Kitchen ventilation system design and its effect on restaurant IAQ


  • Kamal Moumen Halton Food Service
  • Nicolas Delporte Halton Food Service



Indoor Air quality, Ventilation, Commercial Kitchen, PM2.5, Health, Thermal Comfort


It is well established that exposure to high level of Particulate Matter (PM), especially smaller particles below 2,5 micron (PM2.5) has a negative impact on health. We also know that cooking is the major contributor to PM levels in dwellings (Jacobs et al, 2016). A recent field study in restaurants (Kulve et al, 2020) also showed elevated levels of PM exposure, exceeding those recommended by World Health Organization (WHO). It is obvious that ventilation systems do not meet the objective of providing good Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in restaurants with high level of PM exposure. This presentation addresses ventilation system design and its effect on PM level in the commercial kitchen setting. The study was conducted in a ventilation laboratory setting using a charbroiler and gas fryers
cooking hamburgers, and French fries. Two types of ventilation hoods were tested as well as two air distribution strategies: mixing and displacement ventilation. The study replicated elevated levels of PM2.5 concentrations with inadequate ventilation design and demonstrated that properly designed ventilation system can protect kitchen personnel from high PM exposure. The study also emphasized the importance of IAQ sensors in restaurants to guarantee adequate performance of ventilation systems.




How to Cite

Moumen, K., & Delporte, N. (2022). Kitchen ventilation system design and its effect on restaurant IAQ. CLIMA 2022 Conference.

Conference Proceedings Volume


Health & Comfort