the joint compilation of a methodology for designing prototype-scale tests from small-scale experiments to identify the relative importance of friction and scaling effects between prototype and small-scale experiments. Testing conducted at USNA as part of this study included a 1:8 scale, 0.61m-wide (2ft.) flume that replicates the conditions of 1:2 scale experiments at Oregon State University. The experimental setup includes a model <em>Rhizophora</em> mangrove forest placed in front of a seawall, behind which overtopping is measured as volume per unit length either computed from overtopped water weight or directly measured by overtopped volume. Mangroves are modeled as central trunks with stilt roots, as this study focuses on the effects of the root structures on overtopping. Waves generated for the 1:8 experiments include regular waves with heights between 5cm and 10cm and periods between 1 and 2 seconds, scaled according to Froude similitude. Implications of scaled-up measurements of overtopping are also discussed.</p> DAN MCMANN, JORDAN KECK, TORI TOMICZEK, PEDRO LOMONACO, DAN COX, MARGARET LIBBY Copyright (c) 2024 DAN MCMANN, JORDAN KECK, TORI TOMICZEK, PEDRO LOMONACO, DAN COX, MARGARET LIBBY Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Assessment Of Wave Loads On Bridge Piers Using Physical And Numerical Modelling <p>The deep-water commercial port to be built, object of this paper, is an island port which will be served by a sea access bridge supported by piles. These piles are submitted to three types of forces: inertia forces, drag forces and wave breaking forces. As the first two type can be accurately approximated theoretically, the third one is highly dependent of the wave shape in the vicinity of the pile. As a consequence, in order to determine the hydrodynamic forces on the various piles of this bridge, a three-stages methodology was set up. An analysis of the loads was first carried out theoretically, the second stage consisted in carrying out physical model tests for a selected pile and in a third stage a numerical model was used. The paper will discuss the means and programme of the tests, and in particular the selection of characteristic waves and the results obtained.</p> JULIEN SCHAGUENE, THIBAULT OUDART, BRUNO CHAFFRAIX, OLIVIER BERTRAND Copyright (c) 2024 JULIEN SCHAGUENE, THIBAULT OUDART, BRUNO CHAFFRAIX, OLIVIER BERTRAND Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Experimental Study On The Effect Of The Wavelength On Wave Overtopping Over Recurved Walls <p>Wave overtopping phenomenon on vertical breakwaters is influenced by various physical parameters, encompassing wave height, period, water depth at the breakwater, breakwater freeboard, and foreshore steepness. Existing equations for estimating overtopping rates predominantly rely on the relative freeboard (R<sub>c</sub>/H<sub>m0</sub>) as the key parameter. This study highlights a significant deviation from this conventional approach when utilizing a recurved wall instead of a plain vertical wall, emphasizing the necessity to consider additional parameters, particularly wave period. In our quest for enhanced accuracy in estimating wave overtopping over recurved breakwaters, we have used F'=R<sub>c</sub>/ (H<sub>m0</sub><sup>2</sup> L<sub>p</sub>)<sup>1/3</sup>, as a replacement for the conventional relative freeboard. Comparative analyses reveal that the proposed formulas for both impulsive and non-impulsive waves exhibit superior accuracy compared to existing formulas. Nevertheless, it is noteworthy that, for larger relative freeboards, a robust formula for estimating wave overtopping remains elusive.&nbsp;</p> FATEMEH HAJIVALIE, MAXIMILIAN STREICHER, YURI PEPI, TON VAN DER PLAS, BERT VAN DEN BERG, PETER TROCH Copyright (c) 2024 FATEMEH HAJIVALIE, MAXIMILIAN STREICHER, YURI PEPI, TON VAN DER PLAS, BERT VAN DEN BERG, PETER TROCH Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Novel Real-Time Data Acquisition System Of Hydrodynamic Signals Obtained In Laboratory <p>Understanding marine dynamics, particularly in coastal areas with high wave activity, cannot be achieved without physical modeling. However, when it comes to downscaled physical wave modeling, accurately recording wave data becomes a challenge, especially near coastlines where disturbances are common. Traditional water surface measurement tools, such as invasive wave probes, have proven to be both inaccurate and impractical. To overcome these limitations, this study presents a new data acquisition system (DAQ) utilizing resistive sensors and wireless transmission protocols to enhance the accuracy of wave measurements in laboratory-scale experiments.</p> <p>The data acquisition technology effectively measures water surface electric potential by utilizing specialized resistive probes. Additionally, the DAQ is equipped with an automatic calibration system using a vertical potentiometer, providing a cutting-edge solution to calibrate the invasive wave probes usually employed in several types of hydraulic physical modeling. The recorded data is efficiently handled by Arduino® board controllers, allowing for convenient wireless transmission for laboratory usage. This exceptional system surpasses traditional methods, offering a combination of versatility, cost-efficiency, and enhanced accuracy in capturing wave characteristics. In addition to describing the development of controllers and data processing algorithms, this study highlights their seamless integration into a unified solution for superior wave data collection.</p> M. CORRALES-GONZALEZ , D. GROSSO, G. BESIO Copyright (c) 2024 M. CORRALES-GONZALEZ , D. GROSSO, G. BESIO Tue, 23 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Sustainable And Bioengineered Concrete For Armor Units Of Low-Crested Structures <p>In the last two decades, Eco-engineering has emerged to mitigate and compensate the environmental impacts of man-made structures while integrates benefits to society, being concrete the most widely alternative material used to natural rocks for construction of artificial coastal structures. Over the past three decades, an extensive literature has documented different supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) to reduce CO<sub>2</sub> emissions from Portland cement, with common SCMs used in marine and coastal structures such as fly ashes, ground granulated blast furnace slags, pozzolanas and limestones. However, there is a need to further investigate the suitability of SCMs for the construction of Low-Crested Structures (LCS) to decrease carbon footprint from concrete production and improve the bioreceptivity of concrete armor units during the breakwater lifetime. A literature review conducted in this study shows several advantages of slag cements compared to other SCMs to reduce carbon emissions and enhance biological colonization and durability of concrete submerged in seawater, identifying surface roughness as the most effective factor in design of bioreceptive concrete. This study also highlights the importance of the type and quantity of cement used in concrete mixes to reduce carbon footprint of the manufacture of concrete armor units of LCS and the implementation of long-term monitoring plans to fully understand the functioning of local communities that develop on concrete surfaces of artificial structures, and thus, to improve the integration of environmental parameters in the field of coastal engineering.</p> MIREILLE ESCUDERO, JORGE MOLINES, JOSEP R. MEDINA Copyright (c) 2024 MIREILLE ESCUDERO, JORGE MOLINES, JOSEP R. MEDINA Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Experimental Study Of The Wave Field Around A Monopile Due To Moderate Steepness Irregular Incident Waves <p>Most offshore wind turbine foundations are of monopile type and need regular marine operations to be conducted nearby during the lifetime of the turbine. Proper wave estimation around the monopile is needed to assure the safety of the operations. The trend of increasing monopile's diameter also adds the need to investigate the wave field around the increased monopile diameter for the marine operation analysis. Experimental campaigns of wave field around a monopile in irregular incident waves with different steepness are reported in this study to extend the available experiments which focused mostly on the runup of cylindrical structures. The wave field at two radial positions and six angular positions around the monopile is investigated. The results are processed to obtain the Linear Transfer Function of the wave field around the monopile and the Exceedance Probability of the wave height and crest of the waves around the monopile. For the tested conditions, the linear solution accurately captures the frequency domain characteristics and the exceedance probability of wave height but fails to predict the crest exceedance probability.</p> IVANDITO HERDAYANDITYA, MAX STREICHERS, EVERT LATAIRE, PIETER RAUWOENS Copyright (c) 2024 IVANDITO HERDAYANDITYA, MAX STREICHERS, EVERT LATAIRE, PIETER RAUWOENS Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Study of the effect of spur dikes on beach protection based on physical model experiment <p>The Qiantang River is a typical strong tide estuary, the world-famous tidal bore have huge turbulent energy and causes damage to the sea wall. Spur dike is an important engineering to prevent the seawall foundation from tidal bore. But the tidal bore occurs at the low tide level, strong turbulence, high flow velocity, water level rises sharply. The spur dike height, length, inclination angle need to be determined by physical model according to the specific bore dynamic conditions. In the tests, the fixed-bed model was used to study the tidal current velocity reduction rate and region, the falling current circulation characteristics in dike field. The movable-bed model test is used to study the effect of each test on protecting the beach. This physical model study reveals the rule of spur dike influence on tidal bore dynamics so the effect of spur dike on protecting the beach is clear.</p> FUYUAN CHEN, ZHIGUO HE, HE KUN, WANG QIUSHUN Copyright (c) 2024 FUYUAN CHEN, ZHIGUO HE, HE KUN, WANG QIUSHUN Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Directional Spectrum Estimation For Sea States Generated By The Single Summation Method <p>The influence of directional spreading of waves is significant for wave-induced loads, wave breaking and nonlinearity of the waves. For physical model testing performed at test facilities such as the Ocean and Coastal Engineering Laboratory at Aalborg University, it is crucial to validate if the test conditions match the target sea states by measurement and analysis of the generated directional wave field. Most of the existing methods assumes a double summation sea state to be present which is valid in the prototype. However, waves in the laboratory are usually generated by single summation. The current paper presents a method to analyse short-crested waves generated by the single summation method. Compared to similar methods oblique reflections are considered instead of only in-line reflections. The results show that the method successfully decomposes the incident and reflected wave fields in the time domain. Thus, for example the incident wave height distribution may be obtained. The sensitivity of the new method to additional reflective directions, noise, calibration errors and positional errors of the wave gauges was found small.</p> SARAH KROGH IVERSEN, THOMAS LYKKE ANDERSEN, PETER FRIGAARD Copyright (c) 2024 SARAH KROGH IVERSEN, THOMAS LYKKE ANDERSEN, PETER FRIGAARD Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Verification Of New Double Suspention Keofloat To Minimise Wave Height Inaccuracies In A Physical Model Resulting From Rotation In A 3D Wave Agitataion Study <p>A modification to the Keofloat system has been developed to address the effect that rotation about its vertical axes may have on the quantities effecting measurement accuracy of the system. The effect of rotation was not previously determined and was found to rarely occur in specific locations for some three-dimensional models. Consequently, the Keofloat design was modified from having a single suspension string to a double suspension string supporting it. A single and double suspension string Keofloat was tested in a wave flume to compare the modified Keofloat to what was previously used. Tests were conducted for regular waves between 0.5 mm and 23 mm and wave periods of 0.8 s and 1.6 s. The testing conducted, included two sets of tests, one for direct comparison where rotation was not present and the other where controlled and nonintrusive rotation was generated on the single suspension string Keofloat. The tests show that the double suspension string Keofloat compared extremely good to the single suspension string Keofloat and can reliably be used to measure small waves in a harbour basin where factors causing rotation of the Keofloat might be present.</p> JOHAN KIEVIET, MARIO AUGUST, CHRISTOPHE TROCH1 Copyright (c) 2024 JOHAN KIEVIET, MARIO AUGUST, CHRISTOPHE TROCH1 Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Small-Scale Experimental Evidence On The Use Of Date Palm Forest To Mitigate Tsunami In The Arabian Sea <p>Because of the multi-scale benefits, ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction (Eco-DRR) has received much attention in coastal disaster mitigation.&nbsp; Coastal forests are considered a sustainable and economical solution to mitigate inundations from tsunamis. Owing to the rare occurrence of tsunamis and reported local tsunami heights being small, the coastal forests are a potential solution to protect from tsunamis in the Arabian Sea. The potential of date palm trees to mitigate tsunami inundations was investigated in an experimental study.&nbsp; The experiments were conducted at a geometric scale of 1:100 with the Froude-Cauchy similitudes. It found that the canopy of the tree played a key role in flow energy reduction. If the tsunami height was higher than the canopy height a significant tsunami depth was reduced behind the forest compared to the case that the tsunami height was lower than the canopy height. The highest percentage reduction in the maximum flow depth behind the forest was 37% for the forest length of 180 m and tsunami height of 7 m.</p> N.A.K. NANDASENA Copyright (c) 2024 N.A.K. NANDASENA Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Spectral Wave Characterization Of The Pacific Coast Of Costa Rica <p>The results of the analysis of the wave measurement campaigns on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica are presented. After analyzing more than 14000 spectral shapes from sea states, it has been determined that many of them present 2 or more swell peaks, so it was proposed to perform a wave characterization in which 8 different types of spectra were defined to include all the data collected. Also, verifications were carried out in these sea states to check the reliability of many of the approximations usually used in coastal engineering that assume narrow-band spectra, such as the JONSWAP type.</p> GEORGES GOVAERE, HENRY ALFARO Copyright (c) 2024 GEORGES GOVAERE, HENRY ALFARO Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Generation Of Scaled Long-Period Ship Waves In A Pump-Driven Flume <p>Experimental investigations on the generation of long-period, primary ship waves using a pump-driven technique in a closed-circuit flume are presented. Long-period ship waves can have a major impact on river banks and engineering structures. As larger ship dimensions accompanied by a corresponding rise in loads are expected in the future, the characterisation of long-period ship waves and understanding their impact on bank protection and engineering structures is crucial, especially for appropriate design. Our study combines a closed-loop PID controlled wave generation with a numerical finite difference method (FDM) model. This setup offers the advantage of generating repeatable waves at arbitrary positions along the test section of the laboratory flume. The experiments conducted demonstrate a good reproduction of a scaled long-period ship wave signal (1:10) in a distance of approximately 9&nbsp;m from the flume inlet. The combination of the PID controlled pump-driven technique with a numerical model provides a solid basis for further studies on ship-induced loads, with the aim to predict future wave loads, better understand the wave-structure-interaction and to mitigate potential damage.</p> CHRISTINA CARSTENSEN, FABIAN KARL, GREGOR MELLING, BERNHARD KONDZIELLA, LARS TRETAU Copyright (c) 2024 CHRISTINA CARSTENSEN, FABIAN KARL, GREGOR MELLING, BERNHARD KONDZIELLA, LARS TRETAU Fri, 26 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Run Up Reflection And Stability Coefficients For Ordered Cube Slopes With Energy Dissipation <p>The results of an experimental investigation, aimed at analyzing the water flow, stability of the components, and the reflection coefficient of a slope consisting of concrete cubes arranged in an organized manner, similar to a paving stone style, alongside larger blocks to enhance overall roughness, are presented. The experiment took place in the wave flume and basin at the University of Costa Rica, testing wave ranges typical of the Pacific coasts of Central America, characterized by long swell periods.</p> GEORGES GOVAERE, HENRY ALFARO, DIEGO CORNEJO Copyright (c) 2024 GEORGES GOVAERE, HENRY ALFARO, DIEGO CORNEJO Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Wave Loads On Hydraulic Structures <p>Hydraulic structures are essential for flood protection, water management and navigation in coastal, delta and lake regions. Their importance will continue to grow in the coming years and decades, because of two main factors. Firstly, because of the consequences of climate change and sea level rise. Secondly, because of the continuous development and urbanization of coastal, delta and lake regions, with an increase in the value of the assets and activities in those locations combined with more strict safety requirements. Those factors will lead to the construction of a series of new hydraulic structures and the renovation of several existing structures around the world.</p> <p>Wave loads acting on such hydraulic structures are crucial for their design and safety assessment. This study addresses two different types of wave loads acting on hydraulic structures: confined wave impact loads and bimodal wave loads. To this end, a series of laboratory experimental test campaigns were carried out in a wave flume.</p> ERMANO DE ALMEIDA, HENRY TUIN, KASPER STOETEN, BAS HOFLAND Copyright (c) 2024 ERMANO DE ALMEIDA, HENRY TUIN, KASPER STOETEN, BAS HOFLAND Wed, 01 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Effects Of Overtopping On Green/Grey Infrastructure <p>This paper presents results of a reduced (1:8) scale experiment investigating the performance of hybrid structural (gray) and natural-based (green) infrastructure for wave overtopping reduction. Experiments were scaled to a 1:8 geometric scale based on 1:2-scale experiments conducted during the Summer of 2023 at Oregon State University. Seven wave conditions were tested, with (model-scale) wave periods ranging from 1 to 2 seconds and wave heights ranging from 6.0 to 7.5 cm. These wave conditions were conducted throughout two configurations: a seawall-only (baseline) configuration and a configuration with the seawall in combination with a mangrove forest installed seaward of the wall. The total volume of overtopped water was measured for each wave condition. Results indicated that adding mangroves reduced overtopping for all wave conditions, with an average of 32.1% reduction in overtopped volume compared to the baseline configurations. This reduction falls within the range of preexisting overtopping rates. Results from these experiments can assist engineers in understanding the performance of hybrid coastal infrastructure to design effective and sustainable shoreline protection.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> JORDAN KECK, TORI TOMICZEK, DAN `MCMANN, DANIEL COX, MARGARET LIBBY, PEDRO LOMONACO Copyright (c) 2024 JORDAN KECK, TORI TOMICZEK, DAN `MCMANN, DANIEL COX, MARGARET LIBBY, PEDRO LOMONACO Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Study Of The Hydraulic Response Of A High Permeable Breakwater Using Physical Modelling <p>Physical modelling tests were conducted in the wave flume of Artelia’s hydraulic laboratory to study the hydraulic response/stability of a rubble mound breakwater made with a non-standard core composed of crushed concrete blocks (tetrapod). This design carried out by EDF, is aimed at having high permeability and fits in an eco-design approach, through the reuse of existing materials already on site. Eventually, the hydraulic efficiency of three different sections were tested and compared, all sections having the same armour layer and the same main dimensions but different {core; filter} systems : core only made with crushed tetrapod, core and underlayer made with crushed tetrapod (no filter layers with rocks) and baseline design (quarry run core and rock underlayer). Several responses were studied: armour layer stability, overtopping and transmission of the structure and head loss on both sides of the structure with an inflow/outflow system in the rear side basin set up in the wave flume. This case study illustrates 1) the importance of the physical modelling approach to testing unusual structures, as part of an eco-design approach, where the use of standard design formulas does not allow to verify the hydraulic behaviour of a high permeable breakwater and 2) also shows that unconventional design can lead to satisfactory hydraulic results.</p> ELODIE BAILLIT, ALBERTO GUTIERREZ, BRUNO CHAFFRAIX, PAULINE BERTE, JULIEN SCHAGUENE, MIRIAM BAUMBACH, EMMANUEL CHIRAT, VANESSA MARTIN, SOPHIE ANCEL Copyright (c) 2024 ELODIE BAILLIT, ALBERTO GUTIERREZ, BRUNO CHAFFRAIX, PAULINE BERTE, JULIEN SCHAGUENE, MIRIAM BAUMBACH, EMMANUEL CHIRAT, VANESSA MARTIN, SOPHIE ANCEL Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ADCP suspended sediment transport monitoring using acoustic particle radius <p>Monitoring suspended sediment concentration (SSC) can be challenging as direct sampling methods are labour intensive and indirect measurements based on optical or acoustic backscatter are sensitive to changes in particle properties. Regardless, using ADCP backscatter to predict SSC is promising because of the possibility to capture suspended sediment transport by combining with flow measurements. To reduce sensitivity of established backscatter-SSC relations to changing particle size, a methodology is proposed where acoustic particle radius is derived using multi-frequency backscatter measurements obtained with a Nortek Signature1000 ADCP equipped with a vertical beam echosounder. Considering acoustic particle radii in an adapted backscatter-SSC model shows promising improvement in correlations with water sample reference measurements compared to the traditional single frequency approach based on a field test. Follow-up assessment is required to overcome limitations in dataset sample size and to investigate further improvements of the method. Still, application of the method can significantly enhance capability of ADCPs predicting SSC and – since backscatter is recorded over depth in conjunction with flow measurements – the ability to monitor suspended sediment transport using a single instrument.</p> R.A.J. JAARSMA, M. DAUGHARTY, S.D. KAMMINGA, M.A. VAN DER LUGT, M.A. DE SCHIPPER, S. NYLUND Copyright (c) 2024 R.A.J. JAARSMA, M. DAUGHARTY, S.D. KAMMINGA, M.A. VAN DER LUGT, M.A. DE SCHIPPER, S. NYLUND Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Adaptation Of Different Scales In The Same 3D Physical Model To Assess The Different Armour Sizes <p>While assessing the breakwater stability through a 3D physical model, the normal practice is to modify the structure element if the breakwater is unstable. However, casting a larger number of different sizes of concrete armour is time-consuming and costly. Therefore, the present study assessed the utilisation of the constructed model with 6.5T(1:41.37) to represent the 10.0T(1:47.82) and 12.5T(1:51.51) tetrapod (TTP) armours by using 88g TTP units in the model. Only the stability of the main armour at the roundhead was considered with new scales. Further, the same structure freeboard in the prototype was considered for new scales. Since the measured wave heights at the breakwater including the wave reflection from the structure, wave condition at the paddles were considered while selecting the input signals for the new scales during the trial runs. The selected inputs for the trail runs were verified with the post-calibration done for a 1:51.51 scale. Originally proposed 6.5T units were replaced by the hydraulically stable 12.5T units at the roundhead based on the model results done with different scales.</p> D.P.L. RANASINGHE, K.P.M. FERNANDO, N.L. ENGILIYAGE, J. K. P. KURUKULASURIYA Copyright (c) 2024 D.P.L. RANASINGHE, K.P.M. FERNANDO, N.L. ENGILIYAGE, J. K. P. KURUKULASURIYA Tue, 23 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 50 Years Of Hanbar Concrete Units In Australia And New-Zealand: Lessons Learned From Physical Modelling Studies And Recently Built Structures <p>During the last 50 years, numerous breakwaters along the eastern coast of Australia, and more recently in New Zealand, have undergone construction, repairs, or upgrades using Hanbar concrete armour units. These units are distinct to Australasia, and there is limited information about their properties in standard coastal engineering literature. This paper first provides a survey and timeline of all known projects using Hanbars. An overview of the Hanbar concrete unit features and manufacturing method is then provided. The paper presents a summary of results of previous modelling studies of Hanbar applications to specific breakwaters, as well as recent research programs completed at WRL, and provides placement density guidelines as well as recommended damage coefficient (Hudson K<sub>d</sub>) for design.</p> <p>The paper concludes with a brief overview of two recent case studies which have successfully capitalized on the economical, robustness and manufacturing simplicity of the Hanbar concrete units. The first case study is on the Opotiki Harbour Development (“OHD”) in New Zealand. The OHD scheme comprises twin 400 m long training wall breakwaters to train a dynamic river mouth. A multi-stage approach to physical modelling was adopted by conducting 2D modelling of key sections of the training wall trunks, quasi-3D modelling of the breakwater head, and full 3D modelling of complete structures.</p> <p>The second case study presents the results of a field trial investigating the potential for high-density geopolymer concrete (GPC) coastal armour units. This resulted in the casting and placing of thirteen 16 t GPC Hanbar units (SG 2.6) on the Port Kembla northern breakwater in NSW. The trial proved the viability of production of geopolymer armour units, and allowed long-term monitoring of the integrity of the concrete in the aggressive marine environment.</p> FRANCOIS FLOCARD, MATT BLACKA, LAURA MONTANO, BEN MODRA, GRANT PEARCE, TOM SHAND, RON COX Copyright (c) 2024 FRANCOIS FLOCARD, MATT BLACKA, LAURA MONTANO, BEN MODRA, GRANT PEARCE, TOM SHAND, RON COX Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Generation Of Highly Nonlinear Waves In A Short Wave Flume <p>The typical approach for generating nonlinear waves in physical models involves employing first- or second-order wave theory, requiring a large water depth at the wavemaker. When the prototype bathymetry shows a gentle slope, a large facility is required. However, practical constraints often make this unfeasible, leading to the use of steep transition slopes to obtain sufficient water depth at the generator. Incorporating a transition slope may generate unwanted free waves beyond the transition point, significantly impacting the wave parameters. The presence of these free waves causes the response of the tested structure to deviate from that found in the prototype. This paper offers guidelines for using transition slopes effectively while avoiding the generation of undesired free waves after the transition point.</p> MADS RØGE ELDRUP, THOMAS LYKKE ANDERSEN Copyright (c) 2024 MADS RØGE ELDRUP, THOMAS LYKKE ANDERSEN Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Physical Modelling Of Rock Bags Under Wave Attack <p>In 1987, rock bags were developed by Kyowa in Japan to protect against erosion from hydraulic processes in riverine, lake, coastal and marine environments. Since 2020, rock bags have been used as a temporary or emergency coastal protection unit for seawalls on some beaches in Australia (e.g. Wamberal Beach and Collaroy Beach). These structures have typically been built against a pre-existing dune or eroded dune scarp for protection of landward coastal assets. While a limited amount of hydraulic scale modelling has been undertaken for some rock bag applications, their behaviour in shallow water, coastal environments under wave forces had not previously been quantitively evaluated. A two‑stage physical modelling program was carried out to assess the behaviour of rock bags when used in this emerging erosion protection application.</p> <p>As a result of the scale laboratory tests for shallow water seawalls constructed from rock bags, specific results were obtained for a proposed structure at Stockton Beach (Newcastle, Australia) as well as producing generic design information that could be applied at other locations. As expected, the design wave height for rock bag damage (displacement) was found to be inversely proportional to wave period. Preliminary design stability curves were developed for rock bags under monochromatic and irregular wave attack. In addition to displacement, settlement of the rock bags was observed during the modelling, and it is recommended that consideration should be given to vertical settlement over the design life of these structures. Wave runup was also found to be high; this is also an important consideration for future rock bag seawalls in either establishing the design crest level to prevent wave overtopping or adopting and managing a permissible amount of wave overtopping during a design event.</p> IAN COGHLAN, JAMES CARLEY, DAN MESSITER Copyright (c) 2024 IAN COGHLAN, JAMES CARLEY, DAN MESSITER Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Hybrid Modelling Of Wave Overtopping At Rubble Mound Breakwaters <p>Wave overtopping at rubble mound structures is one of the most important phenomena affecting the hydraulic performance of these coastal structures. In addition to the design of coastal structures, also the climate adaptation of coastal structures has become more important due to sea level rise. Adding a crest wall to an existing structure, increasing the height of a crest wall, adding a berm, or increasing the width or height of a berm, can be effective measures to account for effects of sea level rise. For this purpose, the individual effects of a crest walls and a berm need to be predicted, but also the combination of both (see for instance Van Gent, 2019, and Van Gent and Teng, 2023).</p> <p>Wave overtopping estimates are generally based on physical modelling in wave flumes and wave basins. Numerical modelling of wave overtopping provides additional opportunities to examine wave overtopping for a wide variety of structure geometries. The combination of physical modelling with numerical modelling is referred to as hybrid modelling. To provide design guidelines for rubble mound structures with a crest wall and for structures with a berm in the seaward slope, Van Gent <em>et al</em> (2022) provides design guidelines based on physical model tests. Numerical modelling provides opportunities to examine wave overtopping at structures with a crest wall and a berm to further extend guidelines for the design and (climate) adaptation of rubble mound structures. In Irías Mata and Van Gent (2023) guidelines based on physical modelling have been extended based on numerical modeling with OpenFOAM to examine the influence of several aspects such as the wave steepness, crest wall and recurved parapet, berm, and structure slope on wave overtopping at rubble mound breakwaters. Although the present work focusses on wave overtopping, also forces on crest walls have been examined using the applied numerical model, see for instance Jacobsen <em>et al</em>, 2018, and Irías Mata <em>et al</em>, 2023.</p> MARISOL IRIAS MATA, MARCEL R.A. VAN GENT Copyright (c) 2024 MARISOL IRIAS MATA, MARCEL R.A. VAN GENT Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Validation Of An Efficient Non-Hydrostatic Wave Model As A Design Tool For Foreshores In Physical Models <p>In the design of physical model experiments in coastal engineering, it is common that the construction of a foreshore is necessary to obtain the desired wave conditions at a given location, usually close to a structure being tested. In addition to the commonly used spectral wave parameters to describe the target wave conditions, the wave height distribution and associated parameters (such as <em>H<sub>max</sub></em> and <em>H<sub>2%</sub></em>), wave periods and infra-gravity waves can be important to reproduce properly as well. Wave height distributions are typically important for tests where <em>e.g.</em> wave run-up or wave forces are of interest. Since the construction of foreshores is labour intensive (and thus expensive), it is useful to be able to check a priori whether the target wave conditions are met with a given foreshore design and whether the chosen transition slope does not significantly influence the wave conditions. One way to do this is by using numerical wave models.</p> <p>For a numerical model to be a useful design tool for physical model layouts, the predicted wave transformation (over the foreshore) needs to be sufficiently accurate. One option is to use detailed CFD wave models for this purpose, such as OpenFOAM, which has been shown to accurately reproduce wave transformation (Jacobsen et al., 2015; Jacobsen et al., 2018). CFD models, however, typically feature high computational demand and consequentially computational times in the order of days. This is a significant disadvantage in the context of designing a physical model experiment, for which the layout and configuration is often an iterative process, which would be hampered by overly long computational times. On the other hand, spectral wave models, like SWAN (Booij et al., 1996), are much faster but do not model all the individual waves rendering it unable to model exceedance distributions. As a middle-ground, it seems that the XBeach model (Roelvink et al., 2009) used in its 2-layer non-hydrostatic mode (De Ridder et al., 2021) might present a workable compromise between computational time and accurate representation of the wave transformation. The model has been validated by De Ridder et al. (2021) on bichromatic waves, complex barred beach geometry and a fringing reef for bulk wave parameters and spectral properties.</p> <p>Expanding on earlier validation work, in this work the ability of the XBeach 2-layer non-hydrostatic model (XBeach-nh) to reproduce wave height exceedance distributions over a sloping foreshore is validated using wave flume data, described in Sections 2 and 3. The preliminary results of the validation effort are shown in Section 4.</p> JOOST P. DEN BIEMAN, MENNO P. DE RIDDER, MADELIEF W. DOELEMAN Copyright (c) 2024 JOOST P. DEN BIEMAN, MENNO P. DE RIDDER, MADELIEF W. DOELEMAN Wed, 01 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Seasonal Variation Of Wave Attenuation Capacity Of Canadian Saltmarsh Vegetation <p>Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for coastal protection have been widely recognized as sustainable, economical, and eco-friendly alternatives to conventional grey structures, particularly under the threat of climate change (Temmerman <em>et al</em>., 2013). Living shorelines are a form of NbS, which incorporate natural elements (such as saltmarshes) that provide flood and erosion risk management benefits. Climate change impacts, such as rising sea levels and reducing sea-ice cover (Savard <em>et al</em>., 2016), are increasingly motivating communities in Canada to consider incorporating living shorelines in coastal protection schemes.</p> <p>The efficacy of wave energy dissipation by vegetation depends on both hydrodynamic conditions and plant characteristics. However, plant parameters, such as standing biomass exhibit seasonal fluctuations, leading to corresponding variations in attenuation capacity (Schulze <em>et al</em>., 2019). Hence, the design of NbS utilizing saltmarsh vegetation must account for seasonal variations to ensure sustained efficacy, especially within the context of Canadian regional climates, which are typically characterized by extended, stormy winters and shorter summer seasons.</p> <p>Few studies have quantified wave attenuation by real saltmarsh vegetation in large-scale laboratory facilities (Möller et al., 2014; Maza et al., 2015; Ghodoosipour et al., 2022), particularly for species native to the east coast of Canada. There is a knowledge gap on how seasonality affects wave attenuation by saltmarsh vegetation and how attenuation varies from the lower marsh to the higher marsh depending on species-specific plant traits. Research is needed to bridge this gap and develop technical guidance for the design of performant living shorelines in Canada.</p> GANGA CALDERA, JACOB STOLLE, DAMIEN PHAM VAN BANG, ENDA MURPHY, PAUL KNOX Copyright (c) 2024 GANGA CALDERA, JACOB STOLLE, DAMIEN PHAM VAN BANG, ENDA MURPHY, PAUL KNOX Fri, 03 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Observation Of Ocean Wave Based On Binocular Vision In The Swash Zone Of Yazhou Bay <p>Due to climate change, extreme weather events frequently occur. This can increase the probability of typhoon, resulting in storm surge more frequently. Meanwhile, the severe movement of ocean wave is generated. Ocean wave on the coastal zone can results in retreat of the coastlines and erosion for the beach. The research on the ocean wave in storm surge process based on field observation is not only able to provide the basic data for the validation of numerical model of storm surges but also significant to prevent the loss of beaches resources in the extreme climate condition. The previous studies of swash zone using video technology concentrated on experimental scale (De Vries et al., 2011), and the research parameters mostly focused on bed and water level (Wanek et al., 2006), while there is a lack of the research of ocean wave parameters. The binocular vision observation system, which mainly consists of two cameras, has been a powerful technical support in acquiring 3D information of ocean wave. Compared with the measurement of manual, radar (Harry et al., 2018) and satellite remote, the binocular vision method is not only hardly affected by weather condition, but also can acquire the continuous image data. In addition, two cameras with high resolution can obtain high precision measurement results. This study aims at obtaining the wave height of the swash zone in storm surge process.</p> YIQUN YE, ZHIGUO HE, YING-TIEN Lins Copyright (c) 2024 YIQUN YE, ZHIGUO HE, YING-TIEN Lins Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Determination Of Drag And Inertia Coefficients By An Analytical Model <p>Hard structures like dykes or groins have been recognized for their negative environmental impact and limited durability in the face of climate change (Sutton-Grier <em>et al.</em>, 2015). The concept of Shore Soft Engineering (SSE) has allowed ecological considerations to be embedded in the design of coastal protection (Hartig <em>et al.</em>, 2011). Among emerging defense structures, nature-based solutions are built with natural materials and rely on physical properties and mechanisms observed in nature. They aim to protect, manage and restore ecosystems while providing some benefit to the human-being and biodiversity (Cohen-Shacham <em>et al.</em>, 2016); they offer an interesting alternative to hard structures. However, implementing these solutions in urbanized coastal areas where ecosystems are vulnerable can be challenging. Another alternative approach is using biomimetic solutions, which can provide the functions of natural systems like seagrass, dunes, or coral through robust human-made constructions. Natural habitats exist in a variety of more or less complex forms, ranging from rigid (mangroves, coral) to flexible (seagrass) (Mullarney and Henderson, 2018); and they drive changes in the current profile, in wave dissipation or in sediment motion. Understanding how to mimic these systems, in particular their internal geometry and hydrodynamic effects, is challenging. This complexity makes the development of biomimetic solutions difficult (Perricone et al., 2023). In this context, this study strictly focuses on wave dissipation by flexible systems.</p> <p>Wave dissipation by natural habitats has been extensively studied through laboratory experiments (Houser <em>et al., 2015</em>) and in-situ measurements (Bradley and Houser, 2009). The pioneer analytical model (Dalrymple <em>et al.</em>, 1984) depicted aquatic vegetation as rigid cylinders; however, the rigidity assumption fails to capture the inherent flexibility of plants. Alternative strategies emerged to account for this flexibility, such as using an empirical drag coefficient (Mendez and Losada, 2004) or introducing an effective length, representing the length that a rigid cylinder would have to dissipate the same wave height as flexible cylinders (Luhar and Nepf, 2016). However, to define this effective length or an empirical drag coefficient, it is necessary to carry out in-situ measurements. Numerous analytical models based on force balance (Luhar and Nepf, 2016; Leclercq and de Langre, 2018) have been developed to represent the movement of flexible vegetation like seagrass. These models depict the flexible vegetation as a series of segmented rigid stems attached to each other and subjected to oscillating flows. Some models attempt to link stem motion with wave dissipation to integrate this coupling into numerical models (Yin <em>et al</em>., 2022). However, these models still require unknown quantities such as drag and inertial coefficients. The present study aims to develop an analytical model for determining drag and inertial coefficients based solely on the geometry, the structure flexibility and wave forcing. At last, the method could help better represent the dissipation into numerical simulations without the need for prior parametrization.</p> GARANC MARLIER, FREDERIC BOUCHETTE, SAMUEL MEULE, RAPHAEL CERTAIN, JEAN-YVES JOUVENEL Copyright (c) 2024 GARANC MARLIER, FREDERIC BOUCHETTE, SAMUEL MEULE, RAPHAEL CERTAIN, JEAN-YVES JOUVENEL Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Towards Accurate Modeling Of Aboveground Vegetation In White Dunes: Biomechanics Of Marram Grass (Ammophila Arenaria) <p>Coastal dunes, shaped by natural processes, particularly aeolian sediment transport driven by onshore winds, are dynamic environments where vegetation plays a pivotal role in trapping sediments, enabling dunes to reach substantial heights. However, the biomechanical traits of aboveground dune vegetation have received limited attention, impeding precise modeling in coastal engineering. Understanding dune erosion and accretion is essential for enhancing coastal resilience and the integration as ecosystem-based coastal protection measures. Notably, prior research has primarily focused on salt marshes and seagrass (e.g. Keimer et al. 2023), neglecting more detailed modeling of dune vegetation, often employing simplified methods like live vegetation (Figlus et al. 2014; Silva et al. 2016) or wooden dowels (Kobayashi et al. 2013; Bryant et al. 2019). The hypothesis tested for the first time here is that geographic expositions and seasonal growth stages can be quantified for marram grass (<em>Ammophila arenaria</em>), and that in turn, these vegetation characteristics will inform laboratory studies involving the interaction of waves, flexible vegetation and eroding dunes.</p> VIKTORIA KOSMALLA, OLIVER LOJEK, LUKAS AHRENBECK, BJÖRN MEHRTENS, DAVID SCHÜRENKAMP, NILS GOSEBERG Copyright (c) 2024 VIKTORIA KOSMALLA, OLIVER LOJEK, LUKAS AHRENBECK, BJÖRN MEHRTENS, DAVID SCHÜRENKAMP, NILS GOSEBERG Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Observing And Characterizing Infragravity Waves Through Different Sampling Devices: A Case-Study Off The Belgian Coast <p>Infragravity waves are surface waves with relatively longer periods in comparison to periods of the spectrum-dominant gravity waves. They are characterized by oscillations between 20 and 300 seconds (0.0033 Hz &lt;&nbsp;<em>f</em>&nbsp;&lt; 0.05 Hz), amplitudes that range from a few millimeters to tens of centimeters, and wavelengths of kilometers (Munk, 1950; Holman and Bowen, 1982; Ardhuin et al., 2014). Their forcing is linked to, amongst others, nonlinear interaction between sea swell waves, varying wave heights causing the breaking point of the waves to vary with height, and height variation of incoming waves (Bertin et al., 2018). Infragravity waves play an important role in coastal dynamics (Svendsen, 2005) and have been reported to trigger nearshore hazards such as beach and dune erosion (de Vries et al. 2008; Roelvink et al., 2009), development of seiches in harbors (Melito et al., 2006; Cuomo and Guza, 2017), wave-driven coastal inundation (Gent, 2001; Stockdon et al., 2006), and ice shelves collapsing (Bromirski et al., 2010). Therefore, revealing infragravity wave characteristics is of utmost importance to understand their potential to generate hazards in a certain region, especially at sites strongly influenced by human occupation and activities. Their consideration in coastal safety planning can avoid damages, as several locations have already experienced in the past (Yamanaka et al., 2019).</p> <p>Implementing optimal sampling strategies for observing and characterizing infragravity waves might be challenging. By nature, these waves are hard to measure accurately due to their low amplitude. Their evolving characteristics in an environment marked by pronounced bathymetric features, such as the sand bank systems off the Belgian coast, add a degree of complexity that requires testing of different approaches, and at different sites. Within this context, this work first revisits observational approaches, instrumentation, logistics, and sampling techniques that have been used to study this phenomenon on the Belgian Coast. The advantages, challenges and limitations of different approaches are discussed, and best practices for collecting high-quality data in the field are addressed.</p> <p>To do so, this study explores multi-sensor in situ deployments conducted at four selected sites off the Belgian coast (<strong>Figure 1</strong>) (Nieuwpoort, Raversijde (inshore and offshore Stroombank), and Trapegeer) within the context of the “<em>Influence of infragravity sea waves during storms on the hydro- and morphodynamic processes along hybrid soft-hard coastal defence structures with a shallow foreshore</em>” project, an FWO-funded initiative being conducted in collaboration between UGent, VLIZ, and KULeuven and with support of Agency for Coastal and Maritime Services (AMDK). More specifically, field observations were conducted using multipurpose mooring frames equipped both with (i) Acoustic Doppler Current Profiles (ADCPs) to sample pressure (0.1% FS), current, and sea surface elevation through acoustic surface tracking and (ii) high-accuracy quartz pressure sensors (accuracy 0.01 % FS). Both ADCPs and pressure sensors were set to measure continuously at 4 Hz being, therefore, able to capture both infra- and gravity waves. Furthermore, the moorings were collocated with standard wave buoys from AMDK. Data was collected continuously for about 3 months, covering storm and calm wave conditions. Finally, the measurements from ADCPs (pressure and acoustic) and pressure sensors were compared and used to derive the infragravity wave characteristics, as well as cross-validated against wave buoy data.&nbsp;</p> WIETER BOONE, YURI PEPI, VINCENT GRUWEZ, LEANDRO PONSONI, PIETER GURDEBEKE, CLARA RIBEIRO, PETER TROCH Copyright (c) 2024 WIETER BOONE, YURI PEPI, VINCENT GRUWEZ, LEANDRO PONSONI, PIETER GURDEBEKE, CLARA RIBEIRO, PETER TROCH Wed, 08 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Individual Wave Overtopping Volumes On Mound Breakwaters <p>Mound breakwaters are widely used to protect harbors from wave attack. Wave overtopping is a key parameter on the breakwater design, since it affects the hydraulic stability, the port operativity and also generates risks to the facilities, vehicles and pedestrians. The estimation of the mean wave overtopping rate, q[m<sup>3</sup>/s/m], has been extensively analyzed in the literature (see EurOtop, 2018 and Van Gent <em>et al.,</em> 2007). However, the maximum individual wave overtopping volume, V<sub>max</sub> [m<sup>3</sup>/m], can be much larger than q[m<sup>3</sup>/s/m] and it is a better variable to evaluate the direct hazards.</p> <p>The prediction tools of q and V<sub>max</sub> are mainly based on laboratory tests, where q is registered much more easily than individual wave overtopping volumes. However, few of these studies detail the methodology to identify the number of overtopping waves and the associated individual wave overtopping volumes. The estimation of V<sub>max</sub> is usually made in literature (see Molines <em>et al.</em>, 2019 and EurOtop, 2018) using a 2-parameter Weibull distribution (shape and scale factor) fitted with utility functions which consider the 10%, 30% or 50% of the highest individual wave overtopping volumes. The shape factor (b) is fitted with the laboratory measurements and the scale factor (A) is obtained by forcing the mean value of the Weibull distribution to be equal to the registered mean individual wave overtopping.</p> <p>In this study, a fully automatic detection methodology of the individual wave overtopping waves and volumes is developed using 2D physical tests. The performance of the 2-parameter Weibull and Exponential distributions to estimate V<sub>max</sub> is analyzed here with four utility functions to weight the data, f(u). The full findings of this study are available in Molines <em>et al.</em> &nbsp;(2019).</p> JORGE MOLINES, ENRIQUE RIPOLL, M. ESTHER GÓMEZ-MARTÍN, JOSEP R. MEDINA Copyright (c) 2024 JORGE MOLINES, ENRIQUE RIPOLL, M. ESTHER GÓMEZ-MARTÍN, JOSEP R. MEDINA Wed, 01 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Quantifying Overtopping Performance Of Green-Gray Hybrid Infrastructure <p>Wave overtopping of shoreline infrastructure can lead to significant flooding and consequent loss of life, impairment of transportation systems, and ecological damage. Coastal defenses against overtopping traditionally include hard structures, such as seawalls and revetments, and design guidelines for these structures, <em>e.g.</em>, the EurOtop manual (Van der Meer <em>et al</em>., 2018), have been developed from empirical studies of overtopping. Recently, natural and nature-based features (NNBF) including mangroves, wetlands, reefs, and other systems have gained attention as alternatives to conventional engineered coastal protection systems. Field observations have identified the potential of emergent vegetation, particularly mangrove forests, to mitigate damage during extreme coastal flood events (Alongi, 2008; Tomiczek <em>et al</em>., 2020). However, there is a lack of research on engineering NNBF systems to achieve specific design requirements for overtopping protection.</p> <p>Hybrid or multi-tiered approaches to shoreline protection have also been proposed, where natural (“green”) features are combined with hardened (“gray”) infrastructure to protect coastlines and near-coast assets from erosion and/or flood-based hazards. For overtopping mitigation, hybrid designs can add the performance provided by emergent vegetation to the services of a revetment or a wall. It is unknown whether the green and gray features in a hybrid system perform independently and can be considered as separate design elements, or if the inclusion of one feature affects the performance of the other such that the hybrid system must be considered as a single, complex design element. This study constructed a large-scale physical model to investigate the overtopping performance of a hybrid system with an idealized <em>Rhizophora </em>mangrove forest seaward of a revetment abutting a vertical wall compared to that performance of the wall fronted by the revetment only, the wall fronted by vegetation only, and the wall alone.</p> MARGARET LIBBY, TORI TOMICZEK, DANIEL T. COX, PEDRO LOMONACO Copyright (c) 2024 MARGARET LIBBY, TORI TOMICZEK, DANIEL T. COX, PEDRO LOMONACO Thu, 02 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Measurement Of Spatial-Temporal Waves In The Laboratory Using Computer Vision Technolog <p>Given the complexity of ocean wave phenomena, physical modeling continues to be essential in various engineering and research applications. Wave height, a characteristic measured in nearly all projects, is commonly assessed using resistance/capacitance wave gauges. However, a significant limitation of these traditional wave gauges is their point-based nature, which restricts their ability to describe detailed spatial wave characteristics, especially during wave nonlinearity or when waveforms change. Furthermore, to reconstruct the 3D wave field, an array of wave gauges is often employed alongside an appropriate interpolation algorithm. Additionally, wave gauges may alter flow/wave conditions in specific scenarios. To address these limitations, various non-intrusive measurement techniques have been proposed. Gomit <em>et al.</em> (2022) classified these into stereoscopic, projection, and light-based methods, including LiDAR (Blenkinsopp <em>et al.</em>, 2012), RGB-D cameras (Martínez-Aranda <em>et al.</em>, 2018), and binocular stereo vision (Li <em>et al.</em>, 2022). However, their applicability is constrained by factors such as optical setup complexity and device cost. With the rapid advancement of computer vision technology, it is possible to improve these issues and better describe temporal and spatial wave field variations using such techniques. This conference contribution details the reconstruction of the temporal and spatial 3D free water surface using photogrammetry techniques applied to images from consumer webcams. It also compares these results with measurements obtained from a wave gauge.</p> CHI-YU LI Copyright (c) 2024 CHI-YU LI Sat, 04 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis Of Upgrading Low-Crested Structures As An Adaptation Measure To Climate Change For Coastal Protection: A Hybrid Approach <p>Coastal zones have consistently been among the most appealing settlement areas due to their proximity to the sea, rich natural resources, and the high quality of life they offer (Lamberti et al., 2005). However, these regions are affected by climate change impacts, such as sea-level rise, storm surges, and an increased intensity of extreme weather events (Burcharth et al., 2014). Traditional low-crested rubble mound breakwaters are commonly used to protect coastal areas from wave damage. However, it is expected that the variability of climate conditions will induce a loss of functionality and structural integrity in the coming decades. Coastal communities and coastal managers, within the framework of sustainable development, are demanding new approaches that include not only the preservation of the hydraulic performance of the breakwaters, but also other factors, including social and environmental impacts. These requests significantly affect the traditional way to conceive those structures to be integrated into the coastal landscape. To cope with the variation of climate drivers, existing low-crested breakwaters must be adapted to accommodate social demands and environmental issues. Therefore, upgrading and maintaining the existing rubble-mound breakwater is a hot topic in coastal engineering, and deserves special attention due to the possible intensification of external loads resulting from the impacts of climate change (Stagnitti et al., 2023). Upgrading can be done by modifying the structure profile and/or adding structure elements (Burcharth et al., 2014). In 2011, Cappietti provided curves for the functional design of submerged breakwaters to be used in place of preexisting emergent breakwaters. Burcharth et al. (2014) explained that the best way to improve the structure is to put an additional layer of protection on the front slope, as long as the foreshore has a mild slope of around 1:100. But if the foreshore becomes steeper because of erosion, then a front berm will also be needed. Stagnitti et al. (2022) introduced a novel methodology based on the calculation of the failure probability during a lifetime due to independent failure modes. Their method was employed to evaluate the performance of upgraded breakwaters in response to climate change. Estimating the wave overtopping of both existing and upgraded breakwaters is essential for designing upgrade options that can ensure the safety of port operations. Stagnitti et al. (2023) applied the numerical model IH2VOF, which was calibrated using experimental data, to study the wave overtopping of damaged and upgraded rubble-mound breakwaters. The present work examines the feasibility of converting emerged rubble-mound breakwaters into submerged breakwaters to minimize their detrimental environmental effects. To achieve this goal, an investigation was conducted to evaluate the hydraulic performance of submerged breakwaters that are created by lowering the crest of existing emerged breakwaters. Additionally, two-dimensional numerical simulations were performed using IH2VOF to investigate wave interactions with the structures.</p> NASRIN HASSANPOUR, PASQUALE CONTESTABILE, JAVIER L. LARA, DIEGO VICINANZA Copyright (c) 2024 NASRIN HASSANPOUR, PASQUALE CONTESTABILE, JAVIER L. LARA, DIEGO VICINANZA Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Field Observations Of The Influence Of Infragravity Waves On Wave Overtopping At A Dike On A Shallow Foreshore <p>Infragravity (IG) waves are low-frequency waves (0.0033 Hz &lt; <em>f</em> &lt; 0.05 Hz) that exist: (i) being bound to the wave groups of high-frequency sea-swell (SS) waves (0.05 Hz &lt; <em>f</em> &lt; 1 Hz), (ii) generated by the moving breakpoint due to the groupiness of the SS waves (Bertin et al., 2018), and (iii) as free IG waves released from the SS wave groups and reflected from neighbouring coasts (Rijnsdorp et al., 2021). Offshore in deeper water (<em>h</em>/<em>H<sub>m0,o</sub></em> &gt; 4, with <em>h</em> the water depth and <em>H<sub>m0,o</sub></em> the offshore significant wave height), IG waves become most apparent during storm conditions, but are still rather limited in wave height (order of a couple of cm). However, at the toe of coastal structures with a shallow foreshore depth (1 &lt; <em>h<sub>t</sub></em>/<em>H<sub>m0,o</sub></em> &lt; 4, with <em>h<sub>t</sub></em> the water depth at the toe), the energy of IG waves becomes more significant relative to the SS wave frequency band of the wave spectrum (Hofland et al., 2017), becomes equally important for very shallow foreshores (0.3 &lt; <em>h<sub>t</sub></em>/<em>H<sub>m0,o</sub></em> &lt; 1), and even dominates SS wave energy for extremely shallow foreshore depths (<em>h<sub>t</sub></em>/<em>H<sub>m0,o</sub></em> &lt; 0.3). IG wave growth on mildly sloped shallow foreshores is a result of IG wave shoaling and SS wave energy transfer to IG waves via nonlinear wave-wave interactions (Bertin et al., 2018), and the relative growth of IG to SS wave energy is further aided by SS wave breaking.</p> <p>Coastal urban areas along the Belgian coast (and in other low-lying countries worldwide) rely on a hybrid beach-dike coastal defense system for protection against flooding. During design storm conditions, the nourished beach erodes to a very to extremely shallow foreshore in front of a low-crested impermeable sea dike. Wave overtopping at this type of structure has been shown to be affected by IG waves, based on physical (Altomare et al., 2016) and numerical modelling (Lashley et al., 2021) for shallow to extremely shallow foreshores. However, field observations of the influence of IG waves on wave overtopping have been scarce (van Gent and Giarusso, 2003) and the influence of free IG waves has not been investigated yet. Indeed, the amount of IG wave energy that is expected to arrive at the coastline, not only depends on IG waves naturally bound to the SS wave groups, but also on free IG waves generated offshore or locally reflected from the coast (edge waves). The Belgian continental shelf is characterized by the prevalence of offshore sandbanks (see Figure 1a), which might be an additional source of free IG waves, due to ss wave breaking on the shallow crest of those banks. These free IG waves are location specific and their existence can only be determined by field observations. Knowledge of the offshore boundary conditions with detailed IG wave information is indispensable for the correct prediction and modelling of surf zone hydrodynamics and beach morphodynamics (Fiedler et al., 2019), and the consequent wave overtopping on the dike. Simultaneous measurements of IG waves, offshore and on the beach-dike system during storm conditions together with wave overtopping has not been done before, as it is complex and needs a specific setup with high precision measurement equipment. In-situ measurements provide an invaluable dataset (i.e., no model nor scale effects) and are essential for validating safety assessment and design methodologies of coastal defense systems.</p> VINCENT GRUWEZ, WIETER BOONE, TOMOHIR SUZUKI, MARC WILLEMS, PETER TROCH Copyright (c) 2024 VINCENT GRUWEZ, WIETER BOONE, TOMOHIR SUZUKI, MARC WILLEMS, PETER TROCH Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Exploring The Influence Of Artificial Root Systems Modeled After Marram Grass (Ammophila Arenaria) On Dune Erosion <p>Vegetated dune systems represent a remarkable landform along numerous coastal areas worldwide. They provide a valuable contribution to local ecosystems and coastal protection. The influence of vegetation on the stability of soils potentially counteracts erosion and, on sandy coasts under suitable conditions, leads to the accumulation of sediments driven by aeolian transport, resulting in dune formation (Feagin et al. 2015). The assessment of the coastal protection potential of dunes is far from being a streamlined, mature procedure, and it will demand more parameters than merely the dunes’ height, dimensions or volume, but tentatively also their vegetation coverage. Artificial dunes or dunes regenerated through sand nourishment often lack additional substrate stabilization since no vegetation bound root systems are present (Nordstrom and Jackson 2022). The role of stabilizing root components in the overall dune body matrix is currently not well understood, in particular, when highly dynamic processes such as wave attack is involved. The hypothesis of this novel work hence is that root systems of dune grass (i.e., <em>A. arenaria)</em> can be quantified for the modelling in experimental campaigns and for more reliable erosion results. To investigate this hypothesis novel physical experiments are currently conducted in the wave flume at the Leichtweiß-Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources in Braunschweig (Germany), testing different root surrogate materials and quantities for the first time.</p> LUKAS AHRENBECK, JOHANNES SCHATTMANN, BJÖRN MEHRTENS, VIKTORIA KOSMALLA, OLIVER LOJEK, DAVID SCHUERENKAMP, NILS GOSEBERG Copyright (c) 2024 LUKAS AHRENBECK, JOHANNES SCHATTMANN, BJÖRN MEHRTENS, VIKTORIA KOSMALLA, OLIVER LOJEK, DAVID SCHUERENKAMP, NILS GOSEBERG Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Laboratory Study On Wave Overtopping Across Coastal Dikes With A Vegetated Foreshore <p>Coastal dikes are commonly engineered to safeguard coastal areas from various coastal hazards. When incoming waves interact with these coastal dikes, wave overtopping frequently occurs if the storm wave's runup exceeds the dike's freeboard. This wave overtopping can lead to natural disasters, such as coastal flooding and damage to the protective layers of the dikes. Consequently, extensive research has been conducted on this phenomenon, assuming the absence of vegetation, as documented in EurOtop (2018). However, in many tidal flat regions, like the Yangtze River Delta, vegetation is prevalent and forms a vegetated foreshore alongside coastal dikes. It is widely acknowledged that a vegetated foreshore not only dissipates waves more effectively than a natural beach, as demonstrated in studies by Suzuki et al. (2019), but also reduces flow velocities, resulting in sediment accumulation over the vegetated area, as observed in research by Chen et al. (2012) and Hu et al. (2018). While increased wave dissipation due to vegetation may lead to reduced wave overtopping, there is currently limited research available that addresses the influence of vegetation on wave overtopping across coastal dikes.</p> ZHONG PENG, XIANJIN CHEN, YING ZHAO Copyright (c) 2024 ZHONG PENG, XIANJIN CHEN, YING ZHAO Wed, 01 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A New Wave Breaking Benchmark On Rubble Mound Breakwaters <p>The potential of predictive maintenance for critical port infrastructure, reducing risks and extending its life cycle, remains to be unlocked by suitable quantitative information that fosters predictive maintenance and sustained investments towards progressive climate-proofing of the infrastructure. The PI-BREAK (Predictive Intelligent system for BREAKwater maintenance) project will apply state-of-the-art monitoring and modelling techniques to the maintenance of the Punta Lucero rubble mound breakwater in the port of Bilbao, Spain. This critical infrastructure is crucial to the welfare of coastal communities and the project aims to demonstrate how predictive maintenance can enhance port safety and efficiency, while also supporting economic recovery through low carbon footprint adaptation to future scenarios. By combining short-term risk reduction (for service limit states) with long-term structural reliability (for ultimate limit states) PI-BREAK will develop a sequenced maintenance model to progressively extend the breakwater life span with controlled risk levels and impacts.</p> BEATRI RODRÍGUEZ, DELIA REGUEIRA, ANTONI TOMÁS, CORRADO ALTOMARE, ÁLVARO ÁLVAREZ, LARRAITZ BENGOETXEA, REBECA GARITAONAINDIA, BONAVENTURA TAGLIAFIERRO, XAVIER GIRONELLA, MANUEL GONZALEZ, DANIEL GONZALEZ MARCO, MARIO HERNAEZ, PEDRO LIRIA, JAVIER L. LARA, JULIEN MADER, ANDRÉS MENDOZA, ANNA RUBIO, AGUSTÍN SÁNCHEZ ARCILLA JR, LOHITZUN SOLABARRIETA, MANUEL VIÑES, JOAQUIM SOSPEDRA, AGUSTÍN SÁNCHEZ ARCILLA Copyright (c) 2024 BEATRI RODRÍGUEZ, DELIA REGUEIRA, ANTONI TOMÁS, CORRADO ALTOMARE, ÁLVARO ÁLVAREZ, LARRAITZ BENGOETXEA, REBECA GARITAONAINDIA, BONAVENTURA TAGLIAFIERRO, XAVIER GIRONELLA, MANUEL GONZALEZ, DANIEL GONZALEZ MARCO, MARIO HERNAEZ, PEDRO LIRIA, JAVIER L. LARA, JULIEN MADER, ANDRÉS MENDOZA, ANNA RUBIO, AGUSTÍN SÁNCHEZ ARCILLA JR, LOHITZUN SOLABARRIETA, MANUEL VIÑES, JOAQUIM SOSPEDRA, AGUSTÍN SÁNCHEZ ARCILLA Fri, 03 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Physical Modelling Of The Wave Field Around An Array Of Centrally Controlled Wave Energy Converters <p>To capture a substantial amount of wave energy, Wave Energy Converters (WECs) will be placed in arrays in a certain geometric configuration. &nbsp;WECs spaced closely together will interact, affecting the hydrodynamics of these devices and thus the total power absorption of the WEC array. These are called ‘near-field effects’. Furthermore, a WEC array will also influence the wave field in the wake zone behind the farm, the so-called ‘far-field effects’. This affects the coastline and other users of the sea near the WEC array. Both near- and far-field effects are caused by the modification of the incident waves due to wave radiation by and wave diffraction around the WECs. To understand these effects, it is therefore necessary to study the wave field in and around a WEC array. This study investigates the wave field modifications for an array of up to five heaving point absorber WECs that was tested at the Coastal &amp; Ocean Basin Ostend. To optimize the absorbed power of the array, the Power Take-Off (PTO) devices are controlled using a centralized control algorithm, influencing the hydrodynamic behaviour of the WECs and hence the wave field. The research fits into the larger scope of the ‘WECfarm’ project, which has been initiated to address the lack of available realistic and reliable data covering large centrally controlled WEC arrays to validate numerical models (Vervaet et al., 2022).</p> LAURENS CROMHEEKE, TIMOTHY VERVAET, NICOLAS QUARTIER, MAXIMILIAN STREICHER, VICKY STRATIGAKI, PETER TROCH Copyright (c) 2024 LAURENS CROMHEEKE, TIMOTHY VERVAET, NICOLAS QUARTIER, MAXIMILIAN STREICHER, VICKY STRATIGAKI, PETER TROCH Mon, 06 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Wave Reflection Analyses On Laser Scan Data From A Model Salt Marsh <p>Physical or numerical models are common tools to investigate the interaction between waves and marine structures. The decomposition of the water level into incident and reflected wave components is often required, as most design variables (overtopping, run-up) are linked to the incoming wave characteristics. Also, an accurate solution can provide information on the distribution of energy in the wave spectrum and the spread of energy from the fundamental wave components to the lower and higher frequencies (Lin and Huang, 2004). Thus, utilizing an appropriate wave reflection analysis is critical in the analysis of such experiments.</p> D. DERMENTZOGLOU, J.R.M. MULLER, S. LAKERVELD, B. BORSJE, B. HOFLAND, M. TISSIER, A. ANTONINI Copyright (c) 2024 D. DERMENTZOGLOU, J.R.M. MULLER, S. LAKERVELD, B. BORSJE, B. HOFLAND, M. TISSIER, A. ANTONINI Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Arctic Coastline Erosion: Novel Experimental Avenues Help Understand Its Response To A Changing Climate <p>Permafrost coastlines represent a large portion of the world’s coastal area and these areas have become increasingly vulnerable owing to the changing climate and its strong dynamics observed over the past decades (Irrgang <em>et al.</em>, 2022). The predominant mechanism of coastal erosion in these areas has been identified through several observational studies as thermomechanical erosion—a joint removal of sediment through the melting of interstitial ice (thermal energy) and abrasion from incoming waves (mechanical energy). Longer summer seasons where -due to a much lower ice cover- waves can more freely propagate towards Arctic coastlines have exacerbated coastal erosion (Overeem <em>et al.</em>, 2011) and which is projected to increase inline with Arctic warming (Nielsen <em>et al</em>., 2022). Erosional effects have long been a subject of the coastal engineering community, however, the combined effect of wave attack on shorelines, in combination with thermomechanical processes has largely been overlooked. The implications of Arctic coastline erosion are plenty: local communities face relocations of whole settlements, loss of valuable property or cultural heritage while acceleration in thaw causes a much higher influx of environmental contaminants and nutrients into the Arctic Ocean. It is hence crucial to engage this pressing challenge with long established and novel methods originating from the coastal engineering community. This work provides an overview over novel avenues that are useful for a better understanding of the processes and interactions of ocean waves and Arctic coastlines. It also presents some of the recent erosional observations from a cold room flume and micro CT measurements.</p> NILS GOSEBERG, NILS MICHALKE, JUSTUS GIMSA, DAVID SCHÜRENKAMP, ROLAND Kruse, RALF JÄNICKE, HUGUES LANTUIT Copyright (c) 2024 NILS GOSEBERG, NILS MICHALKE, JUSTUS GIMSA, DAVID SCHÜRENKAMP, ROLAND Kruse, RALF JÄNICKE, HUGUES LANTUIT Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 2D And 3D Physical Model Testing For The Rehabilitation On The Frioul Port Breakwater (France) <p>A white archipelago anchored in the Mediterranean Sea 2 km off the coast of Marseille (France), the port of Frioul is made up of the Pomègues islands (to the south) and Ratonneau (to the north). It is protected on the west side by the Berry breakwater (renovated in 1984), and on the east side by the Condorcet breakwater (figure 1.a). The port was built in the early 1820s (Berry breakwater) to take care of the quarantine of ships coming from areas infected by yellow fever, then developed in the 1850s (Condorcet breakwater in the East) to make it a military port.</p> <p>The current findings highlight that the eastern breakwater is seriously damaged and must be rehabilitated (figure 1.b). Accordingly, the rehabilitation solution, which consists to replace the actual rock armour unit, was physically modelled, and tested for its hydraulic stability and the overtopping performance as well as the forces and pressures acting on the crown wall. The process includes recreation of breakwater cross sections in a 2D wave flume at a scale of 1:35 (figure 2.a), and a optimized breakwater configuration proposed in a 3D wave basin at a scale of 1:50 (figure 2.b).</p> <p>These two campaigns made it possible to compare and optimize the design, first with the state of the art (Van Gent, M., et van der Werf, I., 2019) (Mares-Nasarre and van Gent, M., 2020), then with the observations and measurements collected from the modeling.</p> ESCOBAR VALENCIA E, BOURLET L, BAILLY B Copyright (c) 2024 ESCOBAR VALENCIA E, BOURLET L, BAILLY B Wed, 08 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Turning The Tide: Live-Bed Scale Experiments Of Bar-Dominated Estuaries And Effects Of Dredging On Intertidal Habitat <p>Many large sand-dominated estuaries and tidal basins have complex channel and bar patterns, wherein a continuous deep channel suitable for shipping is rarely naturally present, which requires dredging. The intertidal area has important, often protected habitats for macro-benthic species, wader birds and other species. The question is to what degree channel and shoal dimensions and the amount of intertidal area are affected by dredging and disposal for access to ports.</p> <p>While numerical modelling is conducted for these systems with some success, complementary scale experiments with live beds have challenged the fields of coastal engineering and coastal morphodynamics for over a century. Compared to scale models for rivers, the scale issues in tidal experiments are more complicated and very few attempts have been pursued. For example, Reynolds (1889) conducted the first scale experiments of an estuary by a periodic sea level fluctuation, but found that even fine sand was hard to mobilize, while the bed surface was dominated by ripples rather than bars. Similarly, Tambroni <em>et al</em>. (2005) carefully scaled sediment mobility in a converging channel and obtained large-scale morphological patterns with gentle bars nearly overwhelmed by ripples. Stefanon <em>et al</em>. (2010) present a careful attempt at erosive tidal channel network development in a scale model with low-density sediment, which showed unexplained, over-large scour holes at channel junctions. The key issues for tidal experiments are to obtain sufficient sediment mobility (expressed as Shields or Rouse number) and to avoid over-large ripples and scours, and to this end classic river scale modelling is inadequate. Here we assess whether our recent innovation solves these scale issues. The objective of this abstract is to elucidate the scaling of experiments that enable study of morphodynamic estuaries in many aspects including effects of sediment management by dredging.</p> MAARTEN G. KLEINHANS, JANA R. COX, EISE W. NOTA Copyright (c) 2024 MAARTEN G. KLEINHANS, JANA R. COX, EISE W. NOTA Wed, 01 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Tsunami Debris Damming Drag Forces And Associated Coefficients On Elevated Coastal Structure Columns <p>Tsunami overland flow induces hydrodynamic loads on coastal structures and may transport various objects located within the inundation zone, which could become debris and exacerbate hydrodynamic loading. In the process of adopting “the first national, consensus-based standard for tsunami resilience” (Chock, 2016) in the form of ASCE 7-16 Chapter 6: Tsunami Loads and Effects, emphasis was placed on evaluating debris transport and impact forces. This is evidenced by the robust body of literature regarding physical model experiments of these processes and thorough design procedures for both load considerations in current structural engineering standards (ASCE, 2022). Debris damming forces, resultant of debris being transported and accumulating against structures, are less thoroughly studied, having only recently begun to transition from steady flow experiments to transient flow conditions representative of coastal inundation events. A recent pair of experiments bridges this gap, comparing debris damming via steady-state, subcritical flow conditions to that caused by a dam-break style hydraulic bore (Stolle <em>et al.</em>, 2018). That paper aimed to study debris dam formation, stability, and loading as well as runup of the flow onto idealized structural columns. Another study varied debris quantity, orientation, and arrangement to determine the effect had on damming and impact loads (Shekhar <em>et al.</em>, 2020), however neither compared findings to current standards.</p> <p>The experimental work presented herein represents initial findings of a multi-year experimental campaign to better understand the mechanisms that lead to debris damming and increased structural loading. This work builds upon previous studies by using larger scale debris elements, more numerous debris fields, and more trials to better model such a stochastic process as debris damming. Three different incident wave conditions also led to varied hydrodynamics at the column specimen. In later phases, this campaign will also investigate the debris damming consequences of heterogeneous debris, which more accurately represent highly variable debris fields observed in post-event site surveys (Nistor <em>et al.</em>, 2017).</p> <p>This paper aims to compare experimental debris dam loading parameters to those in the current ASCE 7-22 standard (ASCE, 2022). Namely, evaluating conservatism of ASCE 7-22 design values for: overall drag force on buildings, minimum closure ratios used in load determination, and empirical rectilinear structure drag coefficients during both debris accumulation and quasi-steady debris damming phases.</p> KELLEN DOYLE, MYUNG-JIN KOH, RAVINDU JAYASEKARA, DANIEL COX, PEDRO LOMONACO, HYOUNGSU PARK, SABARETHINAM KAMESHWAR Copyright (c) 2024 KELLEN DOYLE, MYUNG-JIN KOH, RAVINDU JAYASEKARA, DANIEL COX, PEDRO LOMONACO, HYOUNGSU PARK, SABARETHINAM KAMESHWAR Thu, 02 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Large-Scale Experimental Model Of Edge Treatments For Constructed Salt Marshes <p>Large stretches of Canada’s coastlines are lined with legacy dykes (or levees) to provide protection against coastal flooding and erosion. However, future sea-level rise presents a risk to these structures, which may result in the dykes being under designed when exposed to future water levels and wave conditions. Under certain conditions, these dykes can be augmented with a coastal saltmarsh to create a living dyke, which allows for the existing dyke to be more resilient against sea level rise without the need to retrofit the dyke with a higher crest elevation or larger armour stone. The coastal saltmarsh is able to attenuate storm waves, resulting in lower wave energy at the dyke, while also attracting and retaining sediment to combat coastal erosion.</p> <p>The Living Dyke project in Boundary Bay, Canada is a pilot project being used to test the living dyke concept by placing sediment and planting salt marsh vegetation in the foreshore combined with upgrades to the existing dyke. Kerr Wood Leidal Associates Ltd. prepared a preliminary design which incorporated four different edge treatment features that are to be installed at the offshore edge of a newly constructed salt marsh platform in order to attenuate wave energy and retain the placed sediment before the planted vegetation can be established. The proposed edge treatment features included a natural sand edge, a rounded gravel berm, an oyster-shell filled bag berm, and a brushwood dam. Large scale (full scale for all edge treatment feature tests except for the brushwood dam which was conducted at half-scale) physical model experiments were carried out by the National Research Council of Canada’s Ocean, Coastal and River Engineering Research Centre in their Large Wave-Current Flume to investigate the performance, including stability of the edge treatment features, wave attenuation ability, and stability of the salt marsh platform, of these edge treatment features under varying water level and wave conditions that are present at Boundary Bay.</p> MITCHEL PROVAN, ENDA MURPHY, AMANJ RAHMAN, ERIC MORRIS, ALLISON MATFIN Copyright (c) 2024 MITCHEL PROVAN, ENDA MURPHY, AMANJ RAHMAN, ERIC MORRIS, ALLISON MATFIN Sat, 04 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Wave Impacts On Cliffs: From The Field To The Laboratory <p>Rock coasts occupy over 50% of the global shoreline and many sandy beaches are underlain by coastal platforms and rocky cliffs. The problem of wave-driven cliff erosion is of great societal importance, with many coastal communities located on top of cliffs that are at risk from erosion. Continuing global mean sea level rise and changes in storminess are generally expected to exacerbate the erosion of coastlines (Hurst <em>et al.</em>, 2016), as larger waves can reach the cliff toe without breaking offshore. However, the science underpinning wave-induced cliff erosion is still at a relatively early stage. Even the relative contributions of waves to cliff erosion, which include hydraulic forces, impulse pressures and abrasion, are not well resolved.</p> <p>Most insights into wave impacts on cliffs come from field observations of coastal ground motion during storm events (e.g. Young <em>et al.</em>, 2011, Huppert <em>et al.</em>, 2020). These field investigations demonstrate the dependence of large wave impacts on both water levels and wave conditions, and in some cases the correlation of periods of large ground motion with increased erosion (Earlie <em>et al.</em>, 2015). Unsurprisingly, although large impacts generally occur at high tide during storms characterised by large significant wave heights, the largest impacts occur when tidal levels and storm surge combine to provide water levels that are conducive to the incident waves breaking on the cliffs (Thompson <em>et al.</em>, 2019; 2022). Larger wave heights or shallower water levels tend to lead to breaking further offshore, with a broken wave interacting with the cliff, while smaller wave heights or deeper water levels may preclude strong wave breaking on the cliffs.</p> <p>There have been relatively few experimental studies into wave-driven cliff erosion; these were generally undertaken under very idealised wave conditions (e.g. Sunamura, 1977) and using materials that were either too soft to approximate natural rocks (e.g. Sunamura, 1977; 1982) or too hard to be eroded (Hansom <em>et al.</em>, 2008). Although these experiments have informed the development of rocky coast evolution models, their results have not been replicated or verified, and rigorous scaling laws to link laboratory erosion rates to field time scales are currently lacking. However, considering cliffs as steep or vertical (natural) coastal structures, a large body of experimental work has been undertaken to investigate impact pressures and their implications for the failure of engineered structures (e.g. Peregrine, 2003, Bullock <em>et al.</em>, 2007). These investigations are complicated by the inherent variability of the wave impact pressures, even within controlled experiments undertaken with highly repeatable incident wave conditions (Raby <em>et al.</em>, 2022).</p> <p>Although field and laboratory data are valuable, it is still very challenging to quantify wave contributions to cliff erosion due to the relatively short durations and variable conditions of most field records. On the other hand, most controlled laboratory investigations have typically focused on loads on non-erodible engineered structures such as seawalls. The current project seeks to advance understanding of the fundamental mechanisms and timescales of wave-driven erosion on rocky cliffs, which will be vital in improving assessments of cliff erosion hazard in high-energy wave environments as sea levels rise.</p> YAXIONG SHEN, COLIN WHITTAKER, MARK DICKSON Copyright (c) 2024 YAXIONG SHEN, COLIN WHITTAKER, MARK DICKSON Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Effectiveness Of Stilling Wave Basins In Reducing Wave Overtopping On Dikes And Rubble Mound Breakwaters <p>Motivated by the impacts of Climate Change (CC), such as rising sea levels and the increased intensity and frequency of storms, the importance of adapting our coastal defense structures has never been more important (Toimil, 2020). With CC causing coastal structures to be exposed to more extreme hydraulic conditions than originally designed for, there is an increased risk of these structures failing in terms of stability and hydraulic performance, such as wave overtopping. To reduce wave overtopping, structural modifications of existing coastal structures are often adopted and in this work the analysis of wave overtopping discharge at slope structures equipped with Stilling Wave Basins (SWB) at their crest (Figure 1) is investigated.</p> YURI PEPI, MAXIMILIAN STREICHER, ALESSANDRO ROMANO, PETER TROCH, LEOPOLDO FRANCO Copyright (c) 2024 YURI PEPI, MAXIMILIAN STREICHER, ALESSANDRO ROMANO, PETER TROCH, LEOPOLDO FRANCO Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Surviwec Project: An Open-Source Experimental Database For Extreme Loads On A Moored Cylinder Under Regular And Focused Waves <p>In this work, we introduce a novel open-source experimental database focused on the dynamic response of a moored floater under both regular and focused waves. The database provides detailed information about the motion (6 DOF) of a cylindrical floating body anchored using two distinct mooring configurations. The former configuration employs four tension legs evenly distributed around the perimeter of the float. The latter, utilizes catenary connections made of steel chains. This database holds significance in three key aspects. Firstly, by leveraging one of the largest wave facilities in Europe for wave generation, the wave-structure interaction is studied on a large scale (approx. 1:10 ratio). Due to this, scale effects are minimized. Secondly, the database captures critical hydrodynamic loads, including slamming and overtopping induced by extreme waves, as well as snap loads in the mooring lines. These represent unique features of the dataset. Lastly, the tests are conducted with meticulous consideration for subsequent analytical or numerical validations: preliminary tests with regular waves are followed by investigations under extreme sea states represented by focused waves.</p> BONAVENTURA TAGLIAFIERRO, ANDREA MARZEDDU, CORRADO ALTOMARE, XAVI IRONELLA, JOAQUIM SOSPEDRA, ALEJANDRO CRESPO, MAITE DE CASTRO, MONCHO GÓMEZ-GESTEIRA Copyright (c) 2024 BONAVENTURA TAGLIAFIERRO, ANDREA MARZEDDU, CORRADO ALTOMARE, XAVI IRONELLA, JOAQUIM SOSPEDRA, ALEJANDRO CRESPO, MAITE DE CASTRO, MONCHO GÓMEZ-GESTEIRA Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Adapting Methods For Bed Level Assessment In And Around Submerged Vegetation <p>Coastal vegetation has the capacity to reduce flow and orbital velocities near the bed and stabilize the sediment with its root network. As a result it has an effect on sediment dynamics which gains increasing attention as ecosystem service in coastal protection. To quantify and predict this ecosystem service, laboratory experiments with live or artificial vegetation are often conducted. During these experiments the assessment of bed level change is challenged by the presence of the vegetation. Standard optical and acoustic measurement techniques cannot obtain data below vegetation canopies. Especially for submerged flexible vegetation like seagrass, this challenge is aggravated for airborne methods that require flume drainage (e.g. terrestrial laser scanning) (Follett and Nepf, 2012). Flexible blades will spread on the ground during drainage, potentially covering meadow edges and thus excluding areas of interest from the bed level analysis. Moreover, live aquatic vegetation may be stressed by air exposure, if the facility is drained for bed level measurements. This potentially leads to different, non-natural behaviour in consecutive experiments. And finally, draining and refilling the facility is time consuming, especially as it needs to be done very carefully as not to disturb any generated bedforms. This time aspect hampers the collection of time series and thus the assessment of the development of bed level changes with airborne methods. Underwater technology like sonar and echo sounder avoid shading of areas by spread-out vegetation, but are equally not capable of obtaining data below vegetation canopies. Moreover, instruments that can obtain spatially resolved data underwater often require a minimum water depth which may exceed the water depth relevant for experiments with vegetation.</p> <p>In intertidal areas (e.g. salt marshes) the challenge of obtaining bed level data below vegetation canopies is overcome by the use of a sediment-erosion-bar (SEB) (Cahoon et al., 2002). For this method a horizontal bar is installed at a fixed height above the ground and the distance between this bar and the ground is measured at defined locations along the bar and set time intervals to obtain information on the bed level change. SEBs have successfully been adapted to laboratory settings in the past (Spencer et al., 2016), but still required flume drainage. We applied this method in an undrained flume to assess sediment dynamics in and around an artificial seagrass meadow. Additionally, we tested underwater photogrammetry to obtain 3D-spatial information (e.g., 3D models) on bed level and bedforms at and near the vegetation edges. Photogrammetry has been successfully applied to obtain bedform information in the presence of seagrass stands, but to date still required the drainage of the facility (Meysick et al., 2022).</p> MAIKE PAUL, MAREIKE TAPHORN, ARMIN MOGHIMI Copyright (c) 2024 MAIKE PAUL, MAREIKE TAPHORN, ARMIN MOGHIMI Wed, 01 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Physical Modelling Of Propeller Jet Induced Scour Near Quay Walls <p>Ship propellers cause high flow velocities near quay walls, jetties, locks and other hydraulic structures which can lead to scour of the bed near these structures and potentially result in instabilities of the construction. Bed protection is commonly applied as a measure to prevent damage and increase the life span of such hydraulic structures. When designing bed protection, the existing guidelines e.g. (PIANC 2015, BAW 2010) may not always result in optimal designs due to simplifications made in jet-flow schematizations and uncertainty of propeller-induced loads. To improve these design guidelines and optimize bed protection, a working group led by CROW and the Dutch Government was formed, and a joint research programme was initiated aiming at developing knowledge on propeller jet-induced scour by combining field measurements (Tukker 2021), scale model tests (Deltares 2023), and numerical modelling. The objective of the presentation during the Coastlab24 conference is to provide an overview of the various measurement techniques applied in the present research.</p> C. VAN NIEUWENHUIZEN, A.J. VAN DER HOUT, H.I.S. NOGUEIRA, W. BAKKER, G. BROCCA, P. DI PIETRO Copyright (c) 2024 C. VAN NIEUWENHUIZEN, A.J. VAN DER HOUT, H.I.S. NOGUEIRA, W. BAKKER, G. BROCCA, P. DI PIETRO Fri, 03 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Wave Tank Experiments Of A Novel Floating Photovoltaic System <p>Solar photovoltaic (PV) energy, alongside other renewables, is expected to lead the energy sector. However, large-scale ground-mounted PV generation requires a significant amount of land, prompting conflict with other uses. On these grounds, floating PV (FPV) technology is gaining interest (Rosa-Clot and Tina, 2020). While commercial FPV is already being deployed on freshwater bodies, efforts are being undertaken towards harnessing solar energy on the untapped surface of the ocean (Oliveira-Pinto and Stokkermans, 2020). The main challenge is to develop a cost-effective technology capable of withstanding extreme environmental conditions whilst ensuring platform stability, to minimize misalignment of the solar panels that could result in significant efficiency loss (Claus and López, 2022). Several marine concepts have been proposed, with most of them leaning towards flexible design strategies, similar to those applied in freshwater (Claus and López, 2023).</p> <p>Researchers at the University of Oviedo, Spain, are developing a novel FPV system that is specifically designed for marine conditions, following a rigid design approach (Figure 1). The concept leverages the combination of two distinct elements: a double-axis solar tracker, maximizing solar energy generation, and a tension-leg platform (TLP), ensuring structural performance and stability. This research showcases the wave tank experiments, under regular wave action.</p> RUBÉN CLAUS, MARIO LÓPEZ, FERNANDO SOTO, ALEJANDRO CEBADA, DANIEL CLEMENTE, GIANMARIA GIANNINI, PAULO ROSA-SANTOS Copyright (c) 2024 RUBÉN CLAUS, MARIO LÓPEZ, FERNANDO SOTO, ALEJANDRO CEBADA, DANIEL CLEMENTE, GIANMARIA GIANNINI, PAULO ROSA-SANTOS Mon, 06 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 LOW-CRESTED AND EMERGENT BREAKWATERS WITH ECO-FRIENDLY ARMOUR UNITS <p>Artificial coastal defense systems (such as concrete armour units) frequently host less diverse aquatic populations than natural environments and feature higher concentrations of invasive species (Dafforn et al., 2009). Therefore, coastal structures need to be designed or refitted to achieve sustainable goals through the application of ecological engineering solutions applied to coastal defence structures and for the ecosystem, marine habitat, and biodiversity improvement. Ecological engineering, which integrates ecosystems with engineering principles to construct coastal structures that benefit both humans and the ecosystem, is growing as a means of reducing the adverse ecological impacts of coastal infrastructure (Mitsch &amp; Jorgensen, 2003). Thus, creating new eco-friendly breakwater design guidelines is critical and will benefit from the multidisciplinary involvement of marine biologists and ecologists.</p> <p>The purpose of this experimental modelling study was to provide data on the hydraulic performance and stability of low-crested and emergent rubble mound breakwaters (RMBW) constructed using ecologically friendly armour units under various wave conditions. The University of Ottawa, the National Research Council of Canada (NRC), and ECOncrete collaborated to develop and conduct the physical testing program.</p> <p>Several breakwater models were tested to evaluate their performance, as the idea of an eco-friendly breakwater is still a new area of research. Thus, this experimental program is essential to promote environmentally-friendly armour units in the design of new coastal structures (such as Baker et al., 2018), as well as ecological retrofitting of existing coastal structures. The physical tests were conducted between June 2023 and August 2023 in the Large Wave Flume of NRC’s Ocean, Coastal, and River Engineering Research Center in Ottawa, Canada. ECOncrete's Coastalock armour units were tested in various configurations at a 1/15 scale using two-dimensional low-crested and emergent RMBW models. The hydraulic performance and failure mechanisms of these environmentally-friendly breakwater models were tested under severe wave conditions.</p> SERIM DOGAC SAYAR, IOAN NISTOR, SCOTT BAKER, JORGE GUTIÉRREZ MARTÍNEZ Copyright (c) 2024 SERIM DOGAC SAYAR, IOAN NISTOR, SCOTT BAKER, JORGE GUTIÉRREZ MARTÍNEZ Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Experimental Investigation Of Coastal Foredune Erosion <p>Low lying coastal foredunes can provide an initial buffer against near-shore wave attack, while higher elevated dunes can form a sheltering barrier against flooding of an adjacent hinterland (Temmerman et al. 2013). The Eiderstedt peninsula in Northern Germany harbors a dune system spanning roughly 8&nbsp;km in north-south direction, consisting of an up to 2&nbsp;km wide beach, lined by an elongated foredune of varying dune dimensions (Mehrtens et al. 2023). An established secondary dune chain closes a 1.2&nbsp;km gap in the local dike system (see Fig. 1a and 1b). This work presents novel large-scale experiments on the influence of a foredune in front of a secondary dune during storm surge situations. Working hypothesis is that the foredune acts as a sediment buffer, damping incoming waves and reducing overall erosion on the main dune.</p> BJÖRN MEHRTENS, OLIVER LOJEK, THEA BÖLKER, LUKAS AHRENBECK, VIKTORIA KOSMALLA, CONSTANTIN SCHWEIGER, DAVID SCHÜRENKAMP, NILS GOSEBERG Copyright (c) 2024 BJÖRN MEHRTENS, OLIVER LOJEK, THEA BÖLKER, LUKAS AHRENBECK, VIKTORIA KOSMALLA, CONSTANTIN SCHWEIGER, DAVID SCHÜRENKAMP, NILS GOSEBERG Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Geophysical Monitoring Of Large-Scale Levee Overflow Experiments With Electric Resistivity Tomography <p>Large scale overflow experiments allow testing erosion resistance of levee slopes under variable conditions, such as different soil parameters, grass lengths, presence of trees and presence of animal burrows. Within the scope of the Interreg-funded project Polder2C’s an extensive series of such experiments took place in Belgium and the Netherlands in 2020-2022 (Koelewijn et al. 2022). A variety of techniques was used to monitor critical parameters of those experiments, many of which were tried for the first time. One of them was Electric Resistivity Tomography (ERT) that was used to provide a time-series of images illustrating changes in the levee subsoil during testing. The experiment took place on a levee section where mole burrows had been previously detected, and where the presence of an extensive subsurface system of mole tunnels had been verified on the landward slope of the levee (figure 1).</p> VANA TSIMOPOULOU, MARIOS KARAOULIS, ROELAND NIEBOER, EDVARD AHLRICHS, ANDRÉ KOELEWIJN, ANNETTE KIEFTENBURG Copyright (c) 2024 VANA TSIMOPOULOU, MARIOS KARAOULIS, ROELAND NIEBOER, EDVARD AHLRICHS, ANDRÉ KOELEWIJN, ANNETTE KIEFTENBURG Wed, 08 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Overtopping Reduction By Artificial Reefs <p>Artificial or Engineered reefs are primarily developed for enhancing the ecological system. In Guidelines for the Placement of Artificial Reefs (UNEP, 2009) they are described as "An artificial reef is a submerged structure deliberately constructed or placed on the seabed to emulate some functions of a natural reef such as protecting, regenerating, concentrating, and/or enhancing populations of living marine resources."</p> <p>Often these artificial reefs have either a complex shape inspired by biomimicry (<em>e.g.</em> Coastruction) or a more regular shape, designed to function as modular blocks that can be easily placed on top of each other (<em>e.g</em>. Reefy). In many parts of the world, application of these engineered elements on top of existing shallow reefs may be a solution to not only enhance the ecosystem but also to increase the safety level of the hinterland. Also, in light of climate change and further increasing water levels, the artificial reefs may be a valuable alternative to reduce wave overtopping and prevent the land for extreme flooding.</p> <p>To quantify the possible effect of such artificial reefs in more shallower areas, physical model testing have been performed in which both overtopping was measured with and without the use of engineered elements. Shallow water depths have been chosen here, since the reef should induce wave breaking, resulting in the wave energy to decrease. The performance of these engineered elements in relation to its submergence has been investigated and a reduction coefficient has been developed.</p> VERA M. VAN BERGEIJK, ALEX CAPEL, FLORINE SPETH, MARCEL R.A. VAN GENT Copyright (c) 2024 VERA M. VAN BERGEIJK, ALEX CAPEL, FLORINE SPETH, MARCEL R.A. VAN GENT Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Validation Of A Nonlinear Wave Decompistion Method Including Shoaling <p>It is important to decompose the incident and the reflected waves when performing physical or numerical experiments in a wave flume. Especially when large reflection is expected, from for example a breakwater, the total measured signal can significantly deviate from the incident signal.</p> <p>Different techniques exist to decompose a signal into incident and reflected signals. For 1D wave flumes a method based on co-located wave gauges (Nwogu, 1989) or multiple wave gauges (Røge Eldrup and Lykke Andersen, 2019, Zelt and Skjelbreia, 1993) is commonly applied. The latter is the focus of this abstract since recently, the decomposition method based on multiple wave gauges was extended to be applicable to nonlinear irregular waves by including bound waves and amplitude dispersion (Eldrup and Lykke Andersen, 2019). Moreover, the practical requirements for the nonlinear wave decomposition methods were described in De Ridder et al. (2023).</p> <p>Most of the nonlinear wave decomposition methods are only applicable to a flat bed and will introduce an error when it is applied on a sloping foreshore which is typically the case in physical model experiments. Padilla and Alsina (2020) derived a general framework including shoaling of bound waves and Lykke Andersen and Eldrup (2021) presented a method for nonlinear regular waves over a sloping bed. However, a nonlinear decomposition method for irregular waves over a sloping bed has never been verified with physical model experiments.</p> <p>In this abstract the nonlinear decomposition method for irregular waves as presented in De Ridder et al. (2023) is extended with the effects of shoaling and its effects are verified with a physical model experiment.</p> M.P. DE RIDDER, J. KRAMER, J.P. DEN BIEMAN Copyright (c) 2024 M.P. DE RIDDER, J. KRAMER, J.P. DEN BIEMAN Thu, 02 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Wave Breaking Eddies And Transient Rip Current Dynamics In Large-Scale Wave Basin Experiments <p>Rip currents transport contaminants, nutrients, larvae, and, unfortunately, occasionally even swimmers between the surf zone and inner shelf. Transient rip currents are ephemeral ejections associated with surfzone eddies that are ubiquitous even on alongshore-uniform beaches. During directionally spread wave conditions, depth-limited breaking along finite-length regions, known as short-crested breaking, leads to spatial variation in the breaking force and corresponding vertical vorticity input to the water column. An inverse energy cascade from the injected vorticity may result in larger scale horizontal surfzone eddies, consistent with two-dimensional turbulence. These large-scale eddies enhance dispersion within the surf zone and may mutually advect offshore as a transient rip current. While this hypothesis is widely discussed in the literature, we do not have strong observational evidence for the processes connecting the wave field to the formation of large-scale horizontal eddies. To overcome the challenges of isolating and measuring the processes leading to transient rip currents in the field, we examined these processes in large-scale laboratory experiments.</p> CHRISTINE M. BAKER, MELISSA MOULTON, C. CHRIS CHICKADEL, EMMA S. NUSS, MARGARET PALMSTEN, KATHERINE BRODIE Copyright (c) 2024 CHRISTINE M. BAKER, MELISSA MOULTON, C. CHRIS CHICKADEL, EMMA S. NUSS, MARGARET PALMSTEN, KATHERINE BRODIE Tue, 14 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 2D Model For Addu City Project - Wave Transformation Over Reef Flat <p>Van Oord DMC was awarded the Contract for the Reclamation by Dredging and Shore Protection works for land in Addu City by The Ministry of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure of the Maldives. The Scope of Works consists of the Design and Construction of (among others) Reclamation and Shore Protection Works on various locations in the Addu City atoll. The project execution started in 2022 and has been finalized at the end of 2023.</p> <p>The design of the Shore Protection Works has been verified in 2022 by means of 2D physical model testing in the wave flume of DHI in Denmark. Cross-sections of shore protection works for three different reclamation areas have been tested, where this abstract will focus on 2 locations at the outside of the atoll: Maradhoo and Four Lane Link Road (4LLR). All dimensions given in this abstract are prototype values, unless otherwise specified.</p> <p>The length scale of the both models was selected at 1:30. The foreshore of the 2 tested cross-sections is very typical for atolls, consisting of a relatively shallow reef flat followed by a very steep slope to deep water. The modelled foreshores are presented in <strong>Figure 1</strong>. This figure also shows the locations of the wave gauges, which were placed both offshore (near the wave generator) and on top of the reef flat (in front of the structure). The tested seabed levels directly at the toe of the 4LLR and Maradhoo structures were MSL-0.70m and MSL-0.40m respectively. The target wave conditions were defined in deep water (in front of the wave generator), with design wave heights (H<sub>m0</sub>) between 3.8m and 4.4m and 120% overload conditions. The tested peak wave periods (T<sub>p</sub>) varied between 11.9s and 19.7s.</p> DENNIS VAN KESTER Copyright (c) 2024 DENNIS VAN KESTER Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Quantifying Wave-Induced Hydrodynamics Near A Saltmarsh Cliff: An Experimental Piv Study <p>Nature-based flood defences receive increasing interest as a viable option for improving flood safety worldwide. A contemporary case is using the ability of saltmarshes to attenuate waves during storm conditions for strengthening coastal flood defences. To ensure a long-term reinforcement of flood protection, it is important to understand the erosion mechanisms of saltmarshes during storms. One of the critical locations for erosion is at the transition between the saltmarsh and the bare mudflat, often characterized by a vertical step or cliff. These cliffs vary between 0.2 to 2.0 m in height, depending on soil characteristics and local hydrodynamics. However, wave-induced hydrodynamics that controls the (mass) erosion at the saltmarsh cliff are not fully understood. Also the role of saltmarsh vegetation on these near-cliff hydrodynamics are not clearly quantified. In this research, we present high-resolution measurements of wave-induced hydrodynamics at a saltmarsh cliff performed in a scaled wave flume experiment.</p> J.R.M. MULLER, D. DERMENTZOGLOU, S. H. LAKERVELD, B. W. BORSJE, J.J. VAN DER WERF, S.J.M.H. HULSCHER, B. HOFLAND, A. ANTONINI Copyright (c) 2024 J.R.M. MULLER, D. DERMENTZOGLOU, S. H. LAKERVELD, B. W. BORSJE, J.J. VAN DER WERF, S.J.M.H. HULSCHER, B. HOFLAND, A. ANTONINI Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Tsunami Ping-Pong: Generating The Whole Tsunami Event <p>Considerable progress has been made over the past two decades in modelling representative tsunami waves in the laboratory. Developments such as the pneumatic tsunami simulator, TS, (Chandler et al, 2021), large wave paddles (Schimmels et al, 2016) and pump driven systems (Goseberg et al, 2013) have allowed full incident tsunami time series to be reproduced at large enough scales to provide reliable physical modelling data. These developments have enabled new insights into the time-varying influence of tsunami waves on run-up (McGovern et al, 2018), buildings (Foster et al, 2017), coastal structures (McGovern et al, 2022) and in particular the scour of sediments around these structures (McGovern et al, 2019). These advances are changing the way engineers and others design and plan for tsunami. However we are still only modelling ‘half the story’.</p> <p>In all existing published studies, the experiments simulated the effect of a single incident wave. We have so far ignored two significant elements of real tsunami events. Firstly, the rundown or return flow and secondly, the effect of multiple waves within a wave train. Both these aspects are difficult to model physically, particularly as the return flow and subsequent waves require a representative topography downstream of a test section. In most facilities there is not enough flume left to create this overland topography. In addition, changing this bathymetry to represent different scenarios such as a coastal plain or a small foreshore and an inland cliff, requires significant modelling effort and cost.</p> <p>To solve these challenges we propose the use of two TSs facing each other with the test section in between. This concept is shown in Figure 1. This extended abstract presents data from initial trials of the dual TS system conducted at HR Wallingford in 2023 during a three-day test window as part of the MAKEWAVES collaboration. The importance of simulating the return flow from a tsunami is demonstrated through its influence on scour around a rectangular building.</p> IAN CHANDLER, TIZIANA ROSSETTO, KEITH ADAMS, JONAS CELS, DAVID MCGOVERN Copyright (c) 2024 IAN CHANDLER, TIZIANA ROSSETTO, KEITH ADAMS, JONAS CELS, DAVID MCGOVERN Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Morphological Assessment On The Effects Of Embankments On Sediment Transport In Sandy Estuaries <p>Many large estuaries around the world are engineered to some degree for both flood protection of coastal communities and maintenance of economically vital shipping routes. Engineering challenges arise due to the highly dynamic morphological nature of estuaries, where the complex processes of sediment transport are driven by an interplay between the turbulent flows of rivers and tides. Naturally, the planforms of sandy estuaries have the tendency to converge landwards exponentially, where deviations from this shape provide alternating space and constrictions where tidal sandbars and channels form (Leuven et al., 2018-a; 2018-b). In the case of embankment by bank protection and dikes, such topographically forced channels can develop deep scour holes that endanger bank stability. Our objective is to study effects of channel and planform dynamics on scour depth variation near protected banks. To this end, we conducted scale experiments of estuaries with completely fixed banks in the tilting tidal flume the Metronome (Kleinhans et al., 2017). We study the effects of these fixed banks on the morphological behaviour of the channel pattern through one experiment, two repeat experiments, and a control without fixed banks. By collection of much longer timeseries than available in nature, we use the experiments to shed light on the topographic forcing and channel dynamics of these systems, and on the repeatability of Metronome experiments.</p> EISE W. NOTA, MAARTEN G. KLEINHANS Copyright (c) 2024 EISE W. NOTA, MAARTEN G. KLEINHANS Wed, 01 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Wave Pressures Acting On The Pavement Behind The Sloping Revetment <p>A physical experiment was performed to seek an empirical equation predicting the wave force acting on the upper surface of the pavement behind the revetment parapet due to wave overtopping as well as the uplift force acting on the underlayer of the pavement induced by the wave pressure passing through the core layers of the revetment. The experiment was carried out by installing pressure transducers along the upside and downside of the pavement with different configuration of the parapet, water depth, relative freeboard, and armor layer thickness. Then, the wave pressure and force on the pavement was analyzed under various incoming wave conditions. Based on the analysis results, major parameters affecting the wave forces were identified and an empirical equation for evaluating the forces on the pavement is suggested.</p> SANG-HO OH, JOOYEON LEE, SE-CHU JANG Copyright (c) 2024 SANG-HO OH, JOOYEON LEE, SE-CHU JANG Thu, 02 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Wave And Wave Overtopping Measurements In A Complex Area And At A Real Dike <p>Wave overtopping is not easy to measure in real field situations. A 12-years long program started in 2018 to measure wind, wave and water level conditions in a complex estuary, together with wave overtopping measurements at dikes. The first winter storm was measured on 8 January 2019 and first results were described in Van der Meer <em>et al.</em> (2019). Wave and water level conditions are measured directly in front of the dike. Overtopping is measured with two identical overtopping boxes that were placed in the dike, but at different levels, see Figure 1. A measuring pole in front of the dike has measured wave and water level conditions for 10 years already and the design of the overtopping boxes was based on those data. In recent years, a system was invented that measures wave run-up and wave overtopping with two parallel lasers, see Figure 2. The laser scanner system was placed next to the overtopping boxes to enable a proper validation. First results were presented in Oosterlo <em>et al. </em>(2021a; 2021b). This paper describes the further storms that have been measured up to now, including new measurement devices, improvements to measurement devices and new analysis methods. This all brings new insights, but more storms and improvements of measurements are needed to come to a full understanding of this complex estuary.</p> PATRICK OOSTERLO, JENTSJE VAN DER MEER, MAARTEN OVERDUIN Copyright (c) 2024 PATRICK OOSTERLO, JENTSJE VAN DER MEER, MAARTEN OVERDUIN Mon, 06 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Experimental And Numerical Inter-Comparison On Green And Gray Mitigation Alternatives In Flooding Reduction In Coastal Region <p>Coastal communities in low-lying regions are increasingly vulnerable to severe flooding triggered by high surges and large waves. The sea level rise resulting from climate change induces shorelines to encroach onto coastal land, further exacerbating the flooding damage in coastal areas. Thus, it is necessary to implement coastal structures to mitigate the influence of extreme flooding events on coastal communities. Seawalls, submerged breakwaters, and mangrove forests have been widely constructed worldwide to attenuate wave overflows and their impact on near-coast regions. However, studies on the comprehensive inter-comparison of the protective performance of each measure against flooding events to provide guidelines in coastal design and planning have yet to be limited. Therefore, experimental and numerical models were conducted to investigate the efficiency of natural (mangrove forests) and man-made (seawall and submerged breakwater) coastal structures in reducing the forces, pressures, and hydrodynamics generated by overflows in constructed environments.</p> HAI VAN DANG, SUNGWON SHIN, EUNJU LEE, HYOUNGSU PARK Copyright (c) 2024 HAI VAN DANG, SUNGWON SHIN, EUNJU LEE, HYOUNGSU PARK Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Innovative Coastal Structure Solutions And The Role Of Physical Modelling In The Design Process (Dawlish Mog2 Casino) <p>With the increase in storminess due to climate change induced sea level rise, coastal protection solutions need to be able to contend with larger storms, resulting in larger incident waves, on a more regular basis. Many traditional coastal protection systems like vertical seawalls are proving to be expensive to design for the increased overtopping associated with this change in coastal conditions. As such, engineers are developing more bespoke and innovative design solutions, such as the use of bullnoses and the use of multiple seawalls located one behind the other. Examples of the former can be found in the new Dawlish seawall (see Figure 1) built to replace the old seawall that was damaged during a storm surge in February 2012. For the later, recent examples include the Middelkerke CASINO stilling basin (see Figure 2) and the new energy island being developed by Elia in Belgium (MOG2). The latter consists of two vertical seawalls (see Figure 3), each with a bullnose to reduce overtopping rates. CASINO and MOG2 have in common the novel approach of allowing significant overtopping of the first seawall but instead using the second wall as the safety line, to ensure safe overtopping limits are achieved at this location, thus reducing the required height of the front wall.</p> <p>Moving towards alternative design solutions is associated with its own set of design challenges. The primary challenge is the lack of consistent design guidelines within the field of coastal structures. In Europe, EurOtop is commonly used for overtopping estimates in design (van der Meer <em>et al., </em>2018). In the US, the Coastal Engineering Manual is used instead (USACE, 2002). Both of these guidelines rely on empirical equations and the variations between the two are primarily a question of preference. However, the empirical equations can have large variations in their solutions (a factor of 3 for the overtopping rate is commonly accepted), the value of which can be heavily dependant on the geometric configuration being used for the seawall, toe protection and bathymetry, limiting their applicability to novel solutions. There is limited research currently available investigating novel geometries such as bullnoses (Dong <em>et al.</em>, 2021,&nbsp; Castellino <em>et al.</em>, 2018) and stilling basins, and much of the existing literature is limited in scope, thus limiting its wider applicability. In the case of MOG2 and CASINO, the use of the two seawall configuration, combined with drainage solutions, means that there is no suitable guidance in neither of the aforementioned design guides. As a result, coastal designers often turn to physical modelling in order to identify the specific design loads and overtopping values of their proposed design. Physical modelling performed in collaboration with research organisations allows design engineers to benefit from the expertise of researchers working with state-of-the-art techniques informed by the most recent research. However, the physical modelling phase is often not fully integrated into the design process meaning that is it not fully utilised. Integrating physical modelling fully into the design cycle can help to optimise the design as well as identifying the structural loading and verifying the overtopping performance.</p> ANNELIE BAINES, EFRAIN CARPINTERO MORENO, MAXIMILIAN STREICHER, PETER TROCH Copyright (c) 2024 ANNELIE BAINES, EFRAIN CARPINTERO MORENO, MAXIMILIAN STREICHER, PETER TROCH Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Coupled Short-Ig Wave Dunamics Over A Shallow Barrier Reef <p>Reef barriers play a major role many coral islands, by sheltering the lagoon from the ocean wave energy and then creating a unique habitat for many species. This filtering action becomes increasingly crucial for ecosystems health and shoreline protection in the context of climate change and related sea level rise, degradation of coral systems and modification of wave conditions. A strong research effort has therefore been engaged by the coastal oceanographers community for the last two decades to improve our knowledge and prediction skills of wave dynamics over coral reef systems. A widely reported observation is the importance of infragravity waves (IG) over wave-driven reef systems, whether fringing or barrier reefs. IG are primarily forced by groups in the incoming short-wave (SW) field, either by the release of bound waves or the breakpoint oscillations (Bertin et al. 2018). IG period typically ranges between 30 and 200s, which makes them prone to excite or interact with natural seiching modes in reef-lagoon systems often ranging in the Very Low Frequency (VLF) band. Further research efforts are now necessary to better understand the interaction between long IG/VLF oscillations and SW field. In particular, long waves are expected to play a dynamic depth-filtering role on SW energy, acting as long carrier wave able to promote the propagation of larger SW groups by IG/VLF crests. More generally, the spectral energy transfers over the reef crest-flat system and their relative importance w.r.t. frictional and breaking dissipation are not fully understood over the complete range of surface waves.</p> <p>The aim of the present study is to analyse and to discuss a series of field observations performed on the barrier reef of Maupiti Island, French Polynesia. A particular focus is placed on the interaction between SW and IG wave fields across the reef crest-flat system.</p> DAMIEN SOUS, MYRIAM BELKADI, FREDERIC BOUCHETTE, MARION TISSIER, SAMUEL MEULE Copyright (c) 2024 DAMIEN SOUS, MYRIAM BELKADI, FREDERIC BOUCHETTE, MARION TISSIER, SAMUEL MEULE Wed, 08 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Low-Crested Structures In Front Of Rubble Mound Breakwaters <p>Climate adaptation of coastal structures has become more important due to climate change, resulting in sea level rise and increased wave loading for coastal structures with depth-limited wave conditions. If sea level rise causes wave loading that becomes too severe, one of the options is to reduce the wave loading before the waves reach the existing coastal structure (see for instance Van Gent, 2019, and Van Gent and Teng, 2023). This can be achieved by increasing the foreshore (<em>e.g. </em>sand nourishment) or by constructing a low-crested structure in front of the coastal structure. In this study the climate adaptation measure to add a submerged low-crested structure in front of an existing (emerged) coastal structure has been studied. Between the two structures, structure-induced wave set-up occurs. This structure-induced wave set-up has been studied based on wave flume tests. The effects of structure-induced wave set-up on wave transmission at the low-crested structures and the effects on wave overtopping at the emerged coastal structure were also measured and analyzed.</p> <p>To evaluate the performance of submerged low-crested structures Van Gent <em>et al</em> (2023) performed wave flume tests to examine wave transmission at various types of submerged low-crested structures, without an emerged structure behind the low-crested structures. For a submerged low-crested structure in front of an emerged coastal structure, the transmitted waves can be used as incident waves for estimates of wave overtopping at a rubble mound breakwater, using wave overtopping expressions described in Van Gent <em>et al</em> (2022). However, to verify whether the expressions for wave transmission and wave overtopping can be applied for submerged low-crested structures in front of rubble mound breakwaters, new physical model tests have been performed at Deltares. The new wave flume tests were performed with impermeable and permeable low-crested structures in front of impermeable and permeable emerged structures (see Figure 1 for permeable structure).</p> MARCEL R.A. VAN GENT Copyright (c) 2024 MARCEL R.A. VAN GENT Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Flow Exchange In Vegetated Environments: Integrating Experimental Insights Into Practical Engineering <p>Vegetation provides practical protective tools for estuarine and coastal regions. The roots, stems, and canopy systems of mangroves can divert and retard the flow field within and surrounding vegetation regions (Truong et al., 2019) and also absorb external forces from waves (Phan et al., 2015). The area within the vegetation is usually calmer compared to the unprotected region outside. Consequently, sediment tends to be deposited inside the vegetation region (Vargas Luna et al., 2015). The sediment deposited then may have feedback on the wave and flow field and the growth conditions of the vegetation (Truong et al., 2017). These mutual interactions between ecological area (vegetation), hydrodynamic conditsions (wave and flow field), and morphological conditions (sediment transport) are the crux of any proposed nature-based solutions (NbS). From a hydraulic engineering perspective, these dynamic interactions can translate into the momentum and mass exchange processes between vegetation and nearby areas. By observing the evolution of mangrove forests and associated with the rate of erosion/accretion of the shoreline, Phan, 2015 and Truong., 2017 proposed a hypothesis of “squeezed mangrove forest”, in which “the mangrove width” is considered a crucial length-scales that is related to the sustainable development of the mangroves. This length scale was physically interpreted and connected to the penetration of the mixing layer into the vegetation region (Truong., 2017; Truong et al., 2019). It is noted that whereas the characteristic of the incoming waves mainly controls the penetration of the mixing layer into the coastal mangroves, that of the estuarine mangroves is mainly governed by the characteristic of lateral flow. The latter is the primary focus of this study. Large vortex structures caused by the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability at the vegetation’s edge play an essential role in the transverse exchange of mass and momentum (White &amp; Nepf, 2007; Truong et al., 2019). These structures are usually large compared to the water depths and are termed large horizontal coherent structures (LHCSs). The Reynolds Shear stresses (RSs) induced by LHCSs contribute more than 90% to the total turbulent shear stress at the edge of the floodplain vegetated region (Truong &amp; Uijttewaal 2019).</p> <p>Nevertheless, our understanding of this topic often stems from small-scale laboratory experiments. Whether the presence and characteristic of vortex structures at the interface of the low flow and fast flow region obtained from small-scale physical models remain true for estuaries and coasts has not yet been determined. In order to obtain more insight into the physics of the exchange processes occurring at the vegetation interface at different scales, two unique physical models of vegetated channels have been conducted. One small-scale and another large-scale experiment, both with and without vegetation, were conducted at TU Delft Water Lab and the Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology - River Experiment Center (KICT-REC), respectively. Two digital twin models of this flume were subsequently constructed using Delft3D, which were calibrated and validated using the collected datasets. In this study, recent findings pertaining to these experiments are presented</p> TRUONG HONG SON, NGUYEN TRUNG VIET, UN JI, WIM UIJTTEWAAL Copyright (c) 2024 TRUONG HONG SON, NGUYEN TRUNG VIET, UN JI, WIM UIJTTEWAAL Wed, 01 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Application Of Remote Sensing Technologies On Industrial Outfalls <p>Industrial effluents are a byproduct of various industries. They may contain harmful and toxic substances of organic or inorganic origin, such as pesticides, pharmaceuticals, hydrocarbons, detergents, and oils. In addition, industrial effluent can also come from thermal power plants in the coastal area, which use seawater for cooling, which they return to the environment after the process. Hence, the zone near the outlet has increased temperature, affecting the mortality and reduction of certain types of fish and algae, variations in the number of phytoplankton, and other ecological problems (Zhao <em>et al.,</em> 2015). Nowadays, an increasing amount of industrial wastewater from desalination processes is brine, which is considered a minor risk to public health but has a more significant impact on the environment (Lattemann and Amy, 2013). Due to the increase in population, the demand for drinking water has increased, especially on the islands and coastal areas. With the desalination process, drinking water is produced from sea or brackish water by removing suspended matter and dissolved minerals, mainly salt, and the effluent, i.e., brine, is discharged back into the coastal area. An increased amount of salt can potentially negatively affect the marine ecosystem, leading to the dehydration of cells and possible death of organisms (Missimer and Maliva, 2018). In addition, the brine may have a higher temperature than the environment and contain heavy metals and residues of hazardous chemicals applied in the process, such as anti-scale agents, flocculation agents, and coagulants (Panagopoulos and Haralambous, 2020.). The increasing hydrogen generation from renewable sources requires more freshwater. Consequently, a significant increase in this type of effluent is expected in the future.</p> <p>Therefore, analysis and monitoring of the operation of industrial outfalls is essential to preserve the marine environment and public health. Previous research (Law and Tang 2016) proposes long-term monitoring after the outfall has been commissioned to study environmental effects. Historically, monitoring of wastewater outfalls was mainly obtained by in situ sampling methods to ensure water quality in coastal areas (Gierach <em>et&nbsp;al.,</em> 2017). Such practices have temporal and spatial limitations with high costs; hence, they are impractical for analyzing a larger coastal area. Therefore, in this research, we propose using remote sensing technologies for monitoring industrial outfalls.</p> MARTA ALVIR, IVANA LUČIN, LADO KRANJČEVIĆ Copyright (c) 2024 MARTA ALVIR, IVANA LUČIN, LADO KRANJČEVIĆ Sat, 04 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Tsunami Runup Attenuation By Onshore Obstacles <p>In a time of climate emergency due to global warming, nature-based coastal defence systems are attractive solutions for flood mitigation and adaptation. Coastal forests such as mangroves have received a growing interest for their disaster mitigation effectiveness such as water flow energy dissipation, hence helping communities to become more resilient (Iimura &amp; Tanaka, 2012). The role of coastal forests as a defence measure was highlighted in the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, which claimed the lives of more than 200,000 people and displaced millions more across fourteen countries. Post-disaster damage observations indicated that forests, particularly mangroves, reduced the impact of the tsunami wave in some locations. As a result, significant international relief and reconstruction efforts focused on extensive forest replantation of coastlines (Satake, 2014).</p> <p>The role of coastal vegetation in reducing the severity of tsunami waves has been studied since. Several studies using physical modelling and computational approaches have provided insights into the wave attenuation provided by coastal vegetation, in terms of relationships between incident hydrodynamic conditions, forest configurations and wave height decay. However, there are still many gaps in knowledge, particularly in quantifying the efficacy of coastal forests in reducing inland hydrodynamic conditions (Tomiczek et al., 2020). It is therefore essential to improve the understanding on how wave heights, velocities and runup are influenced by the characteristics of the “obstacles”, e.g. the forest density, as well as the incident hydrodynamic conditions, e.g. the wave period. This study aims to address these questions conducting physical experiments using the novel pneumatic Tsunami Simulator (TS) developed by HR Wallingford together with UCL (Rossetto et al., 2011).</p> IVO VAN BALEN, JONAS CELS, KEITH ADAMS, MARCO BAIGUERA, TIZIANA ROSSETTO, ALESSANDRO ANTONINI, DAVIDE WÜTHRICH, DENIS ISTRATI, EUGENY BULDAKOV, IAN CHANDLER, DAVID MCGOVERN Copyright (c) 2024 IVO VAN BALEN, JONAS CELS, KEITH ADAMS, MARCO BAIGUERA, TIZIANA ROSSETTO, ALESSANDRO ANTONINI, DAVIDE WÜTHRICH, DENIS ISTRATI, EUGENY BULDAKOV, IAN CHANDLER, DAVID MCGOVERN Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A New Formulation For Vegetation Induced Damping Under Waves And Currents Based On Their Standing Biomass <p>Estimation of the flow energy dissipation induced by an ecosystem that accounts for its characteristics (i.e. biomechanical properties, morphology, density) and the incident hydrodynamic conditions is crucial if ecosystem-based coastal protection measurements want to be implemented. Characterization of a vegetated ecosystem by measuring leaf traits, biomechanical properties of plants and the number of individuals per unit area involves a lot of effort and is case-specific. Previous studies have shown that wave height attenuation positively correlates with standing biomass (Maza et al., 2022) highlighting the crucial role played by this variable that can be used to estimate the ecosystem wave damping capacity without using calibration coefficients. In addition, this variable has been already characterized for many ecosystems and it can be estimated by aerial images (Doughty and Cavanaugh, 2019) and remote sensing techniques. However, this new approach has not been extended to conditions where waves and currents are simultaneously present. These conditions are very relevant to habitats like saltmarshes that are commonly affected by tidal currents or wave-induced currents flowing simultaneously with wind or swell waves. Then, to further explore this new approach based on the ecosystem standing biomass, a new set of experiments using real vegetation with contrasting morphology and biomechanical properties, and subjected to different combinations of waves and currents, is proposed. The obtained standing biomass-attenuation relationships will help to quantify the expected coastal protection provided by different vegetated ecosystems based on their standing biomass under the combined effect of waves and currents.</p> MARIA MAZA, ISABEL GALLEGO Copyright (c) 2024 MARIA MAZA, ISABEL GALLEGO Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 How Artificial Salt Marsh Vegetation Reduces The Threshold For Sediment Resuspension In Wave-Current Flows <p>Suspended sediment transport and retention within salt marshes is a key factor in their resilience against erosion associated with threats such as sea level rise and coastal squeeze. Salt marshes are vegetated intertidal wetlands found in temperate climate zones. Their presence contributes to flood protection, coastal flora and fauna, and carbon sequestration (Temmerman et al., 2013). Vegetation-induced resuspension of fine sediment helps to transport fine particles deeper into salt marshes. The interaction between waves, currents, and vegetation may resuspend sediment sooner than it would without vegetation. It has been shown in conditions with only currents (Liu et al., 2021; Tinoco &amp; Coco, 2014) or only waves (Tinoco &amp; Coco, 2018) that the threshold for resuspension is lower within vegetated meadows than without vegetation. However, the threshold has not yet been studied for combined wave-current conditions, which often exist in the marsh environment. Identifying this threshold will enable us to predict when in a tidal cycle sediment resuspension occurs and can be used to improve sediment transport model. We use flume experiments to methodically identify the threshold of sediment resuspension in artificial salt marsh meadows of three different area densities under combined wave-current flows.</p> THOMAS VAN VEELEN, HEIDI NEPF, SUZANNE HULSCHER, BAS BORSJE Copyright (c) 2024 THOMAS VAN VEELEN, HEIDI NEPF, SUZANNE HULSCHER, BAS BORSJE Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Experimental study on wave damping potential of seaweed aquaculture systems on the Portuguese coast <p>The sea-level rise and intensification of extreme weather events pose a significant threat to coastal regions and their communities worldwide. With significant wave heights reaching over 5 m, and wave periods over 10 s (Mendes &amp; Oliveira, 2021), the Portuguese coastline is exposed to major coastal erosion, due to the marine harsh conditions of the North Atlantic. In the last decades the preferred strategy to protect the coastline from coastal hazards has been the construction of hard-engineering structures such as seawalls and breakwater, which tend to be expensive and unsustainable, often becoming obsolete and were not designed to account for the increasing sea level. As such, there has been a growing trend over the adoption of soft, adaptative, and nature-based coastal protection measures (Pranzini et al., 2015).</p> <p>Longline seaweed aquaculture systems have long been identified as a nature-based, soft structure with wave damping potential by several studies performed by Mork (1996), Liu et al. (2015) among others. The AquaBreak Project aims at exploring the synergetic applications of seaweed aquaculture systems on food production, coastal protection, and sea decarbonization on the Portuguese coast with the creation of the AOS - the AquaBreak Offshore System (Miranda et al., 2023; Proença et al., 2023). However, in order to create a strategic and effective implementation plan for the AOS, it is important to assess the wave damping potential of such structure exposed to the common maritime conditions of the Portuguese Coast.</p> FILIPE MIRANDA, BÁRBARA PROENÇA, DIOGO FONSECA, DIOGO MENDES, FRANCISCO ARENAS, PIET HAERENS, SUDATH SIRIWARDANE, DIMITRIOS PAVLOU, PAULO ROSA SANTOS, FRANCISCO TAVEIRA PINTO, TIAGO FAZERES FERRADOSA Copyright (c) 2024 FILIPE MIRANDA, BÁRBARA PROENÇA, DIOGO FONSECA, DIOGO MENDES, FRANCISCO ARENAS, PIET HAERENS, SUDATH SIRIWARDANE, DIMITRIOS PAVLOU, PAULO ROSA SANTOS, FRANCISCO TAVEIRA PINTO, TIAGO FAZERES FERRADOSA Wed, 08 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Physical Modelling Of A Centralized Controlled Array Of Five Wecfarm Wave Energy Converters <p>Point absorber wave energy converters (WECs) closely placed in array hydrodynamically interact through wave radiation and diffraction. The power absorption by these WECs is optimised by altering the WEC dynamics through the control of the Power Take-Off (PTO). As the WEC dynamics are changed, the hydrodynamic interactions change as well. Therefore, the PTO control should be optimized taking all these interactions into account, referred to as centralized control. The ‘WECfarm’ project has been initiated to study WEC arrays, and to address the research gap on available realistic and reliable data on WEC array tests to validate numerical models (Vervaet et al., 2022). This work discusses the experimental design, implementation and testing of a centralized controlled array of five ‘WECfarm’ heaving point absorber WECs, tested at the Coastal and Ocean Basin Ostend.</p> TIMOTHY VERVAET, LAURENS CROMHEEKE, NICOLAS QUARTIER, MAXIMILIAN STREICHER, VASILIKI STRATIGAKI, PETER TROCH Copyright (c) 2024 TIMOTHY VERVAET, LAURENS CROMHEEKE, NICOLAS QUARTIER, MAXIMILIAN STREICHER, VASILIKI STRATIGAKI, PETER TROCH Wed, 01 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Wave Basin Experiments Of Wave-Driven Hydrodynamics Over Submerged Coastal Structures And Artificial Reefs <p>Submerged coastal structures, such as submerged breakwaters and artificial reefs, modify incident wave fields and alter a wide range of nearshore hydrodynamic processes. Submerged breakwaters are usually designed for a singular function of wave attenuation; whereas nature-based artificial reef structures aim to both attenuate wave energy while enhancing ecosystem services, including the creation of habitat for marine organisms and the promotion of biodiversity. However, to date the application of artificial reefs has remained more limited due to the poorer understanding of how reefs influence key nearshore processes that determine their effectiveness.</p> <p>Existing research on submerged breakwaters has mostly focused on quantifying the wave transmission, which is ratio between the incident wave energy onshore and offshore of the reefs (e.g., van Gent 2023). The wave transmission coefficient has conventionally served as a primary design criterion related to the effectiveness of reefs in offering coastal protection. However, a meta-analysis of the shoreline response to constructed submerged breakwaters found that in the majority of cases erosion occurred in their lee (Ranasinghe and Turner., 2006), which demonstrates our limited knowledge on how reefs modify coastal processes.</p> <p>Wave-reef interactions can lead to the generation of mean (wave-averaged) currents and water levels (setup). Numerical modelling studies have found that two and four-cell mean circulation patterns can develop in response to changes to the wave field caused by submerged structures (Ranasinghe et al., 2006, da Silva et al., 2022). A two-cell circulation is characterized by diverging currents behind the reefs and at the shoreline, which could lead to an erosive shoreline. In contrast, a four-cell circulation is characterized by diverging currents in the immediate lee but converging currents at the shoreline, which would result in beach accretion. While these modelling studies advanced the understanding of how reefs influence shoreline hydrodynamics, the absence of comprehensive experimental observations replicating submerged coastal structures has hindered their rigorous validation.</p> <p>Here we present the findings of an extensive set of 3D wave basin experiments that were designed to investigate the detailed wave-driven hydrodynamics around submerged coastal structures subject to a range of wave conditions, water levels and reef layouts.</p> RENAN F. DA SILVA, RYAN J. LOWE, JEFF E. HANSEN, ALEX ATKINSON, NICK NADERI, MATTHEW ALLEN Copyright (c) 2024 RENAN F. DA SILVA, RYAN J. LOWE, JEFF E. HANSEN, ALEX ATKINSON, NICK NADERI, MATTHEW ALLEN Thu, 02 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Performance Assessment Of Two Active Absorption Systems In A Large Wave Flume <p>The quality of most coastal or ocean laboratory experiment depends on the accuracy, uniformity and stability of the generated waves. Generation of waves in the laboratory seems simple, but it should consider the spatio-temporal variability of the wave profile. As they propagate, waves interact with the boundaries, i.e. changes in water depth, lateral walls, test specimens, instrument supporting structures, passive absorbers, etc., as well as with varying hydrodynamic conditions (wave-induced currents, wave-wave interactions, or nonlinear energy transfer, among others). Reflected, scattered and radiated waves may propagate back to the wave generator and reflect back. Re-reflections from the wave generator may be a non-realistic representation of the intended wave field, to the extent that the total energy content in the testing facility may increase significantly and uncontrollably.</p> <p>Theoretically, for weakly nonlinear unidirectional waves propagating over a relatively small number of wavelengths, and as long as the still water depth and facility width does not change, the wave properties should remain constant in space and time, which can be identified as the uniformity and stability of the waves. Under these conditions, nonuniform or unsteady wave properties can be associated to an inadequate selection of the wave theory (Airy, Stokes n-order, Cnoidal, Stream Function, etc., e.g. Fenton 1999), the approximation of the wave generation technique (first or second order, nonlinear - see e.g. Mohtat et al., 2020), formation of wave instabilities (e.g. Benjamin-Feir, 1967), wave reflection, scattering or radiation, and the performance of the active wave absorption system. It can be said that the performance of the active wave absorption control system is one of the responsible factors that can affect directly the quality of the generated waves.</p> <p>Many laboratories have implemented different passive and active wave absorption systems, but the performance on the uniformity and stability of the generated waves, as well as the performance of the active wave absorption system used, have not been assessed in a systematic way, and related published data and information is quite scarce, with few interesting exceptions, e.g. (Lykke-Andersen, 2016; Spinneken 2010; Schäffer and Skourup 1996). However, a direct comparison among the different available active wave absorption control systems is still missing.</p> <p>This paper presents a thorough experimental study on the performance assessment of two different active wave absorption control systems (MTS and Awasys7) as a means to establish the quality of the experiment in terms of the uniformity (space) and stability (time) of generated wave parameters (descriptors) in the laboratory.</p> PEDRO LOMONACO, UNA SAVIC, TIMOTHY MADDUX Copyright (c) 2024 PEDRO LOMONACO, UNA SAVIC, TIMOTHY MADDUX Sat, 04 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Coastal Tidal Flat And Tidal Current Observation Based On Satellite Remote Sensing <p>Satellite remote sensing has been an effective way to acquire surface image sequences of costal field, and the satellite video at a frame rate of multiple frames per second could provide chance for short-time observations at high temporal resolution such as the observation of surface tidal currents. The observation of surface tidal currents has been facilitated by advanced image preprocessing methods and large-scale image velocimetry, while the space-time volume velocimetry (STVV) was used in this study. STVV can simultaneously obtain the direction and magnitude of the flow velocity through the surface texture without any artificial tracers, hence it is considered as a promising method. Since it has only been proposed in recent years, this study evaluated the accuracy of the STVV algorithm and tested the robustness of the STVV to environmental disturbance factors firstly. The simulated image sequences were used so that the exact accuracy of STVV can be known by comparing the measured and ground truth values since the ground truth of the pixel flow velocity is predictable and modifiable. The effects of the two main STVV parameters, the size of the search area and the selected frames of images, on the results were analyzed, and the robustness against image noise and fog was examined. The size of the search area and selected frames of images were found having the similar effects on the calculation results that the larger both are, the higher the calculation accuracy will be. Although the lower Signal-to-noise ratios lead to more inaccurate results, STVV is robust to image noises from the results in the given cases. Additionally, the accuracy of STVV is acceptable for a small amount of mist, but thicker fog results in large errors. Further research to develop image processing methods to improve the accuracy of STVV in the future is highly necessary. Therefore, based on one satellite video with the frame rate of 10fps and the resolution of 0.95m shooting on September 15th, 2017, surface tidal current observation of the New York Harbor during the flood tide using STVV was achieved. The flow velocity magnitude can reach 3m/s, and the flow direction is consistent with the actual situation. The feasibility of surface tidal current observation using STVV from the satellite video was proved</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> XIAOLIN HAN, ZHIGUO HE Copyright (c) 2024 XIAOLIN HAN, ZHIGUO HE Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Performance Analysis Of An Innovative Field Measurement Setup For Wave Overtopping At A Dike On A Shallow Foreshore <p>Low-lying countries typically have mildly-sloping beaches as part of their coastal defense system. Many countries in north-western Europe have coastal urban areas that rely on this type of defense system, which consists of a low-crested impermeable sea dike with a relatively short promenade, and a long (nourished) beach in front that acts as a very/extremely shallow foreshore as defined by Hofland et al. (2017). Along the cross-section of this hybrid beach-dike coastal defense system, storm waves are forced to undergo many transformation processes before they finally overtop the dike. These hydrodynamic processes include shoaling, sea-swell (SS) wave energy transfer to sub- (also infragravity or IG waves) and superharmonics via nonlinear wave-wave interactions, wave dissipation by breaking and bottom friction, reflection against the dike, wave run-up and overtopping on the dike, bore impact on a wall or building, and finally reflection back towards the sea interacting with incoming bores on the promenade. Due to breaking of the SS waves and growth of the IG waves on the shallow foreshore, the IG waves can become as important or even dominant at the toe of the dike (Hofland et al., 2017; Lashley et al., 2020), which influences the overtopping process (van Gent, 1999).</p> <p>Field measurements of all these processes at the same time are very challenging but necessary since field observations do not suffer from scale nor model effects. Field data are therefore crucial to evaluate design methodologies, which rely on physical and numerical modelling. This paper presents the field setup and the design features of the innovative research dike, unique in the world, including a performance analysis.</p> VINCENT GRUWEZ, MARC WILLEMS, JEROEN HILLEWAERE, BOUDEWIJN DECROP, PETER TROCH Copyright (c) 2024 VINCENT GRUWEZ, MARC WILLEMS, JEROEN HILLEWAERE, BOUDEWIJN DECROP, PETER TROCH Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Investigation Of Coastalock Performance On A Breakwater With Porous Core <p>Hard stabilization methods have traditionally been employed to mitigate coastal erosion. Concrete armour is widely used due to its high level of dependence, robustness, ease of production and cost effectiveness (Cooke et al., 2020; Pikey and Cooper, 2012). It is inevitable that coastline ‘armouring’ will continue to rise because of the growing human population and urbanization, desire for and value of coastal property, opposed to predicted climate change (Chapman and Underwood, 2011). The environmental impact of such 'armouring' on coastal systems can be detrimental, resulting in a degradation or destruction of habitats and the loss of ecologically trivial species (Gittman et al., 2015).</p> <p>The Coastalock<sup>TM</sup>, a single-layer armour unit, aims to blend coastal protection with marine habitat creation. This armour unit is designed to mimic inter- and sub-tidal habitats, with chemical composition of substrate and micro and macro features that provide niches for various species. The key feature of Coastalock<sup>TM</sup> is the cavity that is integrated into the design, that caters to diverse marine life needs depending on its orientation (ECOncrete Tech Ltd., 2019). Coastalock<sup>TM</sup>'s hydraulic performance is under research. Preliminary tests conducted in the Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory (HEL) of the Technical University of Delft (TUD) on a 2V:3H impermeable slope in deep water conditions highlighted that with tight placement of the units significant pressure gradients across the top layer led to damage. The introduction of spacings between units for enhanced permeability improved stability significantly (Gutiérrez et al., 2023). A redesign of the unit was proposed incorporating protrusions to enforce the spacings between the blocks (Molenkamp, 2022).</p> <p>This research focuses on evaluating the influence of a porous core on the hydraulic performance of a Coastalock<sup>TM</sup> armour layer, specifically assessing its stability, overtopping, and reflection on a 2V:3H breakwater slope in deep water conditions—from the toe to just below the crest. A pivotal aspect of this research is the investigation of the impact of protrusions on the hydraulic performance. Furthermore, the study explores the influence of different toe configurations, aiming to comprehend the vulnerability of the armour layer to sliding. Toe scour falls outside the scope of this study.</p> LAWNICZAKA A.D., HOFLAND B., GUTIÉRREZ J. , VAN DEN BOS J., VAN GENT M.R.A. Copyright (c) 2024 LAWNICZAKA A.D., HOFLAND B., GUTIÉRREZ J. , VAN DEN BOS J., VAN GENT M.R.A. Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Short-Term Coastal Impact Of Lakeshore For Natural Reserve Protection <p>The site of Grangettes, which is registered as a natural reserve of national and international importance for waterowl and migratory birds (i.e. OROEM site), is considered the last part of the Swiss lakeshore of Lake Geneva that remains natural. This area hosts a wide variety of coastal ecosystems, containing significant natural values located both in aquatic and in terrestrial areas of the reserve. Because of repetitive localized dredging activities of the lake bottom since the last century, a severe withdraw of the shoreline and its associated natural values has been observed between 1964 and 2001 close to the «&nbsp;Gros Brasset&nbsp;» dredge pit.</p> CHARLOTTE DREGER , ERIK BOLLAERT Copyright (c) 2024 CHARLOTTE DREGER , ERIK BOLLAERT Wed, 01 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Local Head Losses And Drag Coefficients Characterization In Coastal Infrastructures <p>Some coastal infrastructures (i.e. intakes, outfalls, gates) incorporate singular elements (meshes, nets or grids) which, through their interaction with the water flow, can produce large changes in the water level (upstream and downstream) and forces on them. Therefore, an accurate definition of local head losses (to characterize water level changes) and drag coefficient (to characterize drag forces) allows to optimize their designs (configuration and geometric definition).</p> ANTONIO TOMÁS, CESAR VIDAL, DAVID BLANCO, GABRIEL BARAJAS, PABLO BENGOCHEA, DELIA REGUEIRA, BEATRIZ RODRÍGUEZ, ÁLVARO ÁLVAREZ Copyright (c) 2024 ANTONIO TOMÁS, CESAR VIDAL, DAVID BLANCO, GABRIEL BARAJAS, PABLO BENGOCHEA, DELIA REGUEIRA, BEATRIZ RODRÍGUEZ, ÁLVARO ÁLVAREZ Fri, 03 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Full-Scale Experimental Study On Wave Impacts At Stepped Revetments <p>Stepped revetments have shown to be effective in limiting wave overtopping and wave run-up compared to sloped revetments. However, literature on wave impact pressures and comprehensive design guidelines for these structures is scarce. Laboratory experiments support establishing design recommendations. So far, studies for wave impacts at stepped revetments were mainly performed at small scales. Results from these tests are likely to be subjected to scale effects and therefore inaccurately replicate the wave-structure interaction at full scale. This study quantifies scale effects of wave impact characteristics for design cases based on a comparison to small-scale tests <a href="#_CTVL001289beaa9c0c346dfba1262497b4c1b47">(Kerpen et al., 2018)</a>. Full-scale flume experiments were studied with a slope of 1:3 and uniform step heights of 0.17 m and 0.50 m in the Large Wave Flume (GWK) in Hannover, Germany. Horizontal and vertical wave impacts were measured at 15 locations in the plunging region of the revetment for a range of wave steepnesses (). The results show that previous small-scale tests underestimate design wave impact pressures by a factor of up to 7.7. Impact loadings occur considerably faster than at small scale with relative peak rising times decreasing by a factor of up to 5.6. Prediction formulae are derived for the vertical distribution of horizontal impact pressures (Figure 1b) as well as for temporal characteristics of these pressures at stepped revetments.</p> MAXIMILIAN HERBST, NILS B. KERPEN, TORSTEN SCHLURMANN, TALIA SCHOONEES Copyright (c) 2024 MAXIMILIAN HERBST, NILS B. KERPEN, TORSTEN SCHLURMANN, TALIA SCHOONEES Mon, 06 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Decay Of Bow Thruster Induced Near-Bed Flow Velocities At A Vertical Quay Wall: A Field Measurement <p>During berthing operations vessels use bow thruster(s) to improve their manoeuvrability, making them less dependent on the assistance of tugboats. While manoeuvring, the transversal bow thruster jet can reflect on the quay wall and partially be directed towards the bed. At the intersection between the quay wall and the bed, the jet reflects again leading to a highly turbulent and complex flow field (Figure 1). When the bed is left unprotected scour may occur, which can eventually lead to instability of the quay wall (Roubos et al., 2014).</p> <p>Over the years, the shipping industry has been developing continuously, characterized primarily by the upscaling in size of inland- and sea-going vessels (OECD, 2015; Weenen et al., 2020; Looye, 2021). As a result, vessels have larger draughts, more power and larger thruster diameters leading to higher hydraulic loads on quay walls and bed protections of berthing facilities (Roubos &amp; Verhagen, 2007). To complicate the matter even more, the jet from a transversal bow thruster is confined by the hull of the vessel, the quay wall and the bed. Leading to a complex flow field of the reflected jet and an unknown decay in near-bed flow velocities. Resulting in uncertainties in the design of bed protections, especially in the required width.</p> JIM W.T. TUKKER, MICHEL RUIJTER, CHARLOTTE V.A. VAN DER VORM-HOEK, BAS HOFLAND Copyright (c) 2024 JIM W.T. TUKKER, MICHEL RUIJTER, CHARLOTTE V.A. VAN DER VORM-HOEK, BAS HOFLAND Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Large-Scale Levee Breach Experiments With Foreshores <p>Coastal flood risk is expected to increase substantially in the near future. Main drivers are climate induced sea level rise, increased storm surge and land subsidence. Meanwhile, land subsidence compounds to increased extreme water levels as more land is susceptible to flooding. Without coastal defense or adaptation 50% more people are exposed to flooding than present day (Kireczi et al., 2020).</p> <p>Coastal regions are currently primarily protected by hard (grey) flood defenses such as storm surge barriers, seawall, dikes and dunes. Periodically, strengthening of these grey structures is necessary to comply with current or updated safety standards. For dikes, conventional strengthening methods are crest heightening or (base) widening. However, these methods have structural and financial limits. Instead, more sustainable methods are explored in which nature also plays a larger role. These solutions are known as Nature based Solutions (NbS).</p> <p>For flood protection, tidal marshes have gained great interest as a Nature based Solution in the past two decades. Tidal marshes provide a lot of ecosystem services (Barbier et al., 2011). One such service is flood protection, attributed to wave attenuation (Vuik et al, 2016). A secondary effect is flood impact reduction (Zhu et al., 2020) due to the high elevation of tidal marshes limiting the inflow to the breach. Secondly, the tidal marsh can act as a sill in front of the breach when water levels drop below the tidal marsh level.</p> <p>To quantify the effect of tidal marshes on flood impact the breaching process in combination with a tidal marsh (or foreshore in general) needs to be understood. In this study we performed a large-scale physical dike experiment where we breached a dike seven times. Three tests are done without a sediment layer in front of the dike (no foreshore), two with a sandy layer (sandy beach) and two with a clay layer (tidal marsh without vegetation). From the experiments we gain insight into differences in the dike breaching process with and without an erodible sediment layer in front of the dike</p> M. VAN DEN BERG, S.J.H. RIKKERT, S.G.J. AARNINKHOF, R.J. LABEUR Copyright (c) 2024 M. VAN DEN BERG, S.J.H. RIKKERT, S.G.J. AARNINKHOF, R.J. LABEUR Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis Of Hybrid Solutions For Coastal Protection Combining Physical And Numerical Cfd Modeling <p>Historically, flooding and erosion challenges in coastal areas have been addressed through conventional gray/rigid structures such as breakwaters, dikes, and walls (Morris et al., 2017). As a consequence of the context of climate change, which is accompanied by a global biodiversity crisis and an increasing risk to coastal systems and communities, Nature-based Solutions (NbS) have emerged in recent years as an alternative to conventional engineering options. NbS can completely or partially mitigate coastal flooding and erosion problems while offering several additional co-benefits, such as carbon sequestration, improved water quality, habitat creation, and more (Sutton-Grier et al., 2015). Nevertheless, NbS may not be effective on their own in areas where there is insufficient available space for their development or in high-risk areas. In such cases, combining conventional engineering with nature-based solutions to obtain a so-called hybrid solution can represent an optimal approach, capable of providing the necessary risk reduction and realizing the benefits associated with natural solutions (Vuik et al., 2016). This makes hybrid solutions a highly attractive option that is currently gaining increasing interest. However, due to the limited number of real cases implemented, their relatively novel nature, and existing gaps in our knowledge about their hydrodynamic behavior, there is a pressing need to study hybrid solutions in greater detail. To this end, an experimental campaign is being conducted and is complemented by numerical CFD modeling, coupling IH2VOF and OpenFOAM models, to better understand the coastal protection services provided by the combined solution and to assess the suitability of the method of process superposition, commonly used to analyze the interaction between the flow and the hybrid solution. The main variables analyzed for this purpose are the evolution of wave height and wave run-up.</p> MARIANA ROLDÁN, MARIA MAZA, JAVIER L. LARA, IÑIGO J. LOSADA Copyright (c) 2024 MARIANA ROLDÁN, MARIA MAZA, JAVIER L. LARA, IÑIGO J. LOSADA Wed, 08 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Stability Of Concrete Armor Unit (Tetrapod) On Rear Side Of The Rubble Mound Structures With Rectangular Super Structure <p>The coastal structures allow the wave overtopping within a certain quantity. However the extreme wave overtopping could cause the damage of coastal structures. The most of the previous researches for the stability of armor unit were performed about the armor units placed on sea side of coastal structures. A rubble-mound structure is normally composed of a bedding layer and a core of quarry-run stone covered by one or more layers of larger stone and an exterior layer or layers of large quarry stone or concrete armor units. Coastal Engineering Manual (USACE, 2006) suggested the design figures without super structures and showed the ratio of the armor weight for each location of rubble mound structures and it could be known that the same weight ratio was needed to the sea side and harbor side slope of rubble mound structures. In this design figure, the filter rule is applied to the design figures of CEM, that is, the weight ratio for under layer is W/10 for the main armor weight ratio (W) to prevent smaller rocks in the under layer from being pulled through an over layer by wave action</p> YOUNG-TAEK KIM, JONG-IN LEE Copyright (c) 2024 YOUNG-TAEK KIM, JONG-IN LEE Wed, 01 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Large Scale Physical Model Study On Clay Erosion With Gras Cover On Primary Coastal Defence Structures <p>Sea dikes in the Netherlands consist of sandy or clay core with a clay layer with grass. The lower outer slope is often covered with a hard revetment, such as asphalt or a placed block revetment, to protect the dike material against wave impact. Since the strength of the clay layer with a grass subject to severe wave impact is unknown, the hard revetment needs to be constructed on a large part of the outer slope to ensure that the flood defence meets the safety requirements.</p> <p>Therefore, a research programme was started to determine the strength of the clay layer with grass on the upper slope of a dike. As a first step, large scale physical model tests have been performed. In the second step the CFD model OpenFOAM has been used to extend the physical model results by computing the peak pressure of the hydraulic load on the clay for the tested geometries and additional geometries with varying parameters that may influence the erosion rate. With all results, it was possible to derive formulas for failure probability calculations in the final step. The knowledge development on the erosion of a clay layer with grass on the outer slope by wave attack resulted into formulas that are currently used in the safety assessment of dikes contributing towards safer deltas and resilient designs of dikes.</p> SUZANNA ZWANENBURG, VERA VAN BERGEIJK, BERT DE WOLFF, MARK KLEIN BRETELER Copyright (c) 2024 SUZANNA ZWANENBURG, VERA VAN BERGEIJK, BERT DE WOLFF, MARK KLEIN BRETELER Thu, 02 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Stability Of Estuarine Groyne During Overflowing Long-Period Primary Ship-Induced Waves Based On Laboratory Experiments <p>For the last two decades, significant damage to groyne structures has been observed in the German Elbe estuary. The main reason is the generation of primary ship-induced wave loading. The stern wave of the primary wave system appears as an overflowing over groyne, leading to damage at the crest and lee side of the structure due to the presence of high overflowing flow velocities (Melling et al., 2020). Therefore, overflowing flow velocities and damage were quantified by means of two different experimental setups; the flow experiments and the damage experiment.</p> <p>The flow experiment involved testing scaled physical models under continuous free-flow conditions. A Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) setup was used to capture flow velocities at the crest and lee side slope. A dimensionless flow velocity equation is obtained for overflowing flow over groyne structures. The damage experiment assessed the impact of overflowing waves at the crest and lee side on one of the scaled physical models. Measurements were conducted via Structure from Motion principles (SfM) and the damage is expressed in damage parameters S for varying wave heights and freeboard levels. This parameter describes the damage by width-averaged eroded area made dimensionless by the squared nominal stone diameter. Furthermore, the assessment considered the determination of the damage limits (initiation, intermediate, and failure) of a groyne structure for these waves.</p> <p>The results revealed the relation between the wave height and the freeboard and damage. Furthermore, by regarding the flow velocity explicitly a more fundamental understanding, and more generally applicable design approach might be obtained. The insights gained from this research contribute to an enhanced understanding of groyne behaviour under overflowing long- period ship-induced waves. By highlighting the significance of the flow velocities for waves and freeboard levels, this study provides valuable information for optimizing the design and maintenance of estuarine groynes that are prone to these types of wave-induced loads.</p> TOBIAS VAN BATENBURG, AHMAD ALYOUSIF, SARGOL MEMAR, BAS HOFLAND, OSWALDO MORALES NAPOLES Copyright (c) 2024 TOBIAS VAN BATENBURG, AHMAD ALYOUSIF, SARGOL MEMAR, BAS HOFLAND, OSWALDO MORALES NAPOLES Sat, 04 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Experimental Test Bench In A Wave Flume For The Development Of A New Mini Morphable Wells Turbine <p>The aim of this research study is to perform experimental tests on a new morphable mini Wells turbine designed to operate in presence of waves with limited energy content which presents a high frequency of occurrence along the Mediterranean coasts (Corsini et al., 2010). The strengths of these mini Wells turbines are: i) extremely light rotor; ii) no need of actuators to morph the rotor blades; iii) low construction and maintenance costs; iv) capability to produce energy starting from low wave heights in the order of a few decimetres. Furthermore, the small size and low investment costs of the turbine make it particularly suitable to be installed either in existing structures, such as anti-reflective perforated caissons (often used in the Mediterranean harbors), or in devices for coastal defense from erosive phenomena located on shallow water conditions. The need to carry out experimental tests derives from the difficulty of handling in a virtual Computational Fluid Dynamics environment the huge difference in the time scale of the turbine, which spins at 1500-3000 rpm, and the wave periods, in the order of some seconds (Corsini et al., 2012; Barnabei et al., 2020). Properly designed lab tests, executed in controlled conditions with irregular sea states, are therefore mandatory to fully characterize the behavior of morphable Wells turbines to be employed in the Mediterranean Sea, and in particular to assess their self-start capability.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> FRANCESCO LA SPADA, MYRTA CASTELLINO, MONICA MORONI, FRANCESCA SCIPIONE, ALESSANDRO CORSINI, GIOVANNI DELIBRA, VALERIO FRANCESCO BARNABEI, GIOELE RUFFINI, PAOLO DE GIROLAMO Copyright (c) 2024 FRANCESCO LA SPADA, MYRTA CASTELLINO, MONICA MORONI, FRANCESCA SCIPIONE, ALESSANDRO CORSINI, GIOVANNI DELIBRA, VALERIO FRANCESCO BARNABEI, GIOELE RUFFINI, PAOLO DE GIROLAMO Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Exploring Wave-Vegetation Interaction At Blade Scale: A Comprehensive Analysis Of A Flexible Cylinder Through Experimental Data And A Direct Numerical Simulation <p>Aquatic vegetation in the littoral zone, particularly seagrass, is gaining increasing recognition for its net positive impact on the hosting environment. This recognition is rooted in its capacity to absorb wave energy, regulate water flow, and manage nutrient levels, sedimentation and accretion. Thus, there is a growing interest in integrating seagrass as a key component of a comprehensive climate-conscious strategy (Ondiviela et al., 2014). An effective approach to quantify the positive potential of seagrasses in altering coastal wave dynamics is by using numerical models. These numerical models operate at various spatio- temporal scales, ranging from large domains and multiple years to just a few regular waves in high resolution CFD numerical simulations. Zeller et al. (2014) classified these models, operating at different scales into three categories, each addressing the wave-vegetation interaction at a distinct scale: (1) blade scale, (2) meadow scale, and (3) ecosystem scale. The aim of the present study is to investigate the interaction between waves and vegetation at the blade scale. The primary objectives are two: first, to introduce a direct numerical technique that involves a two-way coupling between a fluid solver and a structural solver, and second, to present novel experimental data for a single flexible cylinder (Reis, 2022) serving as validation for the present (and future) numerical model(s).</p> JOE EL RAHI, RUI ALMEIDA REIS, IVÁN MARTÍNEZ-ESTÉVEZ, BONAVENTURA TAGLIAFIERRO, JOSÉ M. DOMÍNGUEZ, ALEJANDRO J.C. CRESPO, VASILIKI STRATIGAKI, TOMOHIRO SUZUKI, PETER TROCH Copyright (c) 2024 JOE EL RAHI, RUI ALMEIDA REIS, IVÁN MARTÍNEZ-ESTÉVEZ, BONAVENTURA TAGLIAFIERRO, JOSÉ M. DOMÍNGUEZ, ALEJANDRO J.C. CRESPO, VASILIKI STRATIGAKI, TOMOHIRO SUZUKI, PETER TROCH Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Characterization Of Very Low Frequency Wave Energy Distribution In A Coral Reef-Lagoon System <p>In a coral reef system, the reef barrier protects the lagoon from incoming ocean waves favoring the development of a relatively calm ecosystem in the middle of a much more energetic domain. Incident sea-swell waves (SS)&nbsp; are filtered and transformed while passing over the reef ; and simultaneously long waves (with usually wave periods greater than 20 s in such a context) are generated. These long waves are important drivers for marine submersion along low-lying islands. Thus, for several years, the scientific community has increased its effort in the understanding of reef-lagoon wave energy spectral distribution. In particular, works have focused on the origin of infragravity waves (IG) classically observed in the frequency band [0.004 ; 0.04] Hz. It has been shown that IG are forced mainly by wave groups, either through the release of incoming bound waves or through the oscillation of the breaking point. Waves and IG overpassing the reef might also drive the emergence of much longer waves termed VLF (Very Low Frequency) waves, some of which being possibly resonant waves (Gawehn et al., 2016), a category of long waves that are still poorly understood in reef-lagoon context.</p> <p>The aim of this study is to explore a set of pressure time series measured on a reef-lagoon system in French Polynesia in order to characterize the spatial, frequency and temporal distribution of&nbsp; IG / VLF energy. An additional purpose is to create a methodology capable of identifying, in pressure time series, any type of long wave developing in the IG / VLF bands.</p> MYRIAM BELKADI, FREDERIC BOUCHETTE, FRANCE FLOC’H, MARION TISSIER, DAMIE SOUS Copyright (c) 2024 MYRIAM BELKADI, FREDERIC BOUCHETTE, FRANCE FLOC’H, MARION TISSIER, DAMIE SOUS Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Reefense: Design Of A Porous Modular Hybrid Reef For Coastal Protection <p>Hybrid artificial reef structures can be designed to promote the development of a self-sustaining habitat for reef organisms while simultaneously enhancing the extent to which they provide coastal protection. Such hybrid structures offer many additional ecosystem benefits over conventional engineering structures that are used to provide coastal protection. Here, we investigate the wave attenuation capacity of engineered oyster reef modules that have been designed through the DARPA initiative Reefense: A Mosaic Oyster Habitat for Coastal Defense. The modules are designed with significant porosity (through misaligned holes), shelves to facilitate oyster recruitment, and an interlocking mechanism to maximise reef stability.</p> MARCO GHISALBERTI, RYAN J. LOWE, JUSTIN GELDARD, BAILEY BOOTH, GEORG ELLWOOD, ALEX GOAD, REBECCA MORRIS Copyright (c) 2024 MARCO GHISALBERTI, RYAN J. LOWE, JUSTIN GELDARD, BAILEY BOOTH, GEORG ELLWOOD, ALEX GOAD, REBECCA MORRIS Fri, 03 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Scour Hole Evolution Near A Detached Low-Crested Rubble-Mound Breakwater <p>Low-crested detached breakwaters are affected by coastal hydro- and morphodynamics, due to complex wave-structure- seabed interactions, which impact their stability, namely due to scour effects. The scour phenomenon has been under study in several mobile-bed physical model research studies (e.g., Fredsøe <em>et al., </em>1997, Sumer <em>et al., </em>2000 and Sumer <em>et al., </em>2005). However, scour phenomenon near detached rubble-mound breakwaters is still far from being well understood.</p> <p>Therefore, the present research work comprises an innovative and comprehensive analysis of the local morphodynamics around a detached low-crested rubble-mound breakwater, with a special focus on the quantitative characterization of scour phenomena, namely the scour depth.</p> FRANCISCO PINTO, PAULO ROSA-SANTOS, JAVIER LOPEZ LARA, JOSÉ VICTOR RAMOS Copyright (c) 2024 FRANCISCO PINTO, PAULO ROSA-SANTOS, JAVIER LOPEZ LARA, JOSÉ VICTOR RAMOS Mon, 06 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Flow Structure Of A Heterogeneous Seagrass Canopy <p>Seagrass canopies are widely recognized for their ecosystem services (Barbier et al., 2011) including flow and wave attenuation (Ondiviela et al., 2014), sediment stabilization (De Boer, 2007), carbon sequestration (Duarte &amp; Krause-Jensen, 2017) and nutrient deposition (Gacia et al., 2002). Over the past decades, various studies have delved into the modifications imparted by a seagrass canopy under both unidirectional and oscillatory flow at various scales. However, until recently, the majority of studies have either reported on or modeled seagrass canopies without considering the heterogeneity of species within a single canopy. While simplified prototype models offer valuable insights into system dynamics, they can introduce biases, potentially leading to the reduction or amplification of relevant physical processes (Tinoco et al., 2020). For instance, the study by Weitzman et al. (2015) emphasized the significance of considering vertical heterogeneity in a canopy. They noted that the presence of an understory can modulate near-bed flow processes differently, with flow attenuation significantly increased due to the understory's presence. However, embedded physical mechanisms and quantitative limitations in ecosystem functioning and services are only little understood. Such a knowledge gap is pointed out in the recent review by Risandi et al. (2023) regarding field studies of seagrass meadows in Indonesia. Only few studies explore the interaction between such a heterogeneous canopy (Short et al., 2011) and hydrodynamics despite the abundance of seagrass species in the region (McKenzie et al., 2020). Through physical modeling of four different species of seagrass this study aims to improve the understanding of flow structure modulated by a heterogeneous canopy under unidirectional currents at full scale.</p> BARNAPRATIM SARMA, TORSTEN SCHLURMANN, MAIKE PAUL Copyright (c) 2024 BARNAPRATIM SARMA, TORSTEN SCHLURMANN, MAIKE PAUL Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Enhancing Coastal Flooding Preparedness To Climate Change: An Experimental Analysis Of Urban-Integrated Non-Conventional Adaptation Solutions <p>Coastal areas are particularly vulnerable to climate change due to their exposure to mean sea-level rise and an intensification in the frequency and intensity of extreme events. Among the most vulnerable areas in Europe are the coastal urban areas of the Macaronesia Islands territories, since they are characterized with urban settlements in low land areas, being highly exposed to flooding. Within the scope of sustainable development and at the same time with the aim of increasing resilience in these areas, the development of a new methodological framework for implementing risk reduction and adaptation measures in coastal flood-prone areas is being applied with the framework of the LIFE-Garachico project (Tenerife, Spain). One of proposed adaptation options is the implementation of concrete blocks in the form of a bench to be disposed along the municipality seafront with the aim of reducing the impact of water sheets into building, generated by wave overtopping. This study presents the results obtained by means of a hybrid numerical and experimental technique to define the hydraulic performance of different bench configuration. Results are included in a global methodology to define the optimum time to implement this solution due to the consideration of different climate change scenarios.</p> JAVIER L. LARA, MARIA F.ALVAREZ DE EULATE, ANTONIO TOMÁS, ALBERTO FERNANDEZ, DAVID LUCIO Copyright (c) 2024 JAVIER L. LARA, MARIA F.ALVAREZ DE EULATE, ANTONIO TOMÁS, ALBERTO FERNANDEZ, DAVID LUCIO Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Physical Model Study Of Standing Wave Impact Loads On Gates And Decks Of The Existing Discharge Sluices In The Afsluitdijk The Netherlands <p>To anticipate the rising sea level and to meet the increased flood safety standards the Afsluitdijk in the northwest of The Netherlands is currently being reconstructed. The Afsluitdijk is the dam, with a length of 30 km, that closes the IJsselmeer basin, the former Zuiderzee. Outside the dam lie the Waddenzee and the North Sea. The reconstruction of the dam includes the reinforcement of&nbsp; the dam and the raising of the crest level, the renovation of the existing discharge sluices and the building of new pumping stations, discharge sluices and flood gates. Higher design waves and water levels, including the effects of sea level rise, present determining loads for drawing up the strength and stability of these hydraulic structures. One of these loads is the wave impact load on the gates, supporting beams and bridge decks of the discharge sluices. At first, these loads have been calculated using a design approach which has been based on analytical models, only partially validated (Almeida and Hofland, 2020). It showed that these loads due to vertical wave impacts can be higher than the strength of the gates and the existing bridge decks. Therefore, load reduction measures are required. To better predict the wave impact loads, which strongly depend on the configuration of the gates and decks, a physical model study in a wave flume has been carried out at Deltares (Capel and van der Werf, 2023). This abstract is about the results of this model study, focusing on the wave impacts on the existing discharge sluices near Kornwerderzand, because at this location these loads are the highest.</p> W.C.D. KORTLEVER, A. CAPEL, I. VAN DER WERF, P.L.M. JANSEN, W.F. LOUWERSHEIMER, H.A. VERVOORN Copyright (c) 2024 W.C.D. KORTLEVER, A. CAPEL, I. VAN DER WERF, P.L.M. JANSEN, W.F. LOUWERSHEIMER, H.A. VERVOORN Wed, 08 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Digital Profiler Based On A Low-Cost 3D-Scanner To Evaluate The Hydraulic Performance Of Homogeneous Low-Crested Structures <p>In order to evaluate the hydraulic performance of breakwaters, mechanical profilers were first used in wave flumes. Vertical bars and rolling wheels have been used to track the breakwater shape. Once surveyed, useful hydraulic parameters were able to be measured (e.g., envelope shape and eroded area). Nevertheless, the methodologies based on mechanical profilers have some limitations: they are intrusive, require specific equipment and are time-consuming. On the other hand, non-intrusive laser scanners can also be used; recent studies proved the feasibility of non-intrusive fast methods of surveying with 3D-scanning, (see Musumeci et al., 2018). These instruments are fast and reliable at capturing the shape of the breakwater in real-time. However, this method did not consider the distortion caused by light refraction. Laser scanners usually require to measure models in dry conditions, which is not efficient in time and resources. Regardless of the drawbacks when using non-intrusive laser scanners as digital profilers, the distortion can be corrected. The data suits for the usage of Neural Networks (NN) that can be trained to correct distortion.</p> <p>This study is focused on Homogeneous Low-Crested Structures (HLCS) which is a new typology of Low-Crested Structures (LCS), made out large quarry stones or concrete armor units that are suitable to reduce shoreline erosion on degraded coastlines and natural environments. HLCS can be classified as reef-type breakwaters and are considered an environmentally-friendly solution that fulfils two purposes: to protect beaches nearby and to enhance coral regeneration and marine colonization, (see Medina et at., 2020). For the correct design of HLCS or conventional LCS, it is required to evaluate both the hydraulic stability and wave transmission (see van der Meer and Daemen, 1994). HLCS are structures without core which may erode under intense wave attack. Breakwater damage and crest freeboard must be estimated depending on incident wave conditions. The breakwater envelope evolves and finds an equilibrium state related to the incident wave conditions in which the crest freeboard and the transmitted wave energy levels may change.</p> <p>The goal of this study is to provide a low-cost non-intrusive methodology based on 3D-scanning to study the hydraulic performance of mound breakwaters, specifically for Cubipod HLCS. This surveying procedure allows to obtain the real-magnitude shape of the envelope of the HLCS, even with a certain water level. The methodology mimics previous surveying techniques and provides relevant hydraulic and structural parameters (crest freeboard, damage, envelope shape, etc.) that can be then used to study the hydraulic performance of breakwaters.</p> SERGIO MUÑOZ-PALAO, PILAR DÍAZ-CARRASCO, JORGE MOLINES, M. ESTHER GÓMEZ-MARTÍN, JOSEP R. MEDINA Copyright (c) 2024 SERGIO MUÑOZ-PALAO, PILAR DÍAZ-CARRASCO, JORGE MOLINES, M. ESTHER GÓMEZ-MARTÍN, JOSEP R. MEDINA Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Rocking Of Single Layer Armour Units Measured By Embedded Sensors <p>Single layer randomly placed armour units are used in many rubble mound breakwaters around the world. For these armour layers, breakage of armour units due to rocking could be a major damage mechanism, but no good methods exist to evaluate and quantify rocking. The aim of the study is to quantify the rocking impact velocities for irregularly placed single layer armour units. This study utilizes embedded Rocking Sensors to obtain the first measurements of rocking impact velocities of single layer armour units. More generally, the paper (Hofland et al. 2023) shows how novel measurement techniques can be used for the investigating the stability of single layer armour layers.</p> BAS HOFLAND, DAAN HOUTZAGER, GANGA CALDERA, ALESSANDRO ANTONINI, MARCEL VAN GENT, PIETER BAKKER, COCK VAN DER LEM Copyright (c) 2024 BAS HOFLAND, DAAN HOUTZAGER, GANGA CALDERA, ALESSANDRO ANTONINI, MARCEL VAN GENT, PIETER BAKKER, COCK VAN DER LEM Wed, 01 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Experimental Study Of Parsian Port Breakwater Toe Stability <p>The stability performance of toe layer in structures with single-layer concrete armoures such as accropods and Xblocks is more crucial regarding their fast instability propagation and failure mechanism. This paper presents the case study concerning toe stability of Pasrsian port breakwater by experimental tests on physical model in Tarbiat modares university wave flume. Parsian industrial port is located in the south of Iran at Persian Gulf coastline. Its nineteen berths in final phase will be protected by approximately 1500 meter breakwater which at the most critical section, W5, reaches the sea bed level of -25 m.C.D. Figure 1. In concrete armored breakwaters, heterogeneous packing could increase the porosity in top rows and eventually result in instability. Therefore the number of rows in which the concrete units can be placed would be limited. According to the SUGRA guidance for Accropode units, this the maximum number of rows shall be 20, which leads designers to consider toe berm for breakwaters in deep water. Hence, it was vital to conduct a comprehensive physical model study.</p> MOHAMMADKAZEM IMANI, MEHDI SHAFIEFAR, BABAK RASHMAL Copyright (c) 2024 MOHAMMADKAZEM IMANI, MEHDI SHAFIEFAR, BABAK RASHMAL Thu, 02 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Experimental Observations And Prediction Of Wave Attenuation Using A Coral Reef Restoration Approach <p>The large bottom roughness typical of coral reefs can be effective at reducing wave energy incident to coastlines through the dissipation induced by how wave-driven oscillatory flows interact with the roughness to determine hydrodynamic forces (i.e., drag and inertial). A physical understanding of these fluid-structure interaction processes is essential in designing coral reef restoration projects that can enhance coastal protection as well as deliver other beneficial ecosystem services, as a more sustainable alternative over conventional engineered structures (e.g. breakwaters and seawalls). In this study we quantify both wave attenuation and hydrodynamic forces across progressive stages of a coral reef restoration solution developed by Mars Sustainable Solutions. The Mars Assisted Reef Restoration System (MARRS) involves propagating coral fragments onto hexagonal steel structures called Reef Stars, which are connected in tessellating patterns over degraded reef flats (Figure 1).&nbsp;</p> JUSTIN GELDARD, RYAN J. LOWE, MARCO GHISALBERTI, SCOTT DRAPER, GEORGE ELLWOOD, DAVID SMITH, ALICIA MCARDLE Copyright (c) 2024 JUSTIN GELDARD, RYAN J. LOWE, MARCO GHISALBERTI, SCOTT DRAPER, GEORGE ELLWOOD, DAVID SMITH, ALICIA MCARDLE Sat, 04 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Marelab: The Lab Of The Mediterranean Sea For Marine Renewable Energy <p>This work aims to describe the testing capabilities of the Mediterranean Marine Renewable Energy Laboratory for mid-to-full scale devices. As an illustrative example, it presents various experimental campaigns conducted in recent years on a hybrid breakwater – wave energy converter and a floating wind turbine.</p> SARA Russo, ANDREA BARDAZZI, ALESSIA LUCARELLI, CHIARA PILLOTON, ARIANNA AZZELLINO, PASQUALE CONTESTABILE, DIEGO VICINANZA, CLAUDIO LUGNI Copyright (c) 2024 SARA Russo, ANDREA BARDAZZI, ALESSIA LUCARELLI, CHIARA PILLOTON, ARIANNA AZZELLINO, PASQUALE CONTESTABILE, DIEGO VICINANZA, CLAUDIO LUGNI Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Experimental Comparison Of The Hydraulic Performance Of Overhanging And Vertical Parapets Under Limited Wave Breaking Conditions: The Case Of The New Offshore Ravenna Lng Terminal (It) <p>Harbors play a pivotal role in global trade, serving as vital gateways for the transportation of goods, fostering economic growth. These essential coastal infrastructures are subjected to relentless forces (e.g. wave action, storm surges, and sea level variation induced by climate change) which can jeopardize their functionality and safety. Safe working conditions are mandatory for the operability of all kinds of harbors. However, particular attention must be paid in the case of terminals dedicated to dangerous goods, as for example Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). Composite vertical breakwaters may be efficiently used to protect this kind of terminal and have both advantages and disadvantages over rubble mound breakwaters.</p> <p>This work presents the results of a 2D experimental campaign carried out to optimize, from a hydraulic point of view, the parapet wall of the new composite vertical breakwater that will be built to protect the new offshore LNG terminal located in in the North Adriatic Sea in the South-East of the Port of Ravenna (Italy). In particular, two types of parapets walls have been compared: one overhanging (recurved in the shape of one fourth of a circumference with a ray of one meter) and one vertical. For each type of parapets, three different heights were evaluated for a total of six different configurations. The typical water depth in the area where the new terminal will be built is approximately -15.0 m with respect to the MSL and the total range of the astronomical tides does not exceed one metre. The terminal is located about 8.0 km far from the coast and is positioned on a very mild seabed foreshore slope of less than 0.05°</p> MYRTA CASTELLINO, JOHN ALDERSON, THIERRY RAULT, GABRIELE P. LANZA, ANGELO CABRA, PIERLUIGI Russo, FABIO CAPOZZI, MARCO DEL BIANCO, PAOLO DE GIROLAMO Copyright (c) 2024 MYRTA CASTELLINO, JOHN ALDERSON, THIERRY RAULT, GABRIELE P. LANZA, ANGELO CABRA, PIERLUIGI Russo, FABIO CAPOZZI, MARCO DEL BIANCO, PAOLO DE GIROLAMO Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Lagrangian Measurements Of Surface Water Waves: Relation Between Drift Velocities And Set-Down <p>Since the work of Stokes on steady progressive surface waves (Stokes, 1847), there has been interest in fluid particle trajectories and associated mass flux. The original result obtained by Stokes was based on linear theory, and implied that there is a net forward drift in the fluid beneath a propagating surface wave. In the non-dimensional case, the drift velocity for a sinusoidal wave on a fluid of depth <em>h</em> is given by</p> <p>Recent works suggest that in many cases, particularly in waves propagating over a shear flow, a net Eulerian flow may develop, which is opposed to the Stokes drift. Monismith et al. (2007) suggested that in a deep-water setting, the net Eulerian backflow may cancel the Lagrangian Stokes drift on a pointwise basis. Further, Grue &amp; Kolaas (2017) found good agreement with the theoretical findings of Longuet-Higgins (1953), except near the bottom and near the free surface, where boundary layers have a discernable impact on the induced flow.</p> <p>In recent field measurements, it was observed that the drift velocity correlates positively with the local average fluid depth (Bjørnestad et al., 2021). In other words, a wave with a set-up features a large forward drift, while a wave with a set-down features a negative net drift. The present work aims at investigating what observed in the field by means of laboratory experiments carried out in a wave flume, where monochromatic and bichromatic waves of different characteristics have been run.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> LORENZO MELITO, BASHAR KHORBATLY, ALESSANDRO MARCONI, MATTEO POSTACCHINI, DANIEL BLANDFORT, MAURIZIO BROCCHINI, MARC BUCKLEY, HENRIK KALISCH Copyright (c) 2024 LORENZO MELITO, BASHAR KHORBATLY, ALESSANDRO MARCONI, MATTEO POSTACCHINI, DANIEL BLANDFORT, MAURIZIO BROCCHINI, MARC BUCKLEY, HENRIK KALISCH Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Physical Modelling Tests With Flexible Woody Vegetation Mimics <p>Riparian forests in front of dikes can dampen incoming waves and thereby contribute to flood safety. In real-scale flume experiments with live pollard willow trees (forming a 40-m-long forest), it was observed that during storm conditions, a maximum reduction of 20 % in incoming wave height could be achieved (van Wesenbeeck, et al., 2022). Notably, this amount of wave damping occurred at a water depth of 3 meters, aligning with the section of the trees with the maximum frontal-surface area. For a larger water depth, measured wave damping however declined. This is potentially partly caused by the natural tapering form of the trees. Typically, trees are characterized by smaller branch diameters and more flexible branches higher up in the canopy (McMahon &amp; Kronauer, 1976); and flexible vegetation mimics are known to dampen less than rigid mimics due to motion (Van Veelen, T, Reeve, &amp; Karunarathna, 2020). Hence, both the frontal-surface area and branch rigidity decrease along the height of the willow trees, potentially leading to less wave damping by the forest when subject to large waves at higher water levels.</p> SU A. KALLOE, BAS HOFLAND, BREGJE K. VAN WESENBEECK Copyright (c) 2024 SU A. KALLOE, BAS HOFLAND, BREGJE K. VAN WESENBEECK Wed, 01 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Unstructured swan modelling of free infragravity waves over the Southern North Sea <p>Infragravity (IG) waves are relatively long waves with typical periods of several tens of seconds to several minutes. The energy at the IG band plays an important role in nearshore areas. For example, IG waves can significantly contribute to dune erosion and sediment transport (e.g., Roelvink<em> et&nbsp;al.</em>, 2009), and may excite harbor oscillations (e.g., Bowers, 1977). Furthermore, IG waves may result in destructive inundation events (e.g., Roeber and Bricker, 2015). These documentations of IG waves' impacts emphasise the necessity to account for IG contributions as part of coastal hazard assessments, especially under storm conditions.</p> GAL AKRISH, AD RENIERS, DIRK RIJNSDORP, MARCEL ZIJLEMA, JANTIEN RUTTEN, MARION TISSIER Copyright (c) 2024 GAL AKRISH, AD RENIERS, DIRK RIJNSDORP, MARCEL ZIJLEMA, JANTIEN RUTTEN, MARION TISSIER Thu, 02 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Delta Transport Processes Laboratory <p>The presence of marine pollutants such as marine plastics has increased significantly over the last decades and poses a major environmental problem, in both the coastal and offshore area. Marine pollutants are transported, mixed and diffused in the ocean, which means the understanding and modelling of marine transport is key for mitigation purposes (Moulton et al., 2022). Additional to large scale and planetary currents that play a major role in marine transport, free surface waves, internal gravity waves in density stratified fluids and the Coriolis force due to the rotation of the Earth are also fundamental drivers of transport that need to be accounted for. The fundamental fluid mechanics processes associated with these are often not resolved in large-scale models, but are instead included in a parametrised form. However, some fundamental processes associated with wave-induced currents (<em>e.g.</em>, Stokes drift) in rotating, density-stratified fluids with a free surface remain unclear and untested. In addition, parametrisation for different environments, forcings and time scales must be developed and tested before being implemented into models for them to reliably predict transport, accumulation and storage of marine pollutants. For this purpose, the Delta Transport Processes Laboratory (DTPLab) is being developed at TUDelft Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory. This laboratory pioneers the combined experimental study of surface waves, density stratification and Coriolis forces in a single laboratory. The DTPLab was designed with a multi- users and purposes vision, with interchangeable facilities and state-of-the-art measurement devices. This paper presents the DTPLab facilities (under construction) and equipment that make this laboratory unique in the world, and describes, as an example of what is feasible, a novel experiment that will be performed in this lab.</p> P.M. BAYLE, C.F. WESTSTEIJN, L.N.M. MIDDELPLAATS, P. VAN DER GAAG, J. MOL, C. WILLEMS, B. HOFLAND, T.S. VAN DEN BREMER Copyright (c) 2024 BAYLE, P.M., WESTSTEIJN C.F., MIDDELPLAATS L.N.M., VAN DER GAAG, P. , MOL J., WILLEMS C., HOFLAND B. , VAN DEN BREMER, T.S. Mon, 06 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Breaking Wave Statistics In Short-Crested Seas <p>The accurate prediction of loads to allow for a safe yet efficient design of coastal and offshore structures requires a thorough understanding of the distribution of crest heights. Although deep water waves are relatively well understood and accurately modelled by existing wave and crest height models, the same cannot be said for waves in intermediate and shallow waters (Tayfun &amp; Alkhalidi, 2020). This work addresses this gap by analysing long, random records of laboratory-generated short-crested seas. The analysis focuses on the application of a novel method to identify waves that undergo significant nonlinear amplification and breaking. Following their identification, the associated energy transfers and dissipation are calculated per wave and probabilistically approximated. A modelling suite is proposed to describe the probability of wave breaking and associated dissipation in short-crested seas. This is then converted into a mixture model to recover crest height statistics. The success of the proposed approach is demonstrated through comparisons between model predictions and measurements.</p> U. AL KHALILI, I. KARMPADAKIS Copyright (c) 2024 U. AL KHALILI, I. KARMPADAKIS Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Evaluation Of The Accuracy Of The Generated Wave Fields In The Coastal & Ocean Basin (Cob) <p>The Coastal &amp; Ocean Basin (COB) wave tank facility is located in the Flanders Maritime Laboratory at the Ostend Science Park, Belgium. The COB and its associated testing services are designed (Troch et al. 2016) to facilitate the needs of the offshore renewable energy sector, coastal and offshore engineering community and offer the opportunity to academia, companies and government agencies, to test scale models under combined action of waves and currents in any relative direction, to develop innovative designs. The exploitation is managed by the consortium Ghent University, KU Leuven and Flanders Hydraulics. The COB is operational since March 2023 and has since then successfully completed its first projects on wave energy converters (WECFarm), wave diffraction study around a monopile (PhairywinD) and floating offshore photovoltaic islands (MarineSpots).</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> MAXIMILIAN STREICHER, YURI PEPI, WIETSE STROOBANT, TIMOTHY VERVAET, LAURENS CROMHEEKE, IVANDITO HERDAYANDITYA, EVERT LATAIRE, TIM AERTSENS, PIETER RAUWOENS, JAAK MONBALIU, TOMOHIRO SUZUKI, DIETER VANNESTE, KARIM BELLAFKIH, PETER TROCH Copyright (c) 2024 MAXIMILIAN STREICHER, YURI PEPI, WIETSE STROOBANT, TIMOTHY VERVAET, LAURENS CROMHEEKE, IVANDITO HERDAYANDITYA, EVERT LATAIRE, TIM AERTSENS, PIETER RAUWOENS, JAAK MONBALIU, TOMOHIRO SUZUKI, DIETER VANNESTE, KARIM BELLAFKIH, PETER TROCH Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Large-Scale Laboratory Experiments On The Wave Generation Due To The Collapse Of Partially And Fully Submerged Granular Columns <p>Landslides that occur in coastal environments can drive cascading consequences such as wave forces, flooding, and infrastructure damage to coastal communities. It can be difficult to classify these slides as subaerial or submarine, and the mechanics of wave generation associated with partially submerged failures are not well understood. Limited physical modelling has been conducted that encompasses both the triggering of granular landslides and subsequent waves associated with partially and fully submerged mass movements. To date, laboratory work investigating tsunamis generated by submarine landslides has focused on the wave formed in the direction of the mass movement (seaward direction) for rigid block experiments (eg. Rzadkiewicz, 1997) and deformable slide masses (e.g. Grilli <em>et al.,</em> 2017, Takabatake, 2020, Bullard et al., 2023). From these experimental data sets, predictive relationships connecting slide acceleration, mass, and initial submergence depth to the amplitude of the wave formed have been presented for the seaward wave. Such relationships have not been presented for the landward directed wave, which propagates in the opposite direction of the submarine landslide motion.</p> <p>&nbsp;Further, not all landslides are easily classified as either subaerial or submarine. Consider the 2018 Anak Krakatoa landslide in which the sliding surface was estimated to be 100 m below sea level (Pakoksung <em>et al.,</em> 2020), resulting in one third of the total collapse being submerged. In comparison to the end-member conditions of subaerial and submarine failures, the mechanics of wave generation associated with partially submerged failures is much less clear. Granular column collapse experiments provide an idealized experimental framework to explore momentum transfer processes and the resulting waves generated in partially submerged and fully submerged conditions. Work by Cabrera <em>et al., </em>(2020) made use of granular collapse experiments of partially to fully submerged columns to derive a continuous momentum-based function to estimate the maximum seaward wave amplitude based on the initial column submergence ratio (H<sub>w</sub>/H<sub>o</sub>). However, these experiments were conducted at a small-scale (H<sub>o</sub> = 0.15 m) with a width of one particle (2.4 mm diameter). To address this research gap, a series of 22 large-scale granular collapse experiments were conducted by releasing columns of river stone (0.75 m and 0.50 m high) into a laboratory flume reservoir with water depths ranging up to 1.10 m to explore the wave generation and runup processes in both seaward and landward directions. The columns were released by a rapid pneumatically actuated vertical rising gate designed to enable the near instantaneous loss of support of the source volumes resulting in granular collapse. The failure mechanics were captured with high-speed cameras (Figure 1a,b) and wave amplitudes were measured using wave capacitance gauges (Figure 1c,d). This work also provides the first experimental data set of the landward propagating wave and runup associated with submerged granular collapse experiments. Overall, the seaward wave amplitudes measured in these highly-instrumented, large-scale physical models agree with empirical relationships developed in a previous study using smaller-scale models. &nbsp;</p> ERICA TREFLIK-BODY, ELISABETH STEEL, W. ANDY TAKE, RYAN P. MULLIGAN Copyright (c) 2024 ERICA TREFLIK-BODY, ELISABETH STEEL, W. ANDY TAKE, RYAN P. MULLIGAN Wed, 08 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Physical Modelling Of Boulder Transport Under The Influence Of Tsunami Waves <p>Tsunami events are traditionally represented in the geological record by a sequence of fine-grained sediments, but increasingly coastal boulder deposits are being used as indicators of past tsunami events. The emplacement mechanism of many boulder deposits, however, is heavily debated and determining whether the inundation event was a tsunami or storm remains an unresolved challenge (Cox <em>et al</em>., 2020). Using physical experiments, we aim to achieve a better understanding of how tsunamis move coastal boulders. This knowledge will aid field geomorphologists in the identification of the emplacement mechanism for coastal boulder deposits and allow for the determination of wave parameters. In January 2023, physical experiments using the HR Wallingford Tsunami Simulator were completed as part of the MAKEWAVES collaboration. These experiments investigated the movement of a cuboid and irregular shaped boulder model when impacted by different tsunami waveforms on a plane beach. We propose new empirical formulae to describe relationships between transport distance and different tsunami waves.</p> STORM ROBERTS, ALISON RABY, SARAH J. BOULTON, WILLIAM ALLSOP, ALESSANDRO ANTONINI, IVO VAN BALEN, DAVID MCGOVERN, KEITH ADAMS, IAN CHANDLER, JONAS CELS, IRENE MANZELLA Copyright (c) 2024 STORM ROBERTS, ALISON RABY, SARAH J. BOULTON, WILLIAM ALLSOP, ALESSANDRO ANTONINI, IVO VAN BALEN, DAVID MCGOVERN, KEITH ADAMS, IAN CHANDLER, JONAS CELS, IRENE MANZELLA Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Model Of Wave Attenuation In Vegetated Environments <p>Mangrove degradation and rapid coastline erosion have been widely observed at many locations along the Mekong Delta Coast. These locales frequently display narrow mangrove forests, occasionally spanning as few as 100 meters. This phenomenon of the narrower mangrove forests is supposed to be due to the construction of sea dikes in a search to establish room for agricultural purposes and to hinder the salinity intrusion, referred to as "mangrove squeeze". Within the context of monitoring mangrove forest evolution alongside the shoreline's dynamic processes of erosion and accretion, the hypothesis of a "squeeze mangrove forest" was advanced by Phan (2015) and Truong (2017). This conceptual construct underscores the fundamental importance of "mangrove width" as a critical length scale influencing the sustainable growth of a mangrove forest. The physical interpretation of this length scale is intricately tied to the extent of the mixing layer's intrusion into the vegetative domain (Truong et al., 2019). It is important to note that while the mixing dynamics of estuarine mangroves are primarily regulated by lateral flow events induced by large vortex structures moving along the vegetation edge, the characteristics of incoming waves primarily determine the length to which the mixing layer penetrates within coastal mangroves. The latter is the primary focus of this study.</p> PHAN KHANH LINH, TRUONG HONG SON, MARCEL STIVE Copyright (c) 2024 PHAN KHANH LINH, TRUONG HONG SON, MARCEL STIVE Thu, 02 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Advp Measurements Of Flow Over Low-Angle Bedforms In A Laboratory Flume Setup <p>In many coastal and estuarine environments, bedforms develop due to the complex interactions between hydrodynamics, sediment transport and morphology which affect hydro-morphodynamic processes at various spatio-temporal scales. Furthermore, bedforms are considered main drivers of flow resistance via turbulence and affect near bottom processes such as bed roughness, bottom shear stress and turbulent structures. A detailed study and characterisation of flow over bedforms is therefore significant to many fundamental and engineering applications such as sediment transport calculation and prediction, channel managements, or burial of submarine cables.</p> <p>Asymmetric dunes with an angle-of-repose (30°) lee side have been well studied (Best, 2005; Venditti, 2013). They are representative of dunes commonly found in laboratory flumes and small rivers. Over such bedforms, flow is characterised by a permanent flow separation zone and intense turbulence over their lee side. Recently, it was shown that bedforms in large rivers are mainly low- to intermediate-angle dunes (mean lee side ca. 5-20°) having their steepest slope located close to the trough (Cisneros et al., 2020). Over such low- and intermediate-angle river dunes, flow separation is inexistent or intermittent and only little turbulence is generated (e.g. Kwoll et al., 2016; Lefebvre and Cisneros, 2023).</p> <p>Estuarine bedforms also possess mostly low- to intermediate-angle mean lee slopes between 5° and 20° (Dalrymple and Rhodes, 1995; Lefebvre et al., 2021). However, contrary to river bedforms, estuarine bedforms usually have a sharp pointed crest with the steepest slope situated near the crest and a relatively flat trough (Aliotta and Perillo, 1987; Lefebvre et al., 2021). It is not clear yet how much flow properties vary between high-angle flat-crested dunes and low-angle sharp-crested dunes. In particular, it is unknown whether a permanent or an intermittent flow separation can be observed over some segments of the lee side. Furthermore, the relation between the reversing tidal flow and natural estuarine morphology is not well understood yet.</p> <p>In this study, laboratory flume experiments will be conducted to measure the mean flow and turbulence over estuarine bedforms. Previous experiments performed by Carstensen and Holzwarth (2023) demonstrated the potential of high-resolution measurements over a large-scale estuarine dune in a laboratory flume. Building on this, experiments will be carried out over a fixed concrete low- and intermediate- angle estuarine bedform field. The results from this study can be used to characterise in detail the flow dynamics over estuarine bedforms.</p> KEVIN BOBILES, CHRISTINA CARSTENSEN, ALICE LEFEBVRE Copyright (c) 2024 KEVIN BOBILES, CHRISTINA CARSTENSEN, ALICE LEFEBVRE Sat, 04 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Air-Water Flow Properties In Highly Unsteady Flows <p>Recent catastrophic events caused by tsunamis, storm surges, flood waves, and the failure of dams (<em>e.g.</em> in Ukraine and Libya) have shown to be a significant threat to densely populated coastal communities. Interactions with built environments can lead to violent wave impacts that may have severe consequences, including significant infrastructural damage and potential loss of life. The frequency of these water-related disasters is increasing globally due to climate change and sea level rise, resulting in a rising demand for deeper knowledge related to the physical processes of such hazards.</p> <p>The dynamic behaviour of these type of wave phenomena is described by long-period, high translatory waves, where the on-shore propagation or inland inundation is associated with sudden free-surface deformations. This results in a steeping of the slope at the leading edge, causing non-linear flow behaviour to prevail and inducing the wave to collapse. The breaking process generates a breaking roller at the wave front, containing a rapidly fluctuating mixture of air and water, associated with a strong recirculation. The high degree of air-water interaction in these unsteady flows has a significant impact on the flow properties as it influences many dynamic processes, including viscous and surface tension effects at air-bubble level, as well as larger scale gravitational effects associated with the turbulent flow and eddy formation (Brocchini and Peregrine, 2001). New innovative measurement techniques have allowed experimental studies to more precisely quantify the air-water interactions in multiphase flows. However, most experimental research focused on air-water flow properties in hydraulic jumps and other steady flows (<em>e.g.</em> spillway flows, plunging jets). Currently, limited research is available for unsteady flows and mostly based on small datasets and limited flow conditions. This lack of availability and diversity of experimental data restricts the understanding of how these multi-phase flows behave under different conditions, hence the need for future research.</p> DORETTE REGOUT, DAVIDE WÜTHRICH, JONAS MATSCH Copyright (c) 2024 DORETTE REGOUT, DAVIDE WÜTHRICH, JONAS MATSCH Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical And Physical Modelling Of The Pore Pressure Development Around A Monopile Foundation <p>Offshore wind has favoured the use of monopile foundation due to its simplicity in design, construction and industrial scalability. The stability of the monopile foundations can be affected not only by the direct action of wave loads but also by the response of the surrounding seabed. Numerical and physical modelling can be used to simulate the wave-structure-seabed interaction and accurately predict the wave-induced seabed response around the monopile foundation.</p> <p>Within this context, a 3D coupled numerical model is developed to investigate the excess pore pressure development around a monopile foundation and the accompanying changes in the effective stress of the seabed soil. In addition to the coupled hydrodynamic-geotechnical analyses, physical model tests have been performed at the Coastal &amp; Ocean Basin (COB) in Ostend (BE) within the SOILTWIN project in December 2023. These tests provide insight into the soil behaviour around the monopile foundation based on pore pressure measurements. The comparison of the numerical results with experimental data is essential for an improved calibration of the numerical model as well as for a better understanding of the soil response under various wave loading conditions. The experimental setup and the initial findings will be discussed during the conference.</p> MARIA GKOUGKOUDI-PAPAIOANNOU, YURI PEPI, MAXIMILIAN STREICHER, BRUNO STUYTS, PETER TROCH Copyright (c) 2024 MARIA GKOUGKOUDI-PAPAIOANNOU, YURI PEPI, MAXIMILIAN STREICHER, BRUNO STUYTS, PETER TROCH Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical Tools For Wave Overtopping At Rubble Mound Breakwaters With Submerged Berms <p>In the era of climate change, the adaptation of existing coastal structures as a response to potential increasing loads, has</p> <p>become a trending topic in coastal engineering. The combination of sea level rise, storm surge, tides and waves is going to dramatically increase the wave overtopping.</p> <p>In this context, this research is focused on the evaluation of wave overtopping for conventional rubble mound breakwaters, modified by the introduction of a submerged berm. Recent studies illustrated how the introduction of emerged berms on the seaward slope reduces the wave overtopping. The goal then becomes to turn the spotlight on the submerged berms, whose effectiveness has yet to be attested, although it has proven useful in reducing wave loads on the armour layer and seabed pressure under the structure. Therefore, the reliability of two different numerical models in detecting overtopping phenomenon have been assessed.</p> <p>IHFOAM and SWASH have been used (see Figure 1). The first one can solve both Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes and the Volume Averaged Reynolds Averaged Navier–Stokes equations. The second one solves the non-linear shallow water equations with a non-hydrostatic pressure term, representing a simplified form of the Navier-Stokes equations, with associated limited computational cost. The numerical models have been validated based on experimental tests carried out in a wave flume at the University of L’Aquila.</p> DANIELE CELLI, MARCELLO DI RISIO, MYRTA CASTELLINO, PAOLO DE GIROLAMO Copyright (c) 2024 DANIELE CELLI, MARCELLO DI RISIO, MYRTA CASTELLINO, PAOLO DE GIROLAMO Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The application of flexible and porous concrete structures in training works and scour protection <p>Concrete armour units such as Xbloc have been applied as armour layer for breakwaters and bank protections for years. These smartly shaped blocks were invented to offer efficient protection at more exposed locations by applying blocks that work together with neighbouring units to withstand high wave loads (Interlocking). Also material use was lowered since steeper slopes could be realized compared to conventional rock structures.</p> <p>Xstream and Xstone can be applied in a large range of applications that are traditionally built with loose rock, pitched rock or smooth block revetments such as:</p> <p>-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Bed protection (e.g. offshore wind foundations)</p> <p>-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; River training works</p> <p>-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Detached breakwaters</p> <p>-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Quay wall protection in harbours</p> <p>-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Revetment structures</p> <p>This&nbsp; abstract elaborates on why flexible and porous structures made of these small-scale [0.2 – 0.6m] concrete armour units are an interesting, low CO<sub>2</sub> and eco-friendly alternative for bed protections and river training works.&nbsp;</p> TIM RUWIEL, BAS REEDIJK, MARTIJN MEIJER, TALIA SCHOONEES, TOM VAN RIJSWIJK Copyright (c) 2024 TIM RUWIEL, BAS REEDIJK, MARTIJN MEIJER, TALIA SCHOONEES, TOM VAN RIJSWIJK Wed, 08 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Overtopping Flow Velocity Characterisation Of Focused Waves On Promenades Using The Bubble Image Velocimetry Technique <p>This study characterises the flow velocity of individual extreme waves that overtop promenades using the bubble image velocimetry (BIV) technique (Ryu et al., 2005). Experimental tests were carried out in the small-scale wave flume CIEMito, at the Marine Engineering Laboratory (LIM) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – BarcelonaTech (UPC), and the obtained images were post-processed to calculate the flow velocities. The ultimate objective of the experimental campaign is to develop more precise models for forecasting wave overtopping of structures with an emergent toe, commonly found on sandy beaches and frequently utilized as promenades or waterfronts in most urbanized coastal environments. The NewWave theory (Tromans et al., 1991) was used to simulate the extreme individual wave overtopping in a real random sea state. The NewWave theory establishes a correlation between the expected form of a large wave in a linear sea state and the bulk characteristics of the sea state. Using focused wave groups instead of long-duration irregular wave time series offers several benefits. It improves the ability to repeat experiments and enhances measurement capabilities by providing greater temporal resolution in models used to investigate significant wave interactions (Hofland et al., 2014). Additionally, due to the compactness of focused wave groups, wave absorption becomes unnecessary. The research identifies two distinct case studies with varying wave forcing, tidal regimes and coastal layouts. This work presents a case study of a typical Mediterranean Sea configuration, which is a micro-tidal environment with steep and relatively short foreshores and pocket beaches. The study aims to characterize the overtopping flow velocity on the selected structure, and the feasibility of non-intrusive measurements such as a BIV technique has been investigated. The work includes preliminary results.</p> CORRADO ALTOMARE, XUEXUE CHEN, TOMOHIRO SUZUKI, ALISON RABY, XAVIER GIRONELLA Copyright (c) 2024 CORRADO ALTOMARE, XUEXUE CHEN, TOMOHIRO SUZUKI, ALISON RABY, XAVIER GIRONELLA Wed, 01 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Physical Experiments Of Wave Attenuation Over Submerged Shellfish Reefs <p>Globally and across Australia shellfish reef ecosystems have become critically endangered due to decades of overfishing, pollution and dredging (e.g., Beck et al., 2011). In response, the Australian federal government, in partnership with The Nature Conservancy, committed to restoring 60 shellfish reef ecosystems across Australia by building reefs from limestone and recycled shells scattered with juvenile oysters or mussels. Although the primary aim is to promote healthy marine ecosystems and biodiversity, there are strong indications that these restored shellfish reefs may also substantially dissipate ocean waves and provide protection against coastal flooding. Analogies have been drawn with conventional engineering structures (submerged breakwaters, e.g. Dattatri et al., 1978) as well as nearshore shellfish reefs increasingly considered as a nature-based method for coastal resilience against flooding (“living shorelines”, see e.g. Morris et al., 2021). Although the currently restored reefs do present clear similarities, they also have distinct differences that raise questions to whether they can be as effective in dissipating wave energy. Observational data from laboratory or field to verify this is currently lacking.</p> <p>This study aims to quantify the effectiveness of multiple parallel submerged reef structures in relatively deep water in dissipating wave energy. Experiments (1:10 scale) were carried out in a 54-m-long wave flume using 3 reef designs that vary in reef spacing, width and height, representative for shellfish reef ecosystems as recently restored and established across Australia and the US. All designs were subjected to two water depths (0.7 and 1 m on laboratory scale) and 8 (irregular) wave conditions covering 4 peak wave periods and significant wave heights ranging from 0.1 to 0.3 m (lab scale). For the cases with 0.7 m water depth, wave height reduction varied from 10 to 23%, while for the cases with 1 m water depth wave heights generally decreased slightly up to about 5%. The reefs were found to be particularly effective in reducing the largest waves within the timeseries that would have the highest potential of causing coastal impact (e.g., flooding or erosion). In addition, observations obtained with an Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter showed up to 45% reduction of near-bed orbital (<em>rms</em>) velocities, highlighting the potential for these structures to benefit seagrass restoration efforts. Overall, the results of this study show that restored shellfish reefs can reduce incident wave energy and orbital velocities considerably, in particular for relatively high waves in relatively shallow water, and have the potential to be considered in nature-based coastal defense strategies.</p> ARNOLD VAN ROOIJEN, RYAN LOWE, MARCO GHISALBERTI, P.P.S. PANDIAN Copyright (c) 2024 ARNOLD VAN ROOIJEN, RYAN LOWE, MARCO GHISALBERTI, P.P.S. PANDIAN Thu, 02 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Dam-Break Waves Over Rough Beds <p>In the context of today’s climate change, with extreme events becoming more frequent and more intense, highly unsteady flows are a threat that can no longer be ignored in hydraulic and coastal engineering, since these can lead to human casualties and extensive damage. Impulse waves, storm surges, flash floods and tsunamis are among these unsteady flows, with tragic examples in the last years, including the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004, Japan Tohoku in 2011 and Indonesia in 2018. These events showed that a deeper knowledge of the underlying physical phenomena is necessary to ensure safety to people and minimize expenses associated with recovery. Due to rarity and complexity of these flows, experimental approaches are often required and in laboratories unsteady flows can be reproduced using dam-break waves (Ritter 1892, Stoker 1958). However, most laboratory tests are conducted on (unrealistic) smooth inverts, hence rising the question on how the bed roughness affects the propagation and the hydrodynamic properties of these flows. Previous studies, including Dressler (1952), Wüthrich et al. (2019) and Nielsen et al. (2022) provided relevant information, but more research is needed to gain a better understanding. In particular, little knowledge is available on the behaviour of these highly unsteady flows propagating through Rigid Stagged Vegetation (RSV), which is representative of forests and other natural areas surrounding built environments.</p> <p>Based on a large experimental campaign, this research studied the propagation of dam-break waves on rough beds, in the form of various configurations of RSV. Waves were generated in a 14 m long and 0.4 m wide horizontal flume, where a <em>d<sub>0</sub></em> = 0.4 m impounded reservoir was released through the sudden opening of a gate, as shown in Figure 1. The waves propagated in the downstream horizontal flume, where different roughness configurations are installed. More specifically, the study analysed a smooth plywood configuration and 4 Rigid Stagged Vegetation (RSV) configurations (Figure 2), reproduced using nails with various grid densities and lengths, as detailed in Table 1. Tests were conducted on dry bed, as well as on an initial still water level <em>h</em><sub>0</sub>, which ranged between 7.5 and 50 mm (<em>i.e.</em> 0.0188 &lt; <em>h</em><sub>0</sub>/<em>d</em><sub>0</sub> &lt; 0.125). Tests on dry bed were repeated 5 times, while tests on wet bed were repeated 10 times. Data were analysed using ensemble-average values. Six Acoustic Displacement Meters ADM (Microsonic TM mic+35/IU/TC, Dortmund Germany) were used to capture the wave profiles in time as well as the wave front celerity <em>C</em> between various ADMs. In this study only the celerities between ADM 5 and 6 are considered, since at this location the bore was fully developed (Buitelaar 2022). Wave propagation was also documented using videos and SLR high speed photographs.</p> MAARTEN BUITELAAR, DAVIDE WÜTHRICH Copyright (c) 2024 MAARTEN BUITELAAR, DAVIDE WÜTHRICH Mon, 06 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Large-Scale Test Of Extreme Hydrodynamic Conditions Over Coastal Salt Marshes <p>Hard coastal structures such as dikes covered with asphalt or placed block revetments have been widely used in the past for coastal protection in densely populated deltas around the world. Nonetheless, in recent years the effectiveness of hard structures has been questioned in light of the inevitable effects of climate change and their static nature. Decades of research on how salt marshes can play a role within a comprehensive coastal protection scheme suggest that these low environmental impact structures (Maza et al., 2015) might have the capability of dissipating wave energy and hence be technically and formally considered within hybrid coastal erosion and flood protection systems (Borsje et al., 2011). However, only very few studies investigated wave attenuation by real salt marsh vegetation in large-scale laboratories (Ghodoosipour et al., 2022; Maza et al., 2015; Möller et al., 2014) and none of them addressed extreme hydrodynamic design conditions in terms of wave energy and water levels. As a result of this knowledge gap, salt marshes in The Netherlands and all around the world have never been formally considered within the coastal flood protection systems and the underlying risk assessment. With this contribution our aim is to provide an overview of the first worldwide large-scale test focused on the interaction between a salt marsh (i.e. vegetation and shallow foreshore) and extreme hydrodynamic conditions, the adopted measurement techniques and the preliminary results in terms of wave damping, erosion and removed biomass.</p> ALESSANDRO ANTONINI, MARK KLEIN BRETELER, PIM WILLEMSEN, DIMITRIS DERMENTZOGLOU, JOS MULLER, VICTORIA MASON, TJEERD BOUMA, AKIS VOUZIOURIS, PAUL BURING, BAS BORSJE Copyright (c) 2024 ALESSANDRO ANTONINI, MARK KLEIN BRETELER, PIM WILLEMSEN, DIMITRIS DERMENTZOGLOU, JOS MULLER, VICTORIA MASON, TJEERD BOUMA, AKIS VOUZIOURIS, PAUL BURING, BAS BORSJE Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Parametric Analysis Of Wave-Induced Forces And Overtopping On Composite Vertical Breakwaters With Retreated Crown Wall <p>Composite vertical breakwaters are monolithic structures often used to protect port basins, especially in deep-water conditions. At present, the design of these structures is mainly based on Goda's formulae (Goda, 2010) or on the probabilistic design tools (PROVERBS) proposed by Oumeraci et al. (2001), while their hydraulic performance in terms of overtopping can be predicted by using the tools described in the EurOtop Manual (EurOtop Manual, 2018).</p> <p>Due to the size of these structures, the optimization and the improvement of the hydraulic performances (e.g. reduction of wave loads, wave overtopping, etc.) of these breakwaters can lead to significant economic saving. Typically, designers try to make small geometric changes without modifying the main geometrical dimensions of these structures. One of these technical solutions consists in placing the cast-in-situ concrete crown wall at a retreated position with respect to the front caisson face. It is assumed that the retreat of the crown wall, for geometric reasons, induces a time lag between the loads acting on the lower front external seawall face and on the crown wall of the caisson; furthermore, this could introduce a change in the pulsating nature of the loads, introducing also turbulent dissipations, consequently reducing the reflection coefficient and modifying the wave overtopping. To the best authors’ knowledge, in the literature there is a lack of guidelines to consider the effects of crown wall retreat in terms of wave actions and hydraulic performance of the structure. Recently, Romano &amp; Bellotti (2023), based on physical model tests, provided a first experimental insight on the increase/reduction of the wave loads acting on deep water vertical breakwaters with retreated crown wall.</p> MATTEO CENTORAMI, ALESSANDRO ROMANO, CLAUDIA CECIONI, LEOPOLDO FRANCO, GIORGIO BELLOTTI Copyright (c) 2024 MATTEO CENTORAMI, ALESSANDRO ROMANO, CLAUDIA CECIONI, LEOPOLDO FRANCO, GIORGIO BELLOTTI Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Considerations for designing a new wave generator system in an existing flume <p>Van Halteren Technologies Boxtel B.V. (formerly known as Bosch Rexroth B.V.) has designed, manufactured, installed, and commissioned the new electrical driven wave generator system in the existing Large Wave Flume (GWK) at FZK in Hannover.</p> <p>The aim of the replacement was designing a new wave generator system, with optimized performance in the given space in the existing flume, and replace the hydraulics for an electrically driven system.</p> <p>The width and depth of the flume are five and seven meters respectively. The water depth is variable up to five meters. In order to get the most out of the finite length of the flume the space for the wave maker is limited. Given the limited space for the wave maker we had to apply a dry back wave generator system which has the advantage of a rather compact design compared to a wet back wave generator. This also introduced challenges such as a seal system around the moving wave segment at the side walls and floor as well as a compensator for compensating the static force of the variable water depth. The hydrodynamic forces are provided by the electrically driven system.</p> <p>The wave generator has been provided with an Active Reflection Compensation system (ARC) for compensating the reflected waves traveling to the wave segment. This ARC must be capable to handle variable water depths, even when the water depth is changed in order to simulate high and low water conditions.</p> DENNIS BELLETER Copyright (c) 2024 DENNIS BELLETER Wed, 08 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Breakwaters In A Living Environment <p>Breakwaters protecting harbors and coastal areas are key to the economic and social development of many countries, but they are also infrastructures which may result in relevant environmental and social impacts. The construction of new breakwaters in developing countries, together with the dismantling, rehabilitation or repair of old breakwaters in developed countries, should be adapted to the principles of sustainability to produce efficient and resilient systems. Global mean temperatures and sea levels are rising due to climate change, and many environmental variables and numerous ecosystems are evolving. The hypothesis of stationarity, widely assumed in the last century when estimating the wave climate for the design of maritime structures, is now questionable, and new methodologies are required to design breakwaters in this changing environment. Marine life and ecosystems are affected by construction processes and structures, but the interactions are not well known; marine growth and enhanced biodiversity are usually considered positive environmental impacts of most breakwaters but materials, carbon footprint and energy consumption are negative impacts. The two main challenges in breakwater design are (1) to develop sound design methods valid in a changing wave climate and with rising sea levels, and (2) to adapt design guidelines to build-up, to repair and to dismantle breakwaters in a living environment.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> JOSEP R. MEDINA Copyright (c) 2024 JOSEP R. MEDINA Wed, 08 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Vegetation Hydrodynamics To Inform Climate Mitigation And Adaptation <p>Coastal ecosystems, such as seagrass, provide many ecosystem services,&nbsp;including coastal protection and carbon&nbsp;sequestration, which make them an integral part of climate mitigation and adaptation (e.g., Fourqurean et al. 2012). Predicting the value of these ecosystem services requires an understanding of the&nbsp;interaction of fluid motion with&nbsp;vegetation.&nbsp;While seagrass meadows are recognized as global hotspots for carbon storage, the verification of seagrass carbon is complicated by significant heterogeneity. For example, Lavery et al. (2013) reported an 18-fold range in carbon stock across 17 different seagrass habitats (260 to 4800 g C m<sup>-2</sup>). This variability is a major source of uncertainty in assessing carbon stocks, motivating work to understand what drives it. Recent studies have highlighted how hydrodynamic conditions can be an important factor (e.g., Oreska et al. 2017, Novak et al, 2020). In this talk, we consider a combination of modeling and field measurement that explores the influence of wave and current conditions on carbon accretion in seagrass meadows.</p> HEIDI NEPF Copyright (c) 2024 HEIDI NEPF Wed, 08 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Rehabilitation Of The Afsluitdijk <p>The ‘Afsluitdijk’ is a 32 km long dam, which divides the Wadden Sea from the Lake IJssel. The dam has been rehabilitated by increasing the crest level to reduce the wave overtopping and reinforce the armour layers on the seaward and lake side of the dam. The Dutch Ministry of infrastructure and Water Management (Rijkswaterstaat division) commissioned Levvel, a consortium of BAM, Van Oord and Rebel, to carry out this renovation. Rijkswaterstaat encouraged contractors to offer innovative design solutions for the rehabilitation works as the dam is one of the icons in Dutch hydraulic engineering history. Levvel proposed two new armour materials to protect the dam against wave action and reduce the wave overtopping over the crest. A combination of Quattroblocks<sup>®</sup> a product of Holcim Coastal and Levvel-blocs, internationally known as Xblocplus<sup>®</sup> by BAM have both been introduced for the first time for the design of the dam. The application of innovative materials and/or techniques may incorporate uncertainties and because of the Afsluitdijk is one of the primary sea defenses preventing the Netherlands for flooding the contract included requirements for the Contractor to carry out physical model tests on the main failure mechanisms of the dam. Besides the contractual requirements, Levvel also used physical model tests to optimize the armour elements and the geometry of the dam. The verification of the design has been carried out with large scale 2D physical model tests in the Delta Flume of Deltares and small scale 2D model tests have been used to optimize design solutions.</p> COEN KUIPER, EMIEL BOERMA Copyright (c) 2024 COEN KUIPER, EMIEL BOERMA Wed, 08 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000